Chapter 100

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"Your Majesty, I want to talk to Uncle Jiang alone."

Chu Yuan's eyes were moist, looking at Lu Ronghuai expectantly and anxiously.

Based on his understanding of Lu Ronghuai, he would definitely not worry about him leaving his sight. Moreover, they had just met Jiang Ni, and Lu Ronghuai was cautious by nature. Chu Yuan was really afraid that he would not agree.

There was no expression on Lu Ronghuai's face. He stared at Chu Yuan tenderly, "Okay, just a little, but don't cry anymore."

Chu Yuan was embarrassed by what he said and defended herself in a low voice, "I don't like to cry. This is the first time I cry outside. Your Majesty is not allowed to laugh at me."

"How can I laugh at you? I'm afraid that you will be too sad and it will be bad for you and the baby."

Chu Yuan had already gotten over the sadness and assured him again and again, and Lu Ronghuai was satisfied to let him go.

Jiang Ni took Chu Yuan to the backyard.

"Come, Ayuan, come and sit next to me." Jiang Ni held his hand warmly, and the smile on his face never disappeared along the way.

His facial features are beautiful and soft, and he has the kind of appearance that becomes more attractive the more you look at him. And because he has been practicing medicine for many years, he has a unique temperament that makes people rely on and convince him unconsciously.

Chu Yuan sat down obediently and said, "Uncle Jiang, I have a question."

"you say."

"Are all Jiang clan members, especially men, capable of getting pregnant?"

"No, whether a Jiang family man can get pregnant depends on whether he has a cinnabar mole between his eyebrows. If he has one, it's OK, but if he doesn't, it's not OK."

"And the color of the cinnabar mole will be different." Jiang Ni raised his finger and pointed at his forehead, showing him to look at it.

Chu Yuan looked over curiously, "What do the different colors mean?"

"Your mother is the purest direct line of the Jiang family, and I am a side branch. Therefore, the color of the cinnabar mole is slightly darker, and different colors represent the strength of fertility."

"What?" Chu Yuan was stunned.

Jiang Ni: "For people like me, even though I have the physique to get pregnant, it is not that easy to get pregnant. I can only give birth to one child in my life, and the process is very difficult. You are different."

When Jiang Ni said this, her eyes softened and she said to him with a smile: "Your physique is very suitable for conception. If the mother's body is well-nourished during pregnancy, the child will be born smoothly."

Chu Yuan's face turned red little by little, as if he had applied a layer of rouge.

"But just now I looked at your pulse, and I saw that you suffered serious losses in the early years, and your deficiency was not replenished, but your pulse is still beating quite strongly. Have you been recuperating in the past few months?"

Chu Yuan nodded, "Well, I have been taking medicated food. The prince also asked the doctor to make some recipes for soup, and I will take them in rotation."

When Jiang Ni heard this, she felt very relieved, "That's good. The prince still knows how to care for people. Ayuan, how does he treat you?"

Chu Yuan coughed lightly, feeling a strange feeling of being questioned by an elder. He knew Jiang Ni cared about him, so he replied as he was told: "Your Majesty, his face is cold and his heart is warm. He is very good to me."

The deposed prince is pregnant with the enemy's prince's childDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora