McKenna is our life

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They all love her and I've announced her name. This is McKenna Marie Rykard . They love her name. After three hours of people passing my baby around they all leave .except Tammie and Andrea . They are staying to help us . They know we will need sleep tonight .. but they leave to go get us all some food . Having a baby is hard work. I'm starving . Jay is too. When they all left we have fed McKenna again and we are changing her diaper .. wow she's so tiny . Jay brings her diaper bag to me. I find her a sleeper suit a onsie and some socks. I put a clean diaper on her and put her clothes on Jay is helping me every step . But mostly in awwww of his daughter . Jay has cried several times . And still tearing up ... he says I just can't believe she's here . She came out of ur body .. wow. He's just in shock.. I am too .. we haven't taken our eyes off her.. she's just so beautiful. Jay lays in the bed with me and McKenna we have her between us she's in the cutest sleeper suit and she sleeping so good .. we are laid up in this bed exhausted. . All three of us. I think we fell a sleep for a few minutes. . Cuz when I open my eyes Tammie is saying should we wake them .. I say I'm awake where Is my food .. Tam laughs .. she says ur voice is gone .. I say yeah u scream for an hour straight and see how good u sound .. she says was it that bad ... I say nah... it felt good . I look at my bff. Like are u stupid . Andrea says girl it's so bad .. I shake my head yes.. I look down at my daughter and say with out a doubt it's worth it . Tammie say I'll hold her while yall eat .. I smile . Tammie is in love with McKenna. I knew she would be . Jay and I eat !!! So good . After we eat Andrea is holding McKenna. While Tammie eats .. Jay and I fall a sleep fast .. I wake and sit bolt up right when I hear McKenna cry . I reach for her Tammie hands her to me immediately. I put her to my neck and talk to her . Hey baby girl what's wrong ... she stop crying instantly. . I tell Jay hey I need a bottle he gets up and goes to her cart and gets a bottle and pours it in the bottle I've brought for her . I want her to use her bottles . Jay knows this. four bottles in Jay is a pro bottle maker.. he says I wanna feed her .. I hand Jay his daughter and watch in aww as he's holding her and feeding her. .I'm so in love with these two!!! Jay is kissing her forehead and talking to her in a voice I've never heard from him she so comfortable in daddy's arms .. she want even stay awake to eat .. Jay is all about her ..just kissing her and loving her .. wow . I never knew it would feel like this ..Tammie says yall don't need us.. yall got this down .. Tammie kissed my forehead and says I'll see u when u get home with her . Andrea hug me bye. They leave .. Jay says I'm not being mean but I'm glad they left. We need to be a family right now. Just us three . I smile and agree . Jay is holding her with such love .. we lay back on the bed and hold McKenna and Kiss her face and talk to her .. this is family bliss. McKenna woke up 30 mins. Later and was ready to eat. Jay hands her to me and I feed her . She suck the whole 2 Oz down quick . Lil hungry girl .. Jay lays beside me rubbing my back and telling me he loves me .. he says I'm so proud of u. . I say I love you too. . He's happy . I'm happy . And McKenna is full and needs a diaper change .. I change her diaper but she pooped. So we have to use cold baby wipes .. she screamed then she don't like them cold . Jay talks to her and she stops crying she has her sad lip out tho and Jay can't . He's kissing her and telling daddy loves you. He says ur gonna be just like ur momma . Using that sad lip .. I look at him he looks at me like u know .. I say keep it up baby girl u can get anything u want in this life with perfected sad lip... Jay laughs . But agreed with me .. he says ur sad lip is how u got her.. I look at him .. he says don't play I remember. I smile. . That night I was very sad I thought u were gonna leave again. He says yeah I wasn't. You had me .. I look at him. ,really. He says yes u have always had me .. from day one ..

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