Chapter 63

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Everyone was seated, their pens and ink were ready, and the poetry competition officially began.

The examination was conducted by three eminent Confucians of the Hanlin Academy and fifteen inspectors to prevent any disciples from cheating during the competition.

Each person needs to complete a seven-character rhyme poem within a quarter of an hour. The poem must contain three images of peach blossoms, pear blossoms and a dirty pond. No alteration is allowed and it must be completed in one go. It is a great test of the candidates' writing skills and literary talent.

The topic requirements were drawn up on the spot by the great scholars, and everyone looked thoughtful after hearing the requirements.

Chu Yuan meditated for a moment, raised his wrist to write, held Guangxiu in one hand, and gently dropped the pen tip to the white paper.

Ning Yuqiang next to him couldn't help but sneer when he saw him writing. He simply doubted whether Chu Yuan could compose poetry.

Others would spend a long time writing a sentence, carefully considering the words, for fear of losing the poetic mood and wonderful meaning. It doesn't matter if he writes quickly, it is probably just a limerick, and there is no way to write any good and popular sentences.

Ning Yuqiang picked up the brush and dipped ink into the inkstone. Then he lowered his head and wrote down the wonderful sentence he had just thought of. Then he stopped writing and began to formulate the next sentence in his mind.

His speed is not slow. Compared to him, there are many more people who have not even written a word, or who have lost inspiration after writing two sentences, scratching their heads and frowning.

After Chu Yuan finished writing the last word, and when the ink on the paper was dry, he raised his head and smiled at the inspector beside him, motioned for him to come over, then folded the poem and put it into the red-bottomed tray in the inspector's hand.

Lu Ronghuai had been staring at Chu Yuan. After seeing him finish writing, he immediately picked up the pen and started writing poems. His handwriting was extremely sloppy.

The two of them finished writing first, and Lu Ronghuai didn't care. When the inspector walked away, he immediately stood up and returned to Chu Yuan to sit down.

"My lord, have you really composed a poem?" Chu Yuan stared at the little ink stain on Lu Ronghuai's finger, obviously not believing it.

He just saw Lu Ronghuai's posture, as if he was scribbling on the paper. He blinked twice, and the man had finished writing.

"Of course, my literary thoughts are flowing, and I can write very well." Lu Ronghuai stretched out his hand in front of Chu Yuan, "Ayuan, please wipe it for me."

Chu Yuan stared at the slender and straight fingers, sighed helplessly, took out a plain handkerchief from his sleeve, held his hand, lowered his head and wiped it carefully.

Lu Ronghuai held his chin with his hand and stared at him with a smile.

Soon, Nie Siran put down his pen, and Ning Yuqiang and Liu Mingyue also finished writing at the same time.

"Qingguang's poetry seems to be slower than usual today." Liu Mingyue turned to look at Ning Yuqiang and said with a smile.

Ning Yuqiang nodded, and replied proudly and calmly: "After all, I am competing on behalf of the Lu country, so I want to write better."

After a quarter of an hour, the inspector took away all the poems and placed dozens of red-bottomed trays on the long table in front of the emperor. Each piece of paper was pressed with a wooden sign to cover the names of the candidates. .

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