she is perfect

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After dinner . Jay and I sit in the living room and talk about what all I did today . He says we are ready for you to come on out of there Lil one, to my belly .. Jay says imma get a shower now baby .while he's gone I decide to take a walk threw my daughter's room again I just love her room it's beautiful everything I've ever wanted . She's gonna love it here .. I have a pain so bad I almost double over .. wow what the ? I feel liquid rush down my legs. . I'm standing there looking down at the floor when Jay say what are u doing? I look up at him and say MY WATER BROKE ! Jay must see the fear in my eyes . He says OK baby its OK . We got this. I walk and with each step I feel more water come out. . Jay is dressed and in his shoes grabs my bags and the diaper bag which is all at the front door . Runs out to the car and comes back to get me .. I have my purse my car keys and my cell phone .. we walk to the car and head to the hospital I send out a text to all ; I'm headed to the hospital now water broke .. I get 10 text I'm on my way ....we arrive at the hospital and we walk to the desk where I have another pain .. wow they don't kid when they say it's HURTS .. 9 hours later we are pushing .. I'm screaming . This hurts this hurts. Jay is standing here holding my thigh back to my ear. And my on the other side .. I'm really in pain here like what happen to the dam epidural? ??? The doc says Melanie look at me !! U have to really really push this time .. Jay looks scared . I'm exhausted. . I say I can't. I lay my head back. Jay says baby she's right there come on one more and u can rest .. I lean my head up chin to chest .and I swear I pushed so hard .. I hear her scream !! Tears burst from my eyes. Jay says she here ! Melanie baby she's here .. they let him cut the cord .. they say apgar.. perfect . And I lay back she's healthy shes perfect I can relax ..i close my eyes and listen to my daughter scream . They say 8lbs 4 oz. I feel myself fading .. the doc said something but I didn't hear what .. then I hear then tell me wake up ..wake up .. I open my eyes and see the doc ..Melanie we have to get u to push .. I look at him like umm did I dream I just gave birth .. he says the placenta. . U have to push it out .. I can't .. I can't. .. Jay says just bare down .. I do and the doc says ur good lay back .. Jay says she beautiful. He has her in his arms he's crying .. I look at her ..she's the most beautiful baby I've ever Seen . She is so perfect !! I reach for her and Jay lays her in my arms . I'm holding my daughter . Wow this is love on a level you only experience right here and now . I've never felt like this ever I love her in a way that I can't even explain. I kiss her face and tell her I'm ur mommy . I look up and see my mother crying . I've never seen this woman this way . She rubs the top of McKenna head and says she beautiful. I cry so hard . I hold this beautiful baby to my face and tell her I love you .. shes calm not screaming anymore. . Jay is kissing my fore head saying I love you Melanie . I love you McKenna. Wow so much love in this room we could power a kiss reunion tour!!!!! Three hours later we have all showered and gotten all cleaned up they changed my bed linens out. All the blood and mess is gone and we smell good. My mom went with McKenna while they bathed her . Jay and I took a shower .. I've got on clean warm clothes . Jay has clean clothes on. We are sitting in the bed feeding our daughter when Rick finally asrellows the family to come in the room to see us ... Tammie is beside me in a nano sec . She is awwwing. And hugs me so tight .u did it . She perfect . She says as soon as she's full she's mine .. I laugh . Jay says she likes to eat . My sisters are both here sissy is here. I see her hiding behind her daddy ... all my friends are here .. room is packed .. I ask them to step a side for just a min. I tell Jay go get sissy. .. Jay says hey pretty girl u wanna see ur cousin? She shakes her head yes .. Jay sets sissy in bed with me. . I tell sissy hey its OK we are happy. .look u can hold her . I put McKenna in her lap . Sissy bends down and kisses her forehead . McKenna opened her eyes. I cry . .

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