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Sitting on this cold table I explain to my doc my dilemma... he says we will go down to ultrasound right now. As she's rolling the mic over my belly she says I was told ud like the weeks stamped on the pic. Yes ma'am.. OK. Well it looks to be 4 weeks .. I burst into tears !! Full on sobs. Tammie says. It's Jay's? Yes ... I cry. Oh thank God... Tammie I cry as I sit up. Kenna says mommy what's that ... nothing baby. I can't tell her till I know for sure I'm gonna stay pregnant this time. I talk to the doc for an hour. When we leave I drop Tammie off at her house she keeps Kenna. I drive to Jay's job .. I see him sitting in a chair. He looks down right done. Depressed ... I pull the pics out and hand them to him. He looks up at me. He says 4 weeks ? Yes I smile. Stands up and hugs me so tight. !!!! He has to sit back down. Wow. He was worried .. dam my stupid self ..
That night at the dinner table. I explain I dont wanna tell anyone yet. Just till we know.. Jay says ok. Baby. He's happy. He finally knocked me up again. Lol. That night in bed. Jay says I think we should wait to have sex for a while to. I look up at him I'm mad but we'll dammit I have to puke. ... Jay runs with me. 30 mins later I'm clean teeth brushed and back in bed ... I'm exhausted. We sleep ...

Well 12 weeks later ... we are at the doc office. Me and Jay. Dr . Homsi is examining me and says how u been feeling Mel. I say I'm good a Lil tired... but I'm ok ..he smiles.. he says taking the prenatal vitamins. Yes sir .. he says good girl. Plenty of water !! Yes sir . He says I wanna do the sec ultrasound today. I ask is everything okay? He smiles no worries !! Yes I think it's great. But he came to the ultrasound room with me this is odd. He's not done this. OK I'm scared .. he's smiling too hard tho. Wth? I'd going on. .. the tech..days yes sir.. I'm looking at the screen and back at Jay. I'm nervous... dr.homsi says melanie Jason. How would u like to double ur order .. I look up very confused ... Jay looks like he can't understand... the tech says see. We look but ok come on we don't get this ink blob... Dr. Say it's twins. I swear I saw Jay almost pass out. The Dr. Gave Jay a chair. I stare at the screen and see the two circles... in the same sac... we are explained to that they are identical twins and we would know the sex in 6 weeks ... OK. Jay has not took his hands off me. When we get in the car. Jay holds me so close. He's in tears again ... wow. I'm in shock. I can't have one clear thought. Two babies at once. ...
We eat lunch and Jay has not stop smiling yet. He's so dam happy. Wow. I feel stuck on stupid!!! I can't have any thoughts. I just eat ... a lot. Lol ....Jay ask can we please have a back yard hoot Nanny and invite everyone to tell them we are pregnant WITH TWINS !!! Yes Jay..

The next weekend. The hoot Nanny. I think imma need to hire a nanny !!! I'm standing out side with Kenna on my hips. Jay walks over and says come here to daddy bug. I look at him. With the eyes that say I can and will continue to hold my daughter. He smiles. When everyone is sitting down to eat. Jay says we have a surprise dessert this evening. As he's wheeling out two cakes with huge silver lids over them. Everyone is watching. Jay lifts the lid and it's a baby shaped cake. They all look no at me ... surprise!!! Every is like ur having a baby. Jay holds up his finger and says wait for it. .. he lifts the other kids like hudinni.. another baby cake. Everyone looks confused. Rick says two baby cakes Jay is smiling from ear to ear... he's waiting when Tammie jumps up and says twins and bust out laughing. ... she was joking. I shake my head yes !!! They all Freak out. No way. . Yep!! Everyone is so happy. And asking all the same questions when how far along do we know the sex yet. Sam pulls me over to the side. He looks in my eyes ... I say what Sam? He says are they his ? I say yes. He says u sure. U can't keep a lie like that. Sam they are his. .. OK says Sam. He hugs me .. Congrats Mel. .. thanks. After the party I'm beat and ready for a shower and my bed .. as I walk in my room. My phone rings. Jay is still outside. I don't know this number. .. hello. Hey melanie. .... ...... Hey. I hear ur pregnant. Yes I am is it .. no. It's not. Are u sure. Yes. I'm 12 weeks. I did the math. Oh ok... I'm sorry I just had to know. No its no problem. So ur gonna stay with him. Yes. OK bye ..

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