021. [Case I] Witnesses, ch.21 - Skin Bladder

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  In that weird museum, a suspected curator appeared.
  He was a little excited, "It's been a long time since no one has come to visit, it's a bit uncomfortable!"
  Bai Yutang looked at him, and asked, "Is this museum privately owned?"
  "Of course, of course!" Kaibin looked at Bai Yutang with a smile. Oh! This face can be called the pinnacle of human evolution..."
  Zhan Zhao squinted-dare to molest his rat!
  Kai Bin smiled and looked at Zhan Zhao again. He put on his glasses again and looked up, "You look smart, are you interested in making a perspective view of your brain?"
  Zhao Hu looked at the curator behind him. No matter how you look at it, this type is like a model that will suddenly take up a chainsaw and dismember a person.
  At this time, Zhao Jue, who had been watching the "exhibits" in a glass column not far away, strolled back and stood behind the curator who was happily looking at the SCI crowd.
  Kai Bin asked everyone, "
  Are you here to visit? Or do you want to buy the exhibits?" Zhao Hu's mouth twitched, "Are you still selling things here?"
  "Of course!" The posterior molar is gone.
  Everyone disliked it, but they still considered allowing Gongsun to stroll around.
  "These rare treasures are waiting for people who know how to appreciate them!" Kai Bin became excited.
  Mahan looked at a huge, twisted tadpole that was about to become a frog in a pillar on the side, but it grew out of human hands and feet, and looked at the sky, "It's all spliced ​​corpses..."
  "Tsk tusk tusk!" Kai Bin shook his fingers to express his disapproval.
  He stretched out his hand and pointed to the mermaid to the side, "This was found in the stomach of a giant sperm whale by a fishing boat in the Arctic Ocean! After
  speaking, he pointed to the alien again, "Falling on the Siberian ice sheet caused a big explosion, in fact Not a meteorite, but a spaceship carrying aliens! "
  As he said, he pointed to the double-headed snake, "This was originally two snakes, one swallowed the other, but the other came out of the body of the first one half, and the lower half melted inside... so , The two of them became one!"
  "And this!" Kaibin beamed his eyes with excitement, and pointed to a glass pillar on which a deformed baby corpse was placed. "This is the devil and the born child! Look! !" As he said, he pointed to the baby's spine, where the tail vertebra had been growing, "the devil's spine...the devil's tail!"
  Bai Yutang frowned and looked at the excited museum curator in front of him. From the perspective of professionals, I think it should be sick.
  Zhao Hu look at Ma Han-what's wrong with this man? Worship of evil?
  Mahan glanced at the corpses disgustedly, not like a museum, but like a circus.
  After Kai Bin introduced the "collection" in front of him, when he turned around, he wanted to continue to introduce the one behind him.
  Only the moment he turned his head, he saw Zhao Jue standing behind him.
  Zhao Jue held his hand behind his back and looked at him. The corner of one side of his mouth was slightly tilted, and on the right cheek, there was a shallow law pattern.
  Bai Yutang looked at Zhan Zhao.
  Zhan Zhao also raised his eyebrows slightly.
  Kai Bin kept a stiff posture and turned around to look at Zhao Jue.
  About five seconds later.
  Zhao Hu whispered to Ma Han, "This buddy looked at Zhao Jue for five seconds."
  Ma Han nodded-he should be crazy.
  And when everyone was waiting for some bad consequences to happen, Kai Bin suddenly held his face, "Ah! Devil's eyes!"
  Zhao Jue's other side of the mouth also picked up.
  Zhan Zhao touched his chin--oh...
  Bai Yutang was also puzzled--has he not been affected by Zhao Jue? Or did Zhao Jue didn't do anything to him at all? Or is it already affected, but it just didn't show up?
  Kai Bin stretched out two skinny hands like chicken feet and stretched out Zhao Jue's face, but before they touched him, he was pulled by Bai Yutang behind him.
  Kai Bin looked back.
  Bai Yutang showed him his ID, and said, "Can I speak in a brighter place?"
