070. [Case III - END] Dislocation, ch.17 - New Monsters

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  The man who suddenly appeared in the computer video, calling himself a pharmacist, attracted everyone's attention.
  As a doctor, Gongsun judged from a professional point of view that this person's physical condition looked very bad, and he might have been seriously ill...Of course, everything was judged by video footage, or it might be just the effect of makeup.
  The pharmacist coughed slightly, cleared his throat, and leaned on a desk behind him, speaking slowly.
  "Yesterday at 15:40, the last veteran of the organization has died." The pharmacist gently shook a document in his hand. "As the only survivor of the middle-level cadre, I inherited all of King's inheritance and this Timing control of the organization." The
  pharmacist said, he seemed a little funny, and the change in mood caused him to cough violently.
  After coughing for a while, he took a handkerchief from his trouser pocket and wiped his mouth, with blood on the corners of his mouth.
  "The six generations all have serious genetic defects." Zhan Zhao has read the research materials that Zhao Jue gave him before, and has a general understanding of the main test products of the organization.
  "As you can see, I have also experienced symptoms of aging." The pharmacist waved his hand lightly, "But this is not the point...In this world, many old traditions have been subverted, and the new force has grown. The original mainstream was squeezed to the edge, and the original edge began to gradually squeeze the mainstream position. This short-term competition is like a long-term evolutionary evolution. The rise is unstoppable, and the decline cannot be saved."
  Everyone at SCI listened. This person's unhurried narration is nothing to refute. What this person said is true, and the world is indeed changing rapidly.
  "The purpose of the organization was originally created because of ambition and some occasional talents." The pharmacist continued, "However, the research on this road was not smooth, and many detours were taken." As
  he said, he gestured behind him. , Reached out and picked up the camera on the table, and turned around in a circle.
  Through the computer screen, everyone found that he was in a huge showroom similar to a library, surrounded by a large number of bookcases and display cases, various pictures on the wall, batches of materials, rows of specimens and experiments. Utensils, workbenches, etc.
  Zhan Zhao glanced roughly and found many familiar elements, some of which had been encountered in the cases they had investigated before.
  "This is all the research results of the organization. Of course, those that are too useless have been destroyed, whether they are materials or test products." The pharmacist continued, "The top-level works cultivated when the experiment develops to the end are nothing but It's a counterfeit like G."
  Zhao Jue whispered to Zhan Zhao, "Some of the hallucinogenic drugs that G relies on should all come from his handwriting."
  Jiang Ping also found out this "pharmaceutical" through facial recognition. He handed the tablet to Zhan Showa Bai Yutang as his true identity.
  According to the data, the "pharmacist" was called Sosita, a chemist of South American descent, and it was officially marked how difficult it was for him to disappear.
  "Ahem." After the
  pharmacist showed the "collection room" he was in, he put the camera back in and continued the conversation, "As you can see, it is just like G. It is a pile of waste products, but...it is inevitable. The road to failure is often accompanied by accidental success. You should have encountered the derivatives of the organization experiment, and you have grasped a lot of them. Especially recently, I have shown you witnesses, Hereditary and misplaced..."
  Everyone couldn't help frowning upon hearing this—show? Means that he arranged this series of cases?
  "They are some of the experimental offshoot, accidentally born out of something." Pharmacists Tanshou, "they at first glance there is no difference with the ordinary people, but in essence, they can have a big difference with the ordinary people."
  Having , The pharmacist turned his head, picked up a stack of folders from the table, and showed them to everyone, "I will pass on all the bad assets left by the organization to you to eliminate them, and there are still some good assets left behind. Hands."
  Everyone couldn't help frowning—what do you mean?
  "Witnesses, genetics, and dislocations are made by studying the skin." The pharmacist put down the information, walked to the back of the table, pulled down a rolling projection screen, and walked over to turn on the projector.
  On the screen, a large number of photos and data are projected.
  The pharmacist is like a teacher, pulling out a pointer and explaining the pictures to everyone one by one.
  "This project was initiated by G. Back then, he and an expedition team entered the jungle and discovered a large number of legends about the'skins' in the local aboriginal culture. Combining the herbal phantom drugs in the jungle and modern hypnotic patterns, they collected A series of biology-related projects relied on a group of scientific monsters including Zhou Anming and Qian Yumin to create a project. However, at the beginning of the experiment, Zhou Anming and Qian Yumin were basically out of the control of G, or in other words, G forgot this project because of other projects. Until recently, G discovered that the forgotten project had new results, which might become a life-saving straw for the organization, so he went crazy looking for hereditary people and exposed himself. I was caught in the end. Of course, this is also inevitable. After all, in the face of absolute strength, all speculations are meaningless."
  After speaking, the pharmacist took a short break and took a cup of water to drink.
  "But... you also caught the hunting family and the mathematician, right?" The pharmacist smiled, "In addition, when you dealt with the case before, you also found some people who were not easy to deal with, such as Emilia and the ghost. Wait." The
  pharmacist's narration aroused some memories of everyone. There are indeed a large number of dangerous people who are related to these experiments. Those people are like □□, which can explode at any time and are extremely harmful.
  "The mathematician is only one of the geneticists, but G also knows he can't capture him at all, so he stupidly tries to use you." The pharmacist took the pile of documents just now and showed them to everyone, "Like mathematics Home, Emilia, Zhou Anming... There are many more of these horrors. These are examples of accidental successes on the road to organizational failure... Of course, success is not always necessary, I can only say, These are the new monsters that have replaced the monsters of the old age and climbed to the top."
