she has a name !

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When I walk in our room with Jay hand and hand with me . I shut the door. Jay looks at me. He says we gonna celebrate now ? He's raising his eye brows .. as he's got my back tint he wall.. I say soon my husband to be .. he's got the biggest smile. . I say no. I wanted to tell u something. He says ok .. I say come sit with me .. we sit down on the bed. I look at him ,tears in my eyes , I say Jay I've had two very emotional conversations . With two people that I love and respect very much. And I had to make sure that they would be OK with what I'm about to tell you. . Jay looks worried . Jay I've come up with a name for our daughter this makes me cry hard . Jay says hey its OK. I say no. Listen to me. He says ok . Jay ur mom's name is kendra and I wanted our daughter to have her name in some way . I really like the name McKenna and my middle name is Marie. And Tammie middle name is Marie . So I wanna name her McKenna marie Rykard . Jay says I love it . I look at him ,really Jay ? I'm still crying . He says yes Melanie I love it. . Thank you. I say ur dad and ur grandpa love it too. He smiles . He says I love you . I say I love you too. We join our family and friends, I didn't see grandpa till this very moment. I run over to him and hug him tight. I'm so happy for you sweetie. He says. And I cry. Thank you . I say. .. wow everyone is here . Even sam . I'm sitting on the patio chaise, feet up with another plate of food in my lap. Zare and mark are talking to me as I shovel food in. Jay walks out the house with my blanket . He says it's getting cool out here .. I say oh baby thank you. He covers me up as I hold my plate up .. every one is awwww ing. I smile . Don't be jealous! I say. Or do its OK. He's mine . Jay laughs , for life he says .. we all laugh . I'm stuffed and sleepy. And I have my blanket. . So yep I fell a sleep . I wake up to Jay laying behind me everyone is still right here all 60 people around us. Talking and laughing some eating and drinking. Jay has his hand on my belly he says she's kicking ! Zare and Tam run over. .they have there hand on my belly. ..they are so happy. And McKenna is kicking so hard . They laugh. Jay says she mad she ain't got no room to move in this tiny belly . Zare says she will get bigger.. just wait Zare says and every pound u gain takes three times as long to lose as it does to put it on. . So watch it .. I laugh . I say I need food now . Jay says I'll get it .. they laugh .. Jay has gotten up and is at the buffet table making food . I have to pee. When I walk out the kitchen I see grandpa in a huge recliner chair . He's got a blanket on him it looks like mine .. it's the same one .just different colors. He's awake . I walk over to him and sit beside him . I tell him we went shopping for McKenna a few days ago . He smiles so big . I know he likes to spoil her already and Rick has said let him it's his happy place . So I know I am gonna talk his ear off about all she has . I tell him about the tutu that Bea got her and the shoes. Grandpa says this baby girl will want for nothing ever. She will be spoiled and loved . I say yes sir. As I tear up . He says you Jay and McKenna will be very happy . I say yes we will. We both smile. Mom says you need to get some sleep here take this as she hands him his meds. He says she's a tuff nurse . He smiles. I whispered, try being her child ... he laughs . He's off to bed .and I. Walk out to my man. Jay puts his arm round me . He says I made u food . But I saw u talking . So i ate it .. he laughes... I say I was telling grandpa about her clothing we got her .. Jay says we are not telling anyone her name.. I say ok ..Tammie looks at me.. I wink

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