  "Uh..." Kai Bin looked at the ID, and seemed a little surprised. He was a little more normal. "Police?"
  Qiao Yuan's new villa.
  Ma Xin took the camera and carefully photographed the tree-shaped genealogy on the wall.
  There are hardly any books, audio-visual products, televisions and computers in the room, making Ma Xin wonder... What does Qiao Yuan's new ex-wife do?
  Summer was in Josh's room on the third floor, flipping through Josh's book.
  Luo Tian also came to see and asked, "What books does he read?"
  Summer showed Luo Tian, ​​"When Josh was a child, he really seemed to worship the devil. You think he reads about ghost legends, demons, and hell. Kind of books."
  Qin Ou inserted a USB flash drive Jiang Ping gave him into an old desktop computer, and then turned it on.
  The computer can really light up, and the sound of the windows95 startup makes everyone feel a sense of time and space travel inexplicably.
  Qin Ou called Jiang Ping.
  The computer on Jiang Ping's side has started copying the hard disk content of Josh's computer.
  From time to time some pictures on the side of the computer, Qin gulls looked at, frown, "This kid Josh computer will not be able to install a parental oversight or something? How much information ...... scary"
  As we speak, there pass There came Jiang Ping's voice, "Be good, Josh is still a hacker."
  Luo Tian and Qin Ou looked at each other, and Xia Xia came over and asked, "Hacker?"
  "Yeah!" Jiang Ping said, "According to his age at the time, It's very powerful, he is still a member of the Dark Shadows, it's amazing, he is considered an old member according to the time."
  Luo Tian hasn't been back to modern society for too long. Computer knowledge is basically taught by his son. What kind of dark shadow? never heard of that.
  Xia Xia still knows this aspect well, and he came up and said, "Dark Shadow is a huge hacker forum, belonging to the Deepwater Network."
  Luo Tian continued to scratch his head.
  Jiang Pingdao, "The Internet world is not just the things we usually touch. If you compare the Internet to the sea, the Internet used by ordinary people is above the water level, as well as below the water level and deep water areas. Dark shadows are deep water areas. A large forum in China, many cybercriminals gather here."
  Luo Tian frowned, "Isn't that dangerous?"
  Qin Ou stretched his hands, "So the danger is everywhere. The children in the past rolled in the mud the most every day. The children nowadays are all mixed with the Matrix."
  Luo Tian was a little worried, "Yangyang often plays on the computer, will he learn badly?"
  Qin Ou expressed the same concern.
  Jiang Ping helplessly teaches two anxious twenty-four filial piety fathers, "You cannot simply describe the Internet and hackers in terms of good and bad. Many people in this world are accustomed to hiding in the shadows, but they are not harmful. Some people just I don't want to integrate into society. Everyone has their own way of living."...Lah, ah, ah, ah.
  When Jiang Ping started talking about Mo's, Luo Tian and Qin Ou looked at each other, and decided to go to the backyard and flower room downstairs to look at them, and continue to read the book in summer.
  There is only one glass flower room in the garden behind the villa, and the flower room is full of withered roses.
  Luo Tian raised his face. From the glass flower room, you can see the upper fourth floor window. In other words, from the fourth floor window, you can see the lower flower room. If the glass roof is wiped clean enough, it should be ok. See the roses in bloom.
  "Luo Tian."
  Luo Tian was looking up, looking at the iron windows upstairs through the glass roof in a daze, when he heard Qin Ou calling him.
  He turned his head and saw Qin Ou standing behind the flower stand, looking down at something.
  Luo Tian walked over and saw something under the stack of flower pots behind the flower stand, pressing something, revealing a yellow paper, covered with dust, and there seemed to be words on it.
  Luo Tian moved the flowerpot away, and Qin Ou picked up the piece of yellow paper, feeling a bit familiar.
  "Is this a spell?" Luo Tian asked, "Zhang Yu also drew one in the SCI office that day."
