home sweet home

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It's been a month we have just now moved in to our home . There were some unforseen complications that had to be tended too. And the painting took two weeks. But today we are sitting in our home looking around at all the boxes and things that have to be put in the right rooms. Jay made sure that our bedroom was out together first and for most .. he says my wife is 8 mons pregnant she has to have her bed .. so our bedroom looks perfect. We got a new bedroom suit it's beautiful slay bed all dark wood .nice big TV on the wall . a huge dresser with lights in the top. Yes our room is warm and comfy I love it. .. but wow do we have a lot of work to do and we have to get it done very soon because McKenna will be making her appearance very soon . Jay and I are sitting on the couch looking around at the chaos that is home now . We've officially moved out of mom and dad's house. We have to adult now . Scarey. Very scarey . But it's so exciting too. We have 30 friends and family members here today and it's very early Saturday Morning we have donuts on the table and coffee . We will need the sugar and coffee because we have a very long day ahead of us. I'm in charge here !! Lol . We will acomplish a lot today. .. I've ask Tammie and zare to open the clothes boxes and place clothes on my bed . The guys are moving furniture to the various rooms. And molly and tosha are moving all boxes labeled McKenna to her room. Jay and mark have put together all of the furniture for her room the crib and dresser changing table ..and Rick made her two large book shelves and painted them white. . Zare had a mural painted on the wall of a tree it's the most beautiful mural ever. The walls are paint powder pink .the tree is really light colors with Lil animals on a branch here and there. With clouds up by the ceiling . It's adorable. We got her a round crib with a canopy on top. I can't wait to put this baby girls room together . I'm putting my kitchen together but everyone keeps asking me Mel where do u want this. Even Jay .ugh. it's a Lil stress full. I'm very happy with my kitchen !! I got a pot holder hanging from the ceiling and a bunch if hooks on the walls for different things to hang. We painted it. And got a new sink installed . Zare bought us a bunch of plates and glass ware .. I think we are set . Just gotta put it all away in its proper places .. which takes time ..
Three hours later Jay says hey baby can u order some pizza for lunch . I'm starving. I laugh at him. But my baby has been working so hard. He's all sweaty and messy hair muscles bulging wow. Can I just steel him for about 20 mins. He looks at me and says no . I say what? Can he hear my thoughts. .. he whispers in my ear no sex. I say what ? He says we have a very firm deadline on when this house has to be ready . Stop looking at me like a piece of meat .. and laughs . I whisper back stop looking like you do all sweaty and sexy then .. he laughs . He kisses me and walks away. I watch his ass as he is walking . Zare says ur hormones on a trillion aren't they .. I smile .. he's just so dam fine!!!!! And I love him . Zare says get a grip ! And order pizza . Mark says he wants pizza not you .. he laughs . Jay says I want you baby . Don't listen to them . I just don't want our daughter to come home to this. And we all look around at the mess .. I know my love . I tell Jay as I walk outside to order the pizzas. An hour later when 20 large pizzas show up I allow them to take a break. Lol. No .we will all sit and eat. Mark and zare went and got 10 2 liters of soda. . And solo cups . We sit outside on the patio with a nice cool breeze and eat .. we laugh and talk about the house and the baby. And then zare ask .. when is the wedding. .. I look at her like she morphed in to a bug .. she says oh come on. Yall have to have a wedding .. I say no we don't .have u seen my cankles yes fat ankles and fat fingers and oh yeah I look like the Kool aid man . No thanks let's not even go there ... they all laugh.. even Jay . He says I love you . I say yeah all of me huh . He says yes .I punch him . We see full now and not gonna move as fast but we have to get going. ..come on people help me up .. they laugh . I'm serious. It's not easy lifting myself up anymore I've gained 40lbs. I'm fat now ..

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