blast from the past

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Jay walked up as Matt was standing .. Matt says hey man what's up ? Jay says hey man how are ya. Matt says I'm great . Jay says what's this as he takes the box from my hand and opens it. Jay is stunned . He says wow man that's nice. Thanks. I'm sure Kenna loves it .. I'm watching these to men be way to cordial to one another .. they hate each other . I look up at Matt and say thank you Matt can I get you a drink or some food cake ? Matt says yes ma'am. I walk toward the tent Jay hasn't moved .. I turn back to him come on Jay. He says I'm gonna stay and watch Kenna and sissy .. I look at him ..he smiles. . I walk on. As I enter the very empty tent. I begin to make Matt a plate of food. I ask him if he would like soda or southern blend tea. He says tea.. I can't really look him in the eyes so I just stare at the food. Thinking I know what he likes ..I hand him the plate when it's full ..and I pick up a plate and make him some cakes and ice cream. Matt loves ice cream .. there are 4 kinda ice creams in small clear cups in this deep freeze type looking thing. I picked out the mint chocolate chip .. he smiles as to say u remember. . There is a table very close to the food table I set his drink and stuff down. He sits down. And I walk back to the drink table and pour myself some southern blend tea .it's delicious! ! I pick up a few chocolate covered strawberries and put them on a plate .. like 6 of them. Lol. Matt likes these too .. I sit down across from him and pick at the strawberries. . Matt is eating. He looks up and says only for u .. I look up from my plate a few times .. and finally say what ? He says I'm eating because I know u get mad when I don't ... I smile ..oh OK. I say. Yes eat my boss made this food .it's great . He says it is .. I eat the strawberries and drink my tea .. Matt looks up but don't look pleased ..I see marrissa at the drink stand. She turns and says Mel Ethan wanted to know if he can play with Kenna new ball and mitt .. I says of course! Yes girl. She looks at Matt he looks up at her and says hi..she says not today ! He laughs .. I look confused .. marrissa Says imma get that for ethan.. she walks away . I look at Matt with my question face ..he says I caught her getting high the other night. . I say oh .. he says yeah she said the stress of being a single mom had gotten to her .. I look down . He says it's OK mel... I look up at him ..Matt why did u come here ? U know Jay is gonna say something stupid . Matt says do u want me to leave. u want me to never ever see u or Kenna again ? I look at him my sad eyes ..I say no . That's not what I want .. Matt says but that's what u want me to do right. Forget about you . Never ever look back .. I stare in his eyes. . No Matt I can't say that .. because I can't do that to Ethan. He's a very special part of my life. I love ur son.. he smikes.. he says I love you and Kenna . I'm never gonna just disappear. I'll always come back .. unless u say u want me to leave and never come back .. Matt pops some cake in his mouth .. he's looking at met hard .. I say Matt I'm never gonna say that to u . Ever. He smiles. I smile. . I see zare walk in with Kenna .. zare is saying Mel. She's firstyyy. Zare is in shock when she sees Matt and i eating together. Zare says wow Matt u will never learn huh? In a very hateful voice .. Matt smiles at her ..she's not smiling back she's mad .. Matt looks at Kenna and says hey cutie can is make u some punch and maybe mommy will let u have extra ice cream I mean it is ur day .. Matt is taking Kenna from zare .. I'm watching as I see zare wants to punch Matt . Kenna wraps her arms around mats neck and is hugged to him tight .. Kenna say I want strawberry ice cream ..Matt walks to the I've cream stand freezer thing . I look back at zare ..she says Mel this has to stop at some point !! U can not keep doing this. U have to pick one !! Jay walks up behind me and says she did. ..when she said I do .. it's OK zare.. it's fine . I told Matt he was invited .. we all look at Jay .. he smiles .. Jay says we are apart of Ethan life. And Kenna needs to know her uncle Matt loves her ..

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