160. [SPECIAL] Wizard, ch.7 - Flaw

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Everyone from SCI rushed to Fang Dongshun's villa.

This villa is not the house where Fang Dongshun and his wife Wang Aizhen live. They usually live in an ordinary building in a residential area far away from his company.

This villa is very close to Fang Dongshun's company. According to the police, Fang Dongshun just bought it recently. He probably plans to live here with Mei Wen and their children after divorcing his original wife.

Zhan Zhao and the others raised their faces and looked at this luxurious villa. They felt that they were not worthy of the death of Wang Aizhen, but they were not in the same mood now. They had to find a child first.

The police officers almost turned the entire villa upside down, but no one was found.

The canine unit searched the house and found nothing.

But this is reasonable, because these three people originally lived here, so their smell must be everywhere in the room.

Zhao Jue stood in the yard with his arms folded, looking at the mural on the wall.

Zhan Zhao stared at a few police dogs sitting obediently and looked at Bai Yutang.

Bai Yutang felt that if he had to hide someone, there would probably be a basement in such a big villa.

The police officers who searched said there were two basements and a garage, but no one was found there.

Next to Zhao Jue, Bai Ye, who had followed but said nothing, suddenly asked, "Where is the basement below the basement?"

Everyone was stunned.

The officers looked at each other.

Bai Ye asked, "Is there a car in the garage?"

Everyone came to the garage.

There was indeed a car parked in the garage. The door was closed but unlocked, and the car keys were thrown on the passenger seat.

Zhao Hu started the car and backed out of the garage.

Sure enough, there was an iron door on the ground under the car. Luo Tian grabbed the door handle and pulled hard. The iron door was pulled open, and another basement appeared underground.

Everyone ran down the steps quickly, and they were also a little confused - why would ordinary people build such a hidden basement?

Running to the basement, everyone was even more confused.

The basement is decorated like a living room, and I don't know what it is used for.

On the carpet in front of the sofa in this living room, there are three very inconsistent cabinets placed side by side.

One of the two tall cabinets next to these three cabinets is inexplicably similar to the painting on the wall.

Zhan Zhao looked at Bai Yutang.

Bai Yutang went up and reached out to open the low cabinet in the middle.

Sitting in the cabinet was a boy who looked to be four or five years old.

The child was holding his knees with his hands and resting his head on his knees. Judging from his appearance, he was still alive.

Gongsun checked the child and said, "Maybe he took some sleeping drugs and fell asleep. It would be better to send him to the hospital for examination.

The ambulance had long been parked outside, and Zhao Hu took the child out to the emergency personnel.

At the same time, Luo Tian and Qin Ou opened the other two cabinets.

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