106. [Case V] On-Screen, ch.2 - Telephone

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Bai Yutang dragged the runaway Zhan Zhao back to the office, and saw everyone in SCI gathered together, as if they were eating.

With a piece of cake in one hand, Bai Chi was flipping through the documents, and when Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang came in, he pointed to the table.

There were a lot of exquisite handmade pastries on the table, and Bai Yutang asked where they came from.


Zhao Hu, whose level of gossip is second only to Ma Xin, winked, "Jiang Nan just brought it."

Bai Yutang understood.

When I walked over, I saw that Jiang Nan made small cakes, and they looked very good.

When Bai Yutang saw a cute cat's paw cake, he picked it up and gave it to Zhan Zhao.

Zhan Zhao took a bite and took a bite. After consuming the powdered sugar, his irritability index dropped, and his mood turned cloudy.

At this time, he heard the sound of messy footsteps in the stairwell. Gongsun just came out of the forensic room with the documents, and he saw Fei Mu, the captain of the economic department downstairs, rushing up the stairwell.

Fei Mu ran out of breath, holding the phone in one hand and pointing at the phone with the other.

Gongsun didn't quite understand what he was trying to express, so he saw Fei Mu directly hit the glass door at the entrance of SCI.

Fortunately, the glass door was relatively strong, so Fei Mu stumbled into the SCI and rushed towards Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang.

Both were taken aback by him.

"Heh...heh..." Fei Mu gasped, pointed to the phone and opened his mouth, "Ghost! Ghost..."

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang looked at him suspiciously, "Ghost?"

Fei Mu patted his chest and breathed evenly, and behind him Xiao Baichi patted him on the back.

"I just... called my blind date..."

Fei Mu pointed his phone at Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang.

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang looked at the screen saver on his phone, "Then what? Did you explain it?"

"No...no!" Fei Mu shook his head excitedly, "The one who answered the phone was a ghost! A ghost!"

All the SCI members were dumbfounded, and Ma Han didn't even understand, and asked Zhao Hu, "He said he called the blind date?"

Zhao Hu nodded.

"A ghost answered the phone?"

Zhao Hu continued to nod, "It literally sounds like this..."

Bai Yutang reached out and took his phone, swiped it to Fei Mu's face, opened the address book, pressed the latest call, and then pressed the speakerphone.

After the phone beeps ~ beep ~ twice, it is connected.

A girl who sounded very gentle picked it up, "Hello?"

Everyone looked at Fei Mu.

Hearing this voice, Fei Mu was stunned, tilted his head in confusion, and stared at the phone.

"Hello?" the girl asked again, "Hello?"

Everyone else in SCI looked at Fei Mu, that meant--speak.

"Uh... Hey." Fei Mu finally said, "Oh, it's me."

"Well." the girl asked, "what's the matter?"

"Uh..." Fei Mu looked a little shocked, "No... I just, oh, do you want to go to the movies this weekend?"

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