052. [Case II] Inheritance, ch.21 - Perfect Hereditary

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  Bai Yutang parked the car at the place where the fire trucks gathered outside the fire scene.
  The fire squadron leader in charge of the fire fighting was called Ding Yue. Captain Ding seemed to have just emerged from the fire scene with smoke all over his body.
  The fire has obviously been controlled, there is no danger of explosion, only sporadic ignition points are left, which are being extinguished.
  Ding Yue looked back and saw Bai Yutang coming, and waved, looking very angry, "Captain Bai! Arson at this time! Definitely man-made arson!"
  "Are there any casualties?" Zhan Zhao asked.
  "I haven't found it yet. The factory looked like no one went to work for a long time, and the door was locked." Ding Yue looked dissatisfied. "The area of ​​fire is very large, and the composition of the oxidizer is obvious! The ignition point is very scattered, which is simply typical Put on gasoline and light it!"
  "How long has it been burning?" Zhao Hu asked.
  "About an hour."
  Bai Yutang called Jiang Ping to pay attention to the surveillance near the factory in the past few hours to see if any clues of the arson were filmed.
  Zhan Zhao poked Bai Yutang, which meant it was like asking for a phone call.
  Bai Yutang called him.
  Zhan Zhao asked Jiang Ping, "Jiang Ping, did you say that there is a small drone in each of our cars?"
  "Yes!" Jiang Ping said hurriedly, "It's in the trunk of the car. Inside."
  Zhan Zhao went to open the trunk of the car and found a small iron box. After opening it, there was a palm-sized black box, hollowed out, with a propeller inside, and cameras on the head and tail.
  Zhao Hu came to see, "This is advanced."
  Zhan Zhao smiled slightly, took the box, and walked into the factory with everyone.
  Jiang Ping Chan Chao walking ask, "how to use this thing ah?"
  "There is a switch," Jiang Ping said, "let go after the open on the line, I can control here for you, what you want to shoot it?"
  "Stare at The alley nearby." Zhan Zhao said, "Is anyone paying special attention to us."
  "This is easy to handle. I let
  the plane fly high and stare at it." After Zhan Zhao pressed the drone's switch, the plane was suspended in mid-air and then began to climb.
  Zhan Zhao raised his face and looked at it. The plane was still flying very high, and with a special reflective coating, you would not be able to spot it if you were not paying attention.
  "It's amazing." Zhao Hu also teased Jiang Ping, "It's invisible!"
  Bai Yutang asked Zhan Zhao, "Mao, do you think the arsonist is still nearby?"
  Zhan Zhao thought for a while, "It must be nearby. Someone is staring, but it's hard to
  tell if it was an arson." As he was walking inside, he saw a fireman hurried back and said to Ding Yue, "Captain, there are some unusual discoveries."
  Ding Yue was puzzled. "What's not normal?"
  "There are dead people."
  Ding Yue raised his eyebrows. "Don't you say there were no casualties?"
  The little team member waved his hand straight, "We found a cold storage-like place under the factory with many dead bodies inside. , All wrapped in plastic wrap."
  Ding Yue pointed at Bai Yutang with a disgusted expression on his face. That meant—tell him still.
  Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang naturally heard it, and hurriedly asked, "Where is it?" The
  small team led the SCI crowd to see.
  Ding Yue reported to the bureau that the fire was weird, and there was a criminal case, and the responsible person should be quickly brought under control.
  After the police station got the news, Bao Zheng arranged police officers to follow Yue Hai's house and immediately took Yue Hai back to the police station for investigation.
  