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Matt and I hang all over each other in the crystal blue water. It's so beautiful here. The water is perfect. Matt is so dam gorgeous and loving. He hasn't took his hands off me .. he keeps kissing me. After we played for a while he says are u ready to go to dinner doll ? I say yes. I didn't eat lunch. So I'm hungry. We walk up the sand to our room there is this thing. It looks like a spin broom. U dust the sand off ur feet on it. .. it feels funny but it's soft. We walk in the room and Matt closes the doors and the sheers. He walks to the bathroom and turns on the shower. He takes my hand he says u wanna. I say yes. We step in the shower together. An hour later we are almost ready to leave. Matt says dinner is served at 6pm according to this Lil guide sheet. I look up from the mirror. Matt says I'm not rushing u baby doll. I smile. I look at the the clock. It's 20 till 6 ... I'm ready tho. I have a super cute sun dress on with sandles .. Matt says wow. Ur so beautiful.. and I really like this ... dress. I say what. He says nothing. I love it. We walk to the other side of this place. And I see all the tables lite with candles and lots of tiki torches all around its so Hawaii themed. Awesome. It's a buffet style. So we make our plates and sit down. Matt makes our drinks. Wine.. this teriyaki chicken is so good. The fruit taste fresh off the vine. .. there is a band playing . And Matt has not looked away from me for even a sec. .. he leans in and says I love you. I say I love you too. I kiss his cheek. We finish our meal. And we walk down the peer.. we sit with our feet in the water. We talk for a few. When we walk back by the band. Matt says dance with me. We slow dance .. it so romantic and sweet. Matt is holding me so close. It's so good. When the song is over we walk back to our room. We sit outside at the table an smoke. Matt opens both doors and the sheers flap in the wind. It's so beautiful.. I can hear the water swishing. This is the most relaxing place. I turned my phone off when I pulled in the parking lot. I'll turn it back on Sunday when I leave. .. Matt walks in the room and is lighting candles. He's pulled the covers back and removed his shoes. I walk in the room. He pulls me in his arms and hugs me so tight. I pull him on top of me on the bed. He kisses me so sweetly. He moves the hair off my forehead and looks in my eyes. He says I'm so happy. Me too I say. He says u look happy. I am. He looks so deep in love. .. he says I want you. I shake my head yes. .. he sits up on his knees and pulls me up. He climbs off the bed walks over and closes the doors. Turns off the outside light. I can see the moon light .. he walks back over to me and un zips my dress. It falls to the floor. He takes my bra off and my panties. He takes his clothes off as I climb in the bed.
Matt is being so sweet. Rubbing me so softly and kissing me every where.
When he's inside me it feels so good. Like so good. I tell him. It feels so good , in this rushed whisper tone. He looks in my eyes and says yes it does. He's moving so slow. I feel emotional all the sudden. I love this man. Tears fall. He says what baby what's wrong. I say nothing. I'm so in love with u. He holds me. He says I've been in love with u for so long. I shake my head yes .. he moves and my head go's back so hard. He pulls out and go's down .. he's never ever done this to me. ... it feels so dam good. I run my fingers threw his hair. And I cum so dam hard. It felt like waves of the ocean. It was so deep. He's back inside me moving a Lil quicker now. And it's so so dam good. Matt says I love you ... I pant I love you too. He's done. He will not let me move. He's still on top of me. Kissing my face my neck my chest. He says. Wow. This has been the best night of my life. I smile. I shake my head yes. We fall a sleep.
When I wake Matt is kissing my belly. .. he looks up at me. He says good morning baby doll. I smile. Wow I slept so good. Matt says me too. He's smiling so hard. We roll around in the bed for while making out.
When we are at breakfast Matt says u look so content happy. Calm. I like u like this. I smile. This food is Devine. Matt says what do u wanna do today. I say ur in charge. .. he raises his eye brows at me. I smile. He says ok. An hour later we are sitting in the hot tub. Laid back completely relaxed. Drink some fruity Lil slush type thing. It's beautiful! Nice day too. This place is so perfect. Matt says they are coming to give us a massage in about 20 mins. I look at him. He says it will be nice. And I want u relaxed. I say Matt. If I get anymore relaxed u will have to carry me. He says I'd carry u. He kisses me. A lot. And says let's get dried off. We walk inside the room and take off our swim wear.. Matt says ok u can not do that anymore. I look around what. What did I do. He walks up close. U took ur clothes off. He whispers I can't control myself. I giggle. He gives me the eyes. .. they are settling up the massage tables on the patio. Matt says towel only. I shake my head yes. I've done this before at the spa. . Matt has the towel around his waist... dam his body is insane. Help my scared squeekie voice. Lol. We lay down and whoa this is next level ... an hour later we lift off the table.. we walk straight to the bed and fall asleep. .. we wake 3 hours later. And go swimming!! We meet a couple and talk with them for a while. But Matt didn't want to share me. We had such fun. But we have to get ready for dinner. We are starving. Dinner was so dam good. The band was good. And we danced Matt spinning me around and dip me .. we laughed so hard. And I ran from him down the sand. He chase me and said stop. I look up. He says u been running from me for yrs... I say nope. .. as I move quick. He says I'll catch u and drown u in this water. I say u have to catch me first . I giggle... he gives me the eyes like don't do it. I run. He catches me and is holding me Dips my head close to the water. He says u want me too. I say Baptise me ... he says u need Jesus.. I say yes I do. He dunks me . I'm in shock. He's laughing. I grab him and try so hard to push him in the water. He's like a brick wall. He didn't budge. So I swim out far away. He's watching me. He says come back to me baby. I say u come to me. .. he says I have my clothes on. I say take them off. He smiles. He says come here .. I say come on play with me. He says u wanna play. I say yes !! He takes his shirt off and throws it on the sand. . He walks out a few feet and is under the water. I can't really see him now. He comes up under me. I squeek... he laughs. He pushes me under the water. I say ur gonna really drown me .. he says never. I wouldn't know what to do with out u .. he kisses me .. I push him away. He says melanie. I come back to him immediately.. he says don't leave me. His face is so sad. I kiss him so hard. Full on .. he lifts me to him and I wrap my legs around him. He holds my ass with one hand and has the other hand on my cheek. He says I can't understand why we can't be together. I look down. He says did u mean it when u said ur in love with me. I look in his eye and say yes very much so. He says. I wanna be ur husband. . I want u to be my wife. I hold him so tight. . He holds me ..

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