family friends and old ghost

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McKenna is a month old today and it's warmed up outside more .. about 70 degrees during the day about 60 at night .. Jay has invited family and friends over for a cook out and bomb fire !! We have a big pit built by Jay and Rick . I've gotten all done up today and McKenna is so cute she can fit her leggings with the ruffle cuffs at the bottom . So cute !! I have her hair done up like pebbles bow in the center of her head . Awwww!!!! She's in her swing when people begin to arrive. I'm gonna try to keep them outside for the most part ... McKenna just fell a sleep . I bought a wood sign that hangs on the front door it says. If you wake my baby I will hurt you . It's cute and accurate! All the woman come in and stare at McKenna I tell them she don't do any tricks yet . Still working on that .. they laugh .. Jay ask me to come to the bedroom for a min.. I ask Tammie hey watch ur niece .. she says yes ma'am and sits in my chair next to her . I walk in the bedroom and Jay pulls me in his arms and we are again the wall .. he kisses me very passionate!!! Wow. I think . He says I love you baby . I say I love you too. He says u promise? I say yes sir. He laughs .. he says ur mine . Ur mine and is kissing my neck.. he says ur gonna be mad. As he's kissing my chest .. I push him up .. why? He says cuz Matt his wife and there kid is here I guess the super confused look told him I was not happy . He says I saw him at marks the other day and told him they should stop by. We was cooking out .. I didn't think he would but well they are here .. I say Jay why would u. ..he says cuz u show me how to be the bigger man. And at one time him and I were friends. So let's see if we can be .. after all that .. he says I deal with Sam . Maybe it won't be so bad ... I say then I'll try to be nice too .he says. Good. I like u nice .. I smile . Jay kiss me a few more times .. we walk back in the living room and I see Matt's wife walking in the house with her son on her shoulder . He's a sleep Jay runs to hold the door for her . She says Thank you ! Jay smiles his drop dead gorgeous smile at her and I could swear this hoe just blushed. Jay is still holding the door and Matt walks in my house! !! He's here. I look at Tam who has seen a ghost from my relationship past and is about to expire. I smile at her . She gives me the wtf? Stare. I tell marrissa to please have a seat girl how are u ? She's all happy and smiling .. I'm good .she says how are u ? all chipper! I'm good . Just getting adjusted. She says omg she's beautiful. I say thank u . Tammie hasn't figured it out . And Sam is smiling too big. I'll throat punch him . We are all talking for a few minutes and pass on pleasantries. When McKenna wakes .. I take my daughter out of her swing ...Matt will not take his eyes off me !! I can see and feel his eyes .. I make McKenna a bottle and feed her .. while I'm sitting in my chair feeding my daughter ..Matt says she's the most adorable baby .. I look at him hard .. because others are talking and they didn't hear him .. especially his wife !! Jay has been outside cooking with mark and zare is making stuff in the kitchen . It's me ,Tammie ,Marissa, molly , her man, sam, matt, Ty's woman , and tosha in the living room area . Marissa has to change her son .. I tell her she can use McKenna changing table .. she does .. Matt looks at me and says Thank u . I say no problem. Tammie says we need to get more diapers out of McKenna 's room .. as I have my baby on my shoulder burping her. I'm pulled to my kids room .. Tammie shuts the door explain! ! She yells in hushed tones ... I laugh. I explained it all and I've changed McKenna diaper. We return to the living room and Jay says there u are. . He takes his daughter he says I washed my hands as i Eye him. I say good. He's kissing her face... she's keeping her eyes open a lot more now. So she's looking at Jay with a partial smile. I ask marrissa and Matt if they'd like a drink . They follow me. I make all three of us a drink . Marissa says you have a beautiful home ! I say thank u . Matt says it's very homey! I laugh. I've always liked things to be country warm . That's my style .he shakes his head yeah ..

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