twin party. perfect.

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The party has started !! Bubbles games food cake 49 kids. Lol. So many gifts. Family and friends. This is happy. Jay looks super happy. Huge smile on his face. We played too hard last night. The man was too happy. Me too hehe ... Jay looks good today. He's got on cargo shorts and black tank. Black man sandles.... hat on his head. I keep looking at him. He knows. The twins are in overalls hair in pigtails. They look so cute they are not walking yet. So we been passing them around all day. Jay took them in the moon bounce and they love that. The weather is so nice today. Like a cool 60 degrees. Nice breeze. I'm sitting on the patio with the two ceiling fans going. So I feel great. I dressed up super cute today. I haven't been dressing up much. With work and three kids. And house work. And Kenna's school stuff I'm way to busy to deal with me. But today I knew I would see everyone we know. And I just don't want the saying wow twins did her in. ... I want ed to prove I could do this. And I have even so far. But the skin of my teeth. And pure exhausted... I slept in my car two mons ago ... I was about to leave work and I had finally set down. I was drinking some water. And smoking a cig.. I put the cig out put the water in my lap and decided to just lay my head back . 4 hours later. Markus was knocking on my car window. He was laughing. What are u doing he ask. I'm sleeping apparently.. ughhhh. Wow. I look at the dash it's been 4 hours. I look up at Markus.. wow. Oh shit. I have to go. He says here and hands me $10 bill. Please stop and get ur self some coffee. And text me when u get home. OK I will. Thanks Mark... when I got home Jay had the house clean kids clean all fed and was in bed. Jay was in bed too. I just took all my clothes off and crawled in bed. I was straight exhausted!!!! I see Rick walking towards me. With Emily and Everly he's carrying both girls. Who look sleepy. We call them Emmy and evvy evvy reaches for me. I yell at Jay who is playing football ball with Mark and a few other guys. He jogs up to me and takes Emmy from his dad. I say we need to do. Are now the girls are getting sleepy. Zare and Jeff wheel out the most lavish purple Sofia the first cake. It looks like Sofia dress !! They light the candles and we sing. 30 mins later the girls are in there play pin curled up together sleeping everyone stares at them. Yes they sleep face to face. Holding hands a lot. It's adorable!! Jay and I decide to open all there gifts and we hand out thank you cards as we open each one. I'm so happy. Jay is playing with the toys. As I see Matt marrissa and Ethan enter the gate ... wow did not see that coming Matt is holding two very large gift bags. Marrissa smiles hey girl. Hey. How are ya. We are good. Ethan hugs me so tight. Mimi. Kenna comes up and takes Ethan says hand come play with me she says. They are off. I op3n the first bag and it's full of Sofia stuff. The doll and the rabbit. Hair bows and socks with Sofia on them and two sleeper zip up suits with Sofia on them. Wow !! The other bag has the same. But different colors. Which every one did. Same stuff different colors. Twins. Must match. Lol. Two hours later the girls are awake and playing with new toys. Matt says melanie they are beautiful. The most adorable girls. And Kenna is growing up so beautiful.. I say thank u and look deep in Matt's eyes. I wanted to see if I could see if he's really happy. Is he genuinely happy. He says what ? I say are u happy Matt. He says I am right now. I'm here with u. .. zare says hey guys let load all the boxes in the trucks please. Every helps put all the girls stuff in the boxes and bags. And load the trucks up. Jay walks up were Matt and I are speaking. Jay says man we need another truck can u load some of this and take to our house. Matt says sure man. Yall at the same house. Yep. OK cool. I look like I swolled a canary. Like what's Jay's deal. Ugh I never know. This been this way for yrs seems like the never ending cycle. Wow. Ethan says mimi can I come play at Kenna house. I look up at Matt. Matt says we are going over there for a few minutes son.. yay !!!! The kids are happy. I see Matt walk off and talk to marrissa. She seems ok with it. As I'm sure he told her .. ugh. I still hate it when I see him with any female. I guess I always will. When all is packed. Jay runs up and picks me up. And holds me over the pool. I grab him so tight. I know kw the pool is clean and they have been getting it ready for the summer but that dam water is cold. I beg Jay please don't. Everyone is watching. I yelp for help. Mark pushes us both in. Ahhhhhh it so cold. Everyone is laughing. I have not let go of Jay. He's laughing but says it's cold. It's cold. We all laugh. I'm soaking wet u dork I yell at mark. He says that ya man's problem. Ugh. Jay slinks over to me and says I want u wet later just for me. I push him away. He smiles and helps me out the pool. U can see threw my wet white top. Zare hands us some towels. Matt is staring so hard. He wanted to see three the shirt I think... which while I'm drying off I think back to the last night in Italy. Just over a yr ago. Matt made that night very memorable!! It was so good. Like wow good. I'm smiling like a goon when my husband walks up. He says u happy. I look up and say yes very.

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