  "But it seems to be a little different from this one." Qin Ou asked, "Could it be the Hou Tianshi doing it?" Yes?"
  Luo Tian took out a bag of evidence, "Take it back and show Zhang Yu, maybe he can recognize which colleague painted it."
  Luo Tianzheng and Qin Ou packed the evidence, they heard the phone ring and answered When he got up, he found that Ma Xin was calling, "Uncle!"
  Luo Tian looked upstairs, "What's wrong?"
  "There are people outside!" Ma Xin was standing on the fourth floor, clearly seeing outside the glass flower room, there was a suspicious one. The person from is looking into the villa, "He is also holding a camera!"
  Ma Xin pointed out the person's location to Luo Tian and Qin Ou, and the two moved separately.
  Qin Ou walked out of the flower room and headed towards the swimming pool, while Luo Tian sneaked out from one side with a cat on his waist... After turning over the iron fence, he saw a sneaky middle-aged man wearing an outdated yellow corduroy jacket. , With her long hair messy and looking like a homeless man from a distance, carrying a big bag, holding a camera in his hand, is excitedly taking pictures of the direction of the villa.
  Luo Tian went over and grabbed him.
  "Ah!" The man jumped in fright, struggling to escape, but if Luo Tian caught him, it would be almost impossible for ordinary people to escape.
  "I...I'm a reporter! You have no right to arrest me! Obstructing freedom of the press!"
  The middle-aged man struggled incoherently.
  At this time, Qin Ou, Xia Tian and Ma Xin all went to the backyard and saw Luo Tian grabbing the weird middle-aged uncle in.
  "I knew there was a problem with Qiao's family! Hahaha, the ghosts are not scattered! The ghosts are not scattered!" the reporter uncle yelled.
  Qin Ou flipped through his pockets and found that he really had a press card. It was a reporter from a certain daily newspaper called Liu Tianxue.
  "A big newspaper!" Ma Xin was puzzled. "Why did you hire a journalist with an abnormal mentality?"
  Ma Xin called the newspaper to ask, and the newspaper's reply was unexpected-Liu Tianxue was indeed a reporter for the newspaper before. But it was almost ten years ago that he was dismissed because of mental problems.
  Ma Xinduo asked, he was fired ten years ago when he was reporting on what news?
  The answer given by the other party is-Josh's kidnapping case.
  Everyone saw Liu Tianxue who was mad and insanely taking pictures, saying that "the ghost is not going away", decided to take him to the SCI and let Zhan Zhao have a look.
  And let's talk about Zhan Zhao and the others. At this time, everyone followed the curator Kai Bin and left the gloomy exhibition hall, through the long corridor, and arrived at the curator's room at the end of the corridor.
  The curator's room is unexpectedly modern. With black glass curtain walls and white glass floor tiles, there is a feeling of "cold" and "hard" when entering this office.
  Kaibin asked everyone to sit down and clicked on the phone, as if asking someone to make five cups of tea.
  "All the exhibits in my museum are legal!" Kai Bin took out a large stack of documents from the drawer.
  Bai Yutang asked, "You said none of these exhibits belong to you, you are just the curator, who does this museum belong to?"
  "My boss." Kai Bin sat down on a big black swivel chair, "but I haven't met my boss. I came in through a recruitment test." While
  speaking, the office door was pushed open.
  Zhan Zhao finally saw the second living person in this museum.
  It was a young woman in her early twenties, dressed in a white coat, dressed as a nurse. When the woman walked in, everyone in SCI was shocked, because her face was a little deformed, the left and right sides were asymmetrical, and the staggering was quite serious. It was a very obvious deformity.
  After a daze, everyone quickly looked away, feeling that it was a bit rude to stare.
  But the woman didn't care. After serving tea to everyone, she went out again holding the tray.
  Chan Chao somewhat puzzled, and asked to open bin, "Why is a hospital museum people dressed?"
  "Habit!" On Bin Hey smile, "Before I was doing curator is a doctor."
  "You do Hall How long has it been?" Bai Yutang asked.
  "It's been twenty years." Kai Bin said, he laughed, as if he had thought of something interesting.
  "Do you know someone named Josh?" Zhan Zhao asked.
  Kaibin blinked and shook his head, "I don't know."
  Everyone frowned. This person looks a little nervous, so it is difficult to judge the authenticity of his words with ordinary expressions.
  "Is there any way to contact the owner of the museum?" Bai Yutang asked, "I want to see him."
  "Um..." Kaibin put his chin on, "I can't help with this! Because I haven't seen it either. He."
  Zhan Zhao looked at Bai Yutang--it shouldn't be able to ask anything, so let's get back to the subject.
  Bai Yutang nodded and said to Kaibin, "We are here this time and want to investigate the theft that occurred in this museum." Kaibin was taken aback
  for a moment, then shook his head, "The museum has not been stolen in recent years. Ah."
  "It's a case from fifty years ago."
  "Fifty..." Kai Bin opened his mouth wide.
  "The museum was stolen fifty years ago, and the curator committed suicide because of this, don't you know it?" Zhan Zhao asked.
  "I know!" Kai Bin stood up excitedly, "The crime scene is still well preserved!"
  This time it was Zhan Showa and Bai Yutang's turn for a moment.
  Zhao Hu looked blank, "What does it mean to keep it intact?"
  Kai Bin waved to everyone, "Here, here."
  Everyone stood up suspiciously and followed him out.
  Kai Bin took them up a flight of stairs and came to the third floor. They walked to a dilapidated door. There was still a piece of printing paper on the door that said "Exhibition Hall 11". Besides, there was another one below. A piece of printing paper, printed in red letters-idlers are not allowed to enter.
  Everyone was a little speechless. It's a miracle that this museum hasn't gone bankrupt yet!
  Kaibin took out the key to open the door, and there were two metal bars inside the door, with a red chain in the middle, blocking outsiders from entering, and inside was a fairly open space with several glass booths and platforms. It is rectangular, like a glass coffin with mouthfuls. From a distance, the corpses stored in the booth should be ancient corpses.
  Kai Bin removed the chain and let everyone in.
  Entering this open exhibition hall, Kai Bin said, "This exhibition hall is the same as it was fifty years ago, and the exhibits have not been changed."
  "It has been on display for fifty years?" Everyone was surprised.
  "Since the death of the first curator, this exhibition area has been closed." Kai Bin said, "There are a total of 31 exhibition areas in this building, all of which are the owner's collection. The owner will send it over after a break. A batch of exhibits, and then exhibited for a long time, is actually more like storage."
  Everyone observed several "exhibits", all of which were charred and dry corpses.
  Bai Yutang frowned slightly, feeling that this scorched corpse was very familiar--the craft seemed to be the same as the two corpses nailed behind the door in the old castle.
  "What is the stolen exhibit?" Bai Yutang asked.
  "Here." Kai Bin led everyone to the coffin in the middle.
  In the middle of the exhibition hall, there is a crystal coffin, which is larger than other booths around, and there is a mummy in a black robe in the crystal coffin.
  The whole body wore a black cloak, showing only the face, hands and feet.
  Zhan Zhao glanced at the name of the exhibit-Skin Bag.
  "What was stolen?" Zhan Zhao asked.
  Bin open out from behind a platform of the list, the Road, "a total of five things stolen, a mask, gloves and a pair of shoes and a pair of a pendant, bracelet bunch."
  Chan Chao and INTERACTIVE on After a glance, the mask should be the one that Chen Xiaofei had in his hands, and the pendant may be Grandpa Chen's heirloom. Wu Qian mentioned that the kidnappers kidnapped Josh because he wanted a bracelet from Qiao Yuanxin... So, it's not bad. Got a pair of shoes and a pair of gloves?
  Thinking that the materials of these items may be the same as masks, they are human tissues, everyone can't help but sigh-it really fits the name "skin"!

S.C.I Mystery Series [Book 5]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang