sea world

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Tammie needs a break and some fun .. I tell her we are getting on the tower of terror! ! We leave the men with the kids .. Tammie is scared .. I'm thrilled .. we drop 13 stories !! And Tammie yells .. I'm laughing so hard at her .. when we get off the ride we enter the gift shop .. we get T shirts that say we survived .. and I buy Jay some drum sticks. He's a dam good drummer . Wow. It's hot. . Yeah. I'd be the groupy. Who would be stuck on stupid over the drummer.. Tommie Lee yep .. we walk to the men and see miss Chloe is not happy. She wants Jay .. he's holding Abby . Who is still sleeping so dam good on my husband's chest .. I hear ya baby girl Jay is just the most comfort you'll ever have .. he's the most loving and he smells so good. Wow. I'm still in such awww of my man . He gives me his sweet smile. . I know he's trying to show me we need another baby .. he wants another baby so bad .. I can't wrap my head around why ..
It's 10pm and we stand watching the parade .. Jay is holding Chloe on his chest. Shes out .. Sam is holding Kenna on his chest she's out . Tammie has Abby she watching the lights .. I'm showing sissy all the characters. .she's so sleepy.. as we get to the van and buckle up all the kids Tammie says 12 more days. She lays down on the floor ... I laugh. Girl we gonna need to get you some vitamins and red bull.. Tammie Says I need something stronger then redbull. We get back to the house with 7 bags of food from what a burger.. we unpack the van.. and sit at the table and eat ..all the kids are in bed ..out !! Even miss Abby. . I think I could sleep for days .. Tammie is eating with her eyes closed poor boo. I'm peeling my clothes off getting ready for bed ..Jay walks up and says let me help.. I let him ..he says ur tired ..I shake my head yeah.. he says I'll make it quick. He's laughing .. but not kidding . Ugh this man. I love him . He's making serious love to me .he's in the mode. All into this .. I'm half awake ..I love him but two kids at a theme park.. for too many hours .. ugh. I need sleep .. he says I'm sry..I look at him. He says I'm sry baby. I know ur tired .. he's kissing my neck ..I say I love you Jay. He's done. . He pulls me in front of him spooning and is rattling in my ear ..this sound puts me to sleep it's my comfort! Knowing he's here and loving me .. holding me .
When I wake up Kenna is holding my hair and twirling it around her finger ..I pull her under the blanket and hold her . She says eat mommy ..Jay says I wanna eat mommy .. I smack him. Don't ..I say he's laughing .. he says I mean I wanna cook you and mommy some breakfast. . He's smiling so big.. we walk in the living room and Tammie has Abby in her swing and Tammie is laid over the arm of the chair still holding a bottle .. I giggle . I say see Jay that's why I'm good at waiting . He says she done on day two ..she ain't gonna make it .. I shake my head yes.. sissy says I want cereal. Jay says no ma'am. We are having omelets. And fruit. Sissy walks back to the couch and covers her head. We laugh .. I tell Jay I'm gonna go ahead and get ready . He says OK. . I take Kenna and sissy to the shower . We arrive at the table dressed and ready to eat . Jay has made some seriously beautiful omelets and fruit bowls .. looks so good . Sam and Chloe have joined us .. we all munch ..I'm fixing all the girls hair while Tammie and Sam are getting ready . Jay is in the shower.. I'm so wishing I could sneek a peek . Wow. Jay naked is a sight . And I feel so bad for last night ..I wasn't very good to him... I'll have to make up for that! ! I've gotten the girls completely ready hair done shoes on..water bottles made ..I've got a small cooler .. they have emergency bottles of water if we aren't close to a drink stand . I have Kenna a bag packed ..extra clothes and stuff. In case that mom. We are standing at the whale tank in sea world.. that whale is massive .. this day will be fun .. we watch the whale show . Tammie loves the sea life ..this was her idea and she's happy . I love seeing Tammie happy !! I told Sam last night be good to her . I guess he was so good to her.. lol...

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