  Everyone couldn't help frowning—the new monsters...
  "Some of these people are still under the control of the organization, some have escaped, and some are self-reliant and ambitious...Of course, with the destruction of the organization, they will eventually be'free'." The pharmacist stretched out his hand and grabbed his messy curly hair. "These monsters are mixed in the crowd, some hiding in dark corners, and some standing in the spotlight, but they all have a common characteristic, extremely Unstable, highly dangerous, and possessing traits higher than ordinary people, which may be physical or mental."
  "In these materials, there are records of their basic conditions, even if they are only a few words of description, some are scattered. The picture is the only way for you to get to know them and capture them." The pharmacist said, coughing again.
  He reached out to the screen and brought a medicine bottle.
  Open the bottle, pour out a few pills and take them.
  Both Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang stared at the height of the hand he had just stretched out the screen, and inferred that there might be another person outside the camera, and that the medicine bottle was handed to him by someone.
  "Close to the subject." The pharmacist stretched out his hand, took another thing, and said, "What is the purpose of my recording this video for you?" As
  he said, he put the thing in his hand in front of the camera.
  Seeing that it was a timer, the time on the timer was 13 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 60 seconds.
  "The factory before." The pharmacist prompted, "I know it was a trap you set up, but I still hired someone to blow it up. The purpose is to show you that I have the ability to destroy such a large building."
  "This Timer." The pharmacist pointed to the timer, "It's the explosion timer I set up. Based on my symptoms, I guess my life span is at most two weeks left. Within two weeks, I will die... And as the final curtain call of my mediocre life, I am going to present you a problem, which is also a challenge for you. It is a man-made experiment, a contest between a natural strong man. "
  "The rules of the game are very simple. Within two weeks, no matter what method you use, as long as you can find me, you can turn off the detonator and take away all the materials in this laboratory building." Several documents, "Especially the files of these new monsters. You can catch these monsters based on the files. It's hard to say whether they will save the world, but at least some lives can be saved."
  "On the contrary, if within two weeks, you If you fail to find me, then this building, along with all the organizational heritage in the building, and these files will all be blown up." The pharmacist smiled, "Of course, this is not a big loss for you, anyway, even if there is none. Experiments, there are countless monsters in this world... you can't catch them all your life. But this time, even if I win, these monsters are completely free."
  Everyone watched . ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? " I glanced at the progress bar on the screen and found that it was going to be full soon.
  "Of course, I still have to give you some hints." A smile finally appeared on the pharmacist's sick face.
  "My location, all the clues, are in the murder case of Dr. Mark Fan." The pharmacist stretched out two fingers. His fingers were dry and thin, with traces of chemical burns on the fingertips, and a little bit of the index finger. bending.
  "First of all, Dr. Mark Fan did not commit suicide. He was murdered." The pharmacist retracted a finger. "Secondly, it was of course not me who killed him, and it has nothing to do with the previous genetic dislocations. This is a crime. For a carefully planned murder case, as long as you catch the murderer within two weeks, you can get clues and find me. The above is all my last words. I hope that within two weeks, we will meet." The
  pharmacist finished. I reached out and pressed the timer, and the screen was over.
  The playback screen on the computer screen is automatically turned off and replaced by a black countdown screen.
  After a beep, the countdown begins. The series of numbers of 13 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 60 seconds begins to decrease every second.
  All SCI staff looked at Zhan Showa and Bai Yutang.
  After the two of Zhanbai looked at each other, they both looked back at Zhao Jue and Bai Ye.
  Zhao Jue looked disappointed, and went downstairs with a "hum".
  Bai Ye also helplessly spread his hands to everyone, followed Zhao Jue downstairs and out of the villa.
  At the door of the villa, Bao Zheng was just in time to arrive with Zhan Qitian and Bai Yunwen. The three saw Zhao Jue go out with a dark face, strode towards the direction of the car, and closed the door in one go, with a grievance.
  The fathers of Bao Ju and Zhan Bai were at a loss and asked Bai Ye what was going on.
  Bai Ye gave a general explanation, then caught up with Zhao Jue and drove away.
  Bao Zheng walked to the door of the villa, just as Bai Yutang and the others came down.
  Bai Yutang and Ai Hu made a handover, so that the other police officers of the police force went back first, and they wanted to take over the investigation of the murder of Dr. Mark Fan.
  Bai Yutang asked Mahan Zhao Hu to take his father and Zhan Zhao to the basement to take a look, but because this murder case was of great importance, everything in the villa could not be touched or moved.
  Bao Zheng walked into the doctor's office at the scene of the murder and looked for Zhan Zhao.
  Zhan Zhao asked him, "Where did Zhao Jue and Bai Ye go?"
  Bao Zheng thought for a while, "Go to the grave, there must be an explanation."
  Zhan Zhao's eyes were wide open , "Go to the grave? To whom..."
  Bao Zheng glared at him, "If you can solve the case within two weeks, tell you all the gossip in the past. If you can't solve the case, you will all clean the toilet!"
  After saying that, Bao Zheng ran away and was hitting the shake. The two fathers of Zhanbai came out of the basement. The three of them left together, leaving the SCI people in the villa, preparing to crack this seemingly "ordinary" murder case.

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