132. [Case V] On-Screen, ch.28 - Viper

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While Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang were still guessing whether Anna was involved in two or three murders, the result was unexpected - five!

The character of Anna begins to become more and more subtle.

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang were a little confused. Why on earth was she involved in so many cases at such a young age?

Jiang Ping quickly browsed through the contents of the case he found, and finally frowned and said, "Is this case really related to Anna? Although the time is indeed a bit coincidental..."

Both Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang asked Jiang Ping to read out the news and listen to it.

Anna used to attend a girls' school.

Anna happened to be 16 years old at the time, which was the year she killed the maid at home.

Two months before Anna's accident, three girls from her school disappeared. A month later, they were found dead in the mountains.

At that time, the police concluded that the three girls might have died in the mountain disaster.

But this conclusion is not convincing, because the mountain is neither high nor big. Even if they get lost inside, the three girls all carry communication equipment and can contact the outside world. But these three people did not use these devices, and when they died, they were sitting back to back under a tree with peaceful faces. As for the cause of death, it was even more bizarre that he died of freezing.

You must know that the local average temperature is around 20 degrees, and the coldest in the mountains is only 10 degrees. In any case, it is impossible to cause this kind of freezing death symptoms that only occur in extremely cold and high-altitude mountains.

But the police found no other clues at all.

The deaths of these three girls became an urban legend in the local area, especially in that girls' school.

It is said that these three girls had quite bad conduct in life. Their favorite way to prank was to lock other classmates in the freezer. As a result, the three of them were punished.

The legend in the school is that when they were playing a prank, they locked the freezer of the Grim Reaper who was pretending to be a student. As a result, they suffered the revenge of the Grim Reaper.

Zhan Zhao asked Jiang Ping if he could find out which students had been bullied by them.

Jiang Ping felt it was a bit difficult. After thinking about it, he asked, "Should I ask Mia?"

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang looked at each other. It was true that Mia had memorized all the death information that Karin had collected. She didn't know if she had any information about the deaths of the three girls.

The two of them looked at the clock on the wall. It was almost nine o'clock. Is it okay to call at this time? Has the child already slept?

Zhan Zhao gave Bai Yutang his mobile phone and asked him to call Zhao Jue.

Bai Yutang was a little amused and asked Zhan Zhao, "Why don't you fight?"

Zhan Zhao muttered and asked Bai Yutang to hit him.

Bai Yutang took Zhan Zhao's cell phone and called Zhao Jue.

After the phone rang twice, it was answered.

Zhao Jue's voice came from over there, "Hey, little tiger."

Bai Yutang was stunned and glanced at the phone - it was indeed Zhan Zhao's phone... Then how did Zhao Jue know it was him who called him?

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