no hope for us .

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Matt is very passionate. He takes this sex to another level , I feel like I'm in chains , like I couldn't stop this . It's a train full speed a head .. I'm lost in the affection he gives and I'm so lonely here a world away .. he is really giving his all to this but the affect I get from him is not even comparable to Jay . I wonder what these text will say .. Matt is done .. and he's laying beside me he's panting hard. He's so adorable. . And he's right back at the affection .. he kisses me a lot and rubs my body. It's making me feel emotional. I'm so in need of this .. he says hey. How is the tat? I say I can't really see it . He says turn on the light and I'll look at it .. I turn on the side lamp and he's looking at it closely. . He says wow its all healed up. It looks good. He rubs it. Is it still sore it's fine . He says yes it is. I like it a lot . He says hold on imma take a pic for the book. He grabs his phone and takes a few pics. He puts his phone down and rubs me every where. ..when I wake its cold . Matt has turned over and slept on the other side of the. Bed .and took most of the covers .. I look over on the side table and see my phone. I wanna read those so bad . I can't till Matt leaves tho .. I'm gonna cry I know ..I get up to go pee and Matt didn't wake, dam boy sleeping aintcha ?? Ugh get out. I have things to do .. and your not on today's list .. I sit down on the bed and Matt finally rolled over he says what time is it. ..7 am. He sits up I gotta go he says good . U do that . I think .. he pulls me over on top of him and he kisses me , he says I had fun last night. I smile .. me too. He says get off me now I really gotta go. He laughs. I roll off him and hit the bed . I'm still very naked .. he's staring at me while he dressed ... he's smiling the whole time .. I close my eyes as he's move to my face. He kisses me and says I'm sry I have to run. I wanna see u later is that possible? Yes . Of course .. he's gone . And I see the flowers on the floor and the wine on the chair. ..he didn't care two shits for that. Huh. Lol .. I grab my phone jay: this is just the first of many baby please do not respond. If u ever did love me do not text back .. jay:ok first and foremost I miss you very much like u have no idea . I've been sad before ..but this is to another degree. I can't talk to u on the phone because hearing ur voice would kill me . You've been my life for two yrs. And I do love you .so much. Ur the first girl I've ever fallen in love with. .and I hope I never ever fall in love again. I don't want love. It hurts way too much . I'm done with this shit. If I ever recover from us . I'll never go threw this again . Jay; I'm sry for the way I ended things. I really am I. Knew I wasn't gonna be able to wait on you. I love sex . U know this . And 8 weeks was asking to much of me. I've been talking to a girl for a few days now. I feel nothing. But well.. u get it. I'm not saying this to hurt u in anyway .. I'm just stating the facts .. jay: melanie please know what we had was real. It wasn't head games . It wasn't just sex with u . I hope u felt it when we were together. .I did . You were the one. It ! But I have to go with what I feel in my heart . And I truly believe if u had loved me the way I love you , you couldn't have left. It would have been impossible. I'm sry I truly feel this way. I love you Melanie . I do I think I will always love you and I want the very best for u. Jay: I want you to be happy ! I mean that. I'm not mad anymore. .i don't hate you. , and if we happen to see each other when u get back home and i get back .. I want us to be nice to each other. I wanna remember the good .

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