Nie Siran x Su Ruhe

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The heavy snowfall was heavy and the sound of crying in Tianzhongfang was loud.

It snowed all night and didn't stop on the second day.

"Come on, there is movement under the ruins here!"

"Bring two shovels! Another group of people and hot water, quick!"

"How many more people are buried underneath?"

"Basically everyone has been rescued. From the list, there are still four people left."

"There's someone here, come and help."


The noise of moving tiles and bricks together with the shouting and crying was so loud that it made people's heads spin. Not to mention that there were rocks and fallen trees everywhere, mixed with rain, snow and mud, making it impossible to get down.

"Sir, please take a rest." The boy ran over, covered in dust, snow and water, and knelt on the ground crying, "You have not rested all night, and your water has not been drained. This iron body cannot bear it. Stay here, there are government guards and people here to help you, sir, just rest."

Nie Siran turned a deaf ear. His hands were stained with snow. He bent down to move a collapsed wooden board in front of him. There were inconspicuous nails on the wooden board, which cut a large bloody gash in his palm. He seemed not to notice the pain and allowed the blood to flow from it. The long knuckles dripped and went to move other bricks and tiles.

"Young Master!" The young man is a son of the Nie family. He has followed Nie Siran for many years. How often has he seen his young master in such a mess, and his eyes turned red with worry.

Nie Siran lowered his head and searched around. He hadn't spoken a word all night, and his voice became hoarse when he spoke. "Have the people from the patrol camp been mobilized?"

"Back to you, sir, here you are, Mr. Liu is busy making arrangements."

Nie Siran: "Okay, go to the south and have a look. If you have any news, come and tell me."

The young boy was so worried that he was sweating in the cold weather and almost cried, "Sir, please feel sorry for yourself. Mr. Su is blessed with great fortune, so he might not be trapped under you. Your clothes are soaked after a long night of searching. Your hands are bleeding too, so I'd better go back and wash up and change clothes first, and then I'll bandage your wound."

"Go quickly." Nie Siran's face darkened.

"We've found Mr. Su!" A shout came from a distance, and the crowd suddenly became restless. Many people ran over carrying hoes and shovels.

Nie Siran pushed the crowd away, his handsome face stained with mud, his eyes blazing, "Where is he?"

"Mr. Nie, it's right here," a soldier pointed at his feet, excitedly, "The man who was rescued just now said that he saw Mr. Su entering this house last night. He was going to help, but he turned around to get something. When the house collapsed, he was sure that Mr. Su was down there."

Nie Siran's eyes brightened, and he no longer hesitated. He knelt down and began to dig away at the earth and stones. Everyone was shocked when they saw his bloody hands, "Oh, Mr. Nie, you are injured. Go and take care of the wound." , we will rescue Mr. Su."

"A small injury doesn't matter. If we don't rescue the person quickly, he will freeze to death." Nie Siran's jaw tightened and he speeded up in his hands.

Others also picked up tools and started to help clean up.

The snow was too thick, and the bricks and beams were removed one by one. Finally, a narrow hole appeared where the bricks were piled.

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