it's all in good fun

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We are standing in this club , people dancing and talking and drinking .. I've decided I wouldn't drink tonight I'm the designated driver . Tammie is sipping on some blue drink ..Sam has a beer.. and then here is my husband holding a beer.. and some chick is totally checking him out .. I smile he's talking to Sam and Barry ... there is about 20 in our group .. molly says I'm with u I can't drink either .. we laugh. She's oh so very pregnant. I'm dancing with tosha and Derek when I see Jay dancing with Tammie. I smile.. he can dance ! I see said girl moving toward Jay. Let's see how this plays out ..I look away and Derek moves closer to me .. we are going hard. I turn and look back at Jay who is now dancing with said chick. I move me and Derek farther away. . But I can still see Jay .. he puts his hand on her arm .. he's smiling pretty big . Some guy tap my arm he said can I buy u a drink. . I smile and said thanks but no thanks I'm drinking tonight. . He smiled and walked away. I look at Derek he says ouch . I'm might need to get him and bandaid.. I laugh I wasn't mean .. he said u turn any guy down we feel the burn .. I laugh .. I'm married I show Derek the ring .. he smiles .. why aren't you dancing with ur husband. I look over at my husband who has 3 girls dancing with him .. I look back at Derek and say cuz he's getting his ego stroked.. he raises his eye brow and says if Missy gets any closer she will be stroking more then his ego. .. I bust out laughing .. I say she will stroking her self tonight . I won't . Derek bust laughing . I watch as my husband has bitches all around him he's smiling and dancing hard .. I decided two can play this ... I can dance when I really want to. . So I move to the center of the floor I grab Derek hand let's go. He can dance his ass off . We go . Three other guys join us .. and then two girls I don't know .. we are getting it .. I've started dancing with this girl and she's all about me. She runs her hand down my ass and I rub her hip. Men are starting to watch. I turn and this fine I do mean fine guy joins me he's all up on me . I'm having fun. And it does not hurt that this guy is super hot .. he grabs my hand and holding it up in the air I'm moving very sensual.. he's smiling hard . I let go of his hand. And turn shaking my ass... I look up and Derek has a look. I'm not sure what this look says .. but have you ever seen in the movies the dance scene where they change to slow motion and the people look like they are just having the time of there life .. yes this is how I invision this moment .. I'm going hard and dancing I smile at Derek. He smiles back at some chick is twerking on him. I laugh and turn my face to .. Andy .wth? He smiles .he leans in and says loud I thought that was you .. I'm surprised. . But I'm having fun .. I pull him in. And we dance. He's not a very good dancer but oh well. I slide my ass down rhe front of Andy and back up and turn to look at him. He's happy . And oh so fine .. the dj has started some new version of earned it ... oh yeah.. I can do this. I move slower and more intent.. the music is a Lil slower but techno.. I'm lost in the music when I feel hands on my hips I turn and look my husband in the eyes he's smiling slightly . He looks at me and begins dancing with me . He's good . I've always known this .. but boy is making sure to hit every mark .. me too.. the dance looks more like sex.. standing up . He leans to my ear and says are we having fun .. I shake my head yes .. he pulls me into his arms and kisses me .I saw like 4 guys walk away ..all of our friends crowd around and we dance . Two hours later Jay and I are sitting at the bar . Talking and some chick walks up to Jay and says wanna dance ? Jay says I can't thank you tho .. he turns back to me and she gives me the look .. I smile at her .. I tell Jay let's walk outside . We stand under this heat lamp thing and smoke .. he says you look good out there . I look up at him and smile . You did too. I say . He says it's all in good fun I'm glad we can have fun .

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