we prepare for double trouble

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Two hours later. Tammie and Kenna are back with so many groceries and two big boxes of barbecue.. yum. Tammie says I made southern blend tea .. awwww. I love this girl. We go to the dinner table. And I help her make plates. Kenna says I got chicken .. Tammie reaches in the bag and get her plate out. She's got chicken strips sweet potatoes and green beans. I say yum. I cut it all up for her and shes eating very good. Jay is eating like he's starving. I laugh. He can eat so much food. Dam .. but I'm getting that way now. Doc says I've gained 30 lbs already. Ugh. I make a huge plate !! I love tops... I cut all mine up and begin eating Jay is done. Wow. He hops back to the couch. He tell Kenna daddy is gonna watch the monsters movie. Kenna loves that movie. Too funny. He says I'll set it up but u have to eat .. she fished all her food. She runs to daddy. I'm done. ..Jay says mommy did she make a happy plate. I say yes sir... he starts the movie. .. Kenna grabs her blanket off the couch. They are so sweet .. I clean up the house. Tammie helps. Jay keeps making his pain face when he moves his ankle. Kenna says I sorry daddy. He smiles no baby u didn't do it. OK daddy. Can we go get sissy ... Jay says not today. Hun. We can this weekend.... Kenna has her sad lip out. ... Jay says u know it's gonna really hard when I have 4 of yall with ur sad lips out. Kenna says u did it. I laugh till I cry .. wow. 4 ladies !!! Lmao. Jay gives me the evil eye. ... Jay says too much ... I give him my sad lip. He says come here. I walk over to my gorgeous husband. I kiss his forehead he says. No more sad lip till those Lil girls are out. Hear me ? I say yes daddy. He laughs. Tammie and I gossip and do laundry. I tell her I have to take leave from my job again.. Jeff is gonna fire me ! She says the doc say so. Yes. Melanie at home for 4 mons wow. . I give her the look .. I'm not happy but it's OK... I'm just glad school is about out for Kenna. Cuz doc said I can't drive after next month... ugh. Tammie is like oh lord. U poor thing. I shake my head yes. You have to be here to help me girl. I tell Tam... she says I will. Good ..

Two weeks later as I'm eating breakfast and listen to the sound of a saw in my yard as the men are building the nursery ... that's a lot of noise. Ugh. And my house has a huge whole in it. Construction site. I decide I'm not gonna get to drive my suv much longer I need to get out this house today. I need to shop heavily .. I call the troops. Tammie, zare ,Kammie, Molly, we need a u haul. Lol. I order one on line .. we set out.. I kiss my husband who is hanging off the side of my house shirtless and sweating. Omg !!! That man. Wow. He says stop oogggling me .. I say never. He smiles .. I've gotta get Kenna some new toys. And lots of food. We go to Sam's. Rick gave me the company card. Whoa. He said go nuts. He don't know. Tammie and I decide we need lots of food that will not go bad .. because I'm not gonna be shopping for a long time after these Lil monkeys get here .. we get 20 bottles of washing powder and Downey. And 7 boxes of dreft. Enough food to last a yr.. lol. We fill that u haul up!! We shopped all day. Many stores. And many pit stops for food. Lol. Kenna is so happy. She got a bunch of new art supplies and toys and stuff for the babies. I've gotten all the diapers wipes bottles Binkies... clothes blankets socks towels. I just need two cribs. Two swings two of everything. I think ill need a bigger house for sure. .. Jay and I did decide we were gonna change the house up some. Redecorate somethings. I've been online a lot. I save a lot that way. Over stock. .. clearance! When we arrive home that night my husband looks at me like wow u spoiled but .. I shake my head yes. It took them two hours to get it all in the house. Now Tammie and I have to organize the closets and food pantry so it will all fit. That might take a few days. Jay says sit down now. Take a load off. U need to rest melanie. I sit down. Jay gives me 3 bottles of water. Wow. I'll pee every 10 secs.. no rest.. lol Tammie is a sleep on my couch. When her sister shows up with her two kids Chloe and Abby. Sit with me rubbing my belly. Mimi when can we hold the babies. Soon. I promise. Just like 2 and half mons . They are happy. Kenna says come on let's go paint .. they are off to the play room. All the noise has stopped. So that's done for today. Yay! And that means my husband will take a shower and sit with me while he smells so dam good. And is so warm. Ughhhh. I miss actually being naked with my husband. .. sad lip... Jay says dad will u watch the girls. I need to talk to my wife ... we go to our room. Jay shuts the door and walk me to the bed. He says lay on ur side. I need to spoon my wife. I lay down on my side and Jay is behind me. After caressing me for 10 mins he finally pulled my pants down and was in ... he's barely doing this. The doc Said we could have sex up till 30 weeks. But no O sad lip ... but I know we both need this contact. .. Jay pulls out quick. He can't do that either it can bring it premature labor .. ugh. I want my body back now. And I want my husband to fuck me silly !!!!! Sad sad sad lip!!!!!! Jay says come on I'm gonna bath u . We step in the shower and Jay holds my and and one hand behind me. I love him. I stand there as Jay is washing me with the soapy rag .. it feels good ... when he get to my belly he sets the rag down and uses his hands. He's rubbing my very big belly and talking to our daughters. Whom of which we have not named yet .. Jay says hey there daddy's girls. How are yall. Mommy been jiggling yall around all day. He looks up at me over say they like it . He gives me the eyes ... the sexy smoldering omg eyes. I kiss him . He says mommy is a horny Lil toad .. I'm a frog now. Yesterday I was a hungry truck driver. Dam hunny. Jay says. Ur nit getting more then u did tonight for mons. So stop treating me like a piece of meat .. he put his sad lip out .. Jay's sad lip could cure world peace !!! But it would be serious wet lands every where. Lol ... he's got the sexiest puffy lips ever. Omg wow. I need help.

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