down but not out.

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So we found out the sex of our two very beautiful babies. And we are having a gender revile party next week. I have not told any one. Only Jay and I know .kenna is so excited to have two new babies to play with. Jay is off playing golf today. So Kenna, sissy ,Molly and I. Are going maternity clothes shopping. At 16 weeks pregnant with twins I look a good 7 or 8 mom's already. Almost half way threw tho. Jay says we have to build on to the house and will take at least two months to complete. He wants to build a new nursery so as not to take away from Kenna's room and play room. .. Rick and Jay have had plans drawn up and are pretty much ready to start. But type has moved in two streets over from us. With his wife and there son .. so Jay and ty have spent a lot of time together. When I finally get my self and Kenna ready. I pick up sissy and Molly. We head out to do some serious shopping. We want to start at the Avenue mall. I need jeans it's cold out side. And tank tops cuz I'm not gonna get to hot .. ugh. I'm roasting two infants on 98.6 or more .. this is so weird but pretty exciting. Molly help me put Kenna and sissy in the double stroller we are off . With much need hot chocolate in hand. I find some super sexy jeans 6 pairs and 10 tops. Two new maternity bras. Lol. Jay will love these nude colored granny bras.. baaahaaa.. so funny. I got my panties at vs tho. Maybe he will like them. .. I must say sex has not been easy this pregnancy!! I feel like I'm due already. And huge. I can't get around as well. .. molly pushes the stroller for me she's been so sweet. And already making me so many baby items. I find a bunch of super cute jump suits and they are from lane Bryant I bought a 3 x. Yeah. I think I might can queeze in those at 9 months. Lol. They are cotton material and super stretchy. So maybe. I pick out 8 tank tops there too. I think I'm set for a while. I decide to buy one jump suit in a x large for the gender party .. I love it !! I see shoes next. Yep need comfortable and safe shoes. I can't see my feet so they must be slip on ... I can't reach them either. Lol. After getting the girls a few new outfits and shoes. We decide we need food. The crepes place yum !!! Molly has spent a lot today too. Her daughter is super spoiled. But she is with her grandparents in Florida for two weeks. And Molly's baby is with her sister. She's kid free today. Lol. After food we need to slow our row for a bit. We decided to sit outside on a bench in this fresh cool breeze and watch these men working on some painting ... they are great .. Kenna says I want him to paint me mommy. So I let sissy and Kenna get there painting.. it's very late afternoon and I just think I'm running out of steam. I take molly home and sissy home. And me and Kenna head home. Kenna says mom. I need a milk shake. I laugh. We pull in sonic and grab a few pineapple creme slushies... Jay loves these too .. as we wait on them to be delivered . I call Jay. Hey my love. Hey says heeewy. But sounds like he's in pain. What's wrong Jay. He says I twisted my ankle. Me and ty are at the E R ... Oh wow. U ok. Yes. They gave me some pain medication just now ... OK. Do I need to come get u. .. no. Ty is here. I'm ok. .. hello. Hey melanie. It's ty. Hey ty .. Jay just laid down he's feeling the meds.. typically is laughing. Oh brother. This is gonna be fun .. ty says I got him girl don't u worry. I'll have him home to u soon. Oh ok. Thank u so much ty.. no problem... two hours later Kenna is in her warm bed clothes clean and sleeping so good. I love her so much. I take all the bags of new stuff to the living room. And start removing all tags and stuff. I'm gonna wash these beauties tonight. .. I have to work tomorrow.. so can't stay up too late. .. ty is almost Carrying Jason in the house I laugh as I hold open the front door. They hobble over to my chair. And Jay falls in said Chair. He looks like he's been shot with a tranquilizer .. his eyes are way back. Lmao. I love this man. Ty says you anything man. Jay don't move. Ty looks up at me and says can u handle this pregnant momma. I say I hope so. .. I can't lift him he might have to pee in a bucket .. we both laugh. Ty says ok. I gotta get home. But if u need any help. Please call me. I hug him and he leaves. I put two warm blankets over Jay and prop his foot up high. I call Rick... he's here in 30 mins ... Kenna is sleeping and I'm clean and comfortable folding laundry. Rick says what did the doc say. Jay is more alert now. Jay says I tore several ligaments and I need to stay off of it for 6 weeks. Rick says dude. We gotta build a nursery. And u gotta work to pay for it. Jay says I know dad . I'll be fine in a few days. ... Rick says u can work in office till ur better. And u got enough friends can help start building get the nursery. They will be here Thursday to pour the slab ... OK. Jay says. Rick knows his son is in pain and just don't care right now. .. Jay says I have to piss... Rick helps Jay out of the chair and up on the crutches .. this is fun to watch. Rick helps him to the hall bathroom. And I hear Jay says come on dad don't leave me now. I need u to hold it. .. Rick says I don't think so son ... we all laugh. Jay says baby come here. I walk past Rick who is now staring in Kenna's room. I shit the door and watch Jay try to undo his pants. I help him. And when he's dressed I tell Rick here ya go. ... Rick says dude what are u gonna do when I leave. Jay says I need a bucket. I lol. ...
Three days later my husband who is such a whiney sulker.. is pouting in my chair. Jay don't like to sit too long. But the crutches are making his arms hurt. He's not a happy camper these days. But he does hold Kenna in his lap and read and play games with her. .. she loves that.

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