170. [SPECIAL] Wizard, ch.17 - Summoning Technique

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Among the cases handled by SCI, we occasionally encounter cases like this, where some people become the prey of some bad guys without knowing it. Or it may be more "advanced" and become a tool for certain people, and get involved in certain incidents without knowing it.

Hou Yingqi belongs to this type.

Someone e-mailed her a clue that seemed helpful but might actually be harmful.

This may also mean that Hou Yingqi's investigation attracted someone's attention, or that she was close to the truth, so she must be stopped.

Everyone studied the plan for summoning the "wizard" in the email and found an interesting point - everything happened in the basement of Shen's family.

Zhan Zhao curiously asked Hou Yingqi, "This plan requires the summoner to live independently in the basement for three days to complete the summoning ceremony. Have you lived in it for three days?"

Hou Yingqi nodded, "At that time, several of my team members were in the basement above the basement where I was staying.

The basement where I stayed was equipped with surveillance equipment with no blind spots. The working team above the basement was responsible for recording, and then I was responsible for the summoning ceremony below.

"Everything is videotaped."

Hou Yingqi clicked on the archive file in her notebook and found that the archive was very detailed. For three days, one video was archived every hour, and there were a lot of 24x3 videos in total.

The entire soul-calling ceremony was quite harsh. Hou Yingqi could not eat during the whole process and could only drink a small amount of water.

The lights in the basement cannot be turned off, they change in sync with the natural light during the day, and the floor lights are turned on at night. Electronic devices such as mobile phones and computers cannot be used to communicate with the outside world. A witch is summoned every two hours. The method of summoning is meditation and reciting the summons.

Attached to the email was a summons of approximately 3,000 words.

Bai Yutang felt that the length was a bit exaggerated, and it took a long time to finish reading...

Zhan Zhao and Zhao Jue touched their chins and read the summoning article together. After reading it, they roughly understood what was going on.

This is a well-structured article with obvious psychological implications, and a large amount of information is hidden in the article.

On the one hand, it creates the image of an immortal evil spirit girl with resentment for the people who read this article.

On the other hand, the article also keeps hinting that the little girl is sleeping underground, and she can be awakened by summoning.

Zhao Hu and Ma Han also read this article and felt that although the writing style was a little bit worse than the underworld, they didn't think they would be tricked into seeing ghosts after reading this article, right?

"You have to consider the environment at the time and the state of your body." Zhan Zhao felt that if the entire process in the email was followed meticulously, three days would be enough for Hou Yingqi to hallucinate. What she said is true at all. If you don't do it, you will die. This sister is too courageous.

"The person who wrote you the email must have been in this basement." Zhan Zhao looked at the photos of the basement and the article. The article contained a lot of descriptions of the structure of the basement. Someone who has never been in it would not be able to write in such detail.

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