Chloe is here

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McKenna wakes up and we light the candles on her birthday cake !! They sparkle !! Awwww. She blows so light .her Lil lips puckered up .she's so cute mark is taking the pictures! ! He says I got it .. Rick says let me have my granddaughter! She throws her arms up at him .. he smiles so big . She does too. We open all the gifts. So many toys !! Rick says well my gift is perfect then. .. as Jay and Keith bring around this huge wooden toy box .it is massive ! It has this thing in the top like a air pressure thing so the lid will not shut with out an adult . I love the safety features! ! It is padded on top like for a seated window seat . I love this !! I mean I love it. I tell Rick ur the best !! There is several toys in it already from Rick and mom . Mom is holding McKenna .I look at mark .he says on it doll. He's taking pics of mom and Kenna .. I'm cleaning up the paper and mess. Everyone is sitting up by the house molly zare and I are cleaning up the back yard .. I wanna go see about Tam . it's been 4 hours. I text sam .?? He says she's about to push .. she was 8 cm. When we got here .. I tell everyone I have to go right now. Zare says I'll drive !! I kiss McKenna and Jay. . I run out the door I'm praying for them the whole way there ... when we arrive 45 mons later I text sam what room ? He says 207 .. I run !! Zare can't keep up .. when I get to the room they wouldn't let me in at first. They said she's pushing now. .. I text sam. Let me in the room. He opens the door I walk straight to Tammie and grab her hand I'm here I'm here .. Tammie says I love you .. I say I love you too..the doc says it's time we are gonna push on 3 .. I lift Tammie up she's tired .. I tell her Tammie u can do this ! She says I'm tired .. we cry I tell her TAMMIE get up we are gonna a do this !! She shakes her head yes .. I lift her up and I tell her chin to chest push down hard really hard Tammie come on. A few secs later Chloe is screaming loud .Tammie lays back I tell her we did it .u did it. .she's here . I look over at Chloe she perfect . Sam is at her side . All has calmed down I'm crying hard Tammie is crying hard. Sam is crying hard .. I look up and thank god ! They hand Tammie her daughter and Tammie is happy . Happier then I've ever seen her. .. I hug sam and say congrats daddy. It's truly amazing huh . He says yes. The friendship you two have is beyond me .. yall are so good for each other. I was worried my daughter wasn't gonna cone out ! And here u come . And Tammie is different for you . She had give up Melanie . She wasn't even pushing .. Sam says ! He's serious. I say Tammie and I will always be here for each other. Always . We both turn and Tammie is sobbing over this beautiful baby. She lifts her to me. I take Chloe and I kiss her face and love her so .. I'm in love with her immediately! My two best friends in this whole world just brought a baby to life. And I love her triple the amount of love I have for all three of us. This is BFF on levels u can't even imagine. Tammie and Sam are hugging and kissing . I sit down with Chloe and I tell her I'm ur mimi and I love u ! And I'm gonna be ur favorite and I'm gonna spoil u beyond words but most of all I'm gonna love you so much. Two hours later I have to make myself leave. I hug them and tell Tammie call me .she says Thank you So much. I love you . I love you too girl . Zare and IL walk to the car . Wow .that was amazing .zare I helped her give birth wow !! And have u ever loved someone so much .that uses there baby and u just know u love them triple. ..she says McKenna . I smile. Wow . Zare says let's eat ! I say yes. We sit in chili's and we munch down. We talk about Chloe, McKenna , the wedding , the party ! Today has been an event !! She looks at me she says I saw matt hugging you when Tammie was leaving .. I know yall been hanging out a lot with him and his family. I look at zare . I was falling apart I was scared for my friend. He was just hugging me as a friend. Nothing more I promise. She says don't hurt Jay again Melanie please . Zare I'm NOT . I swear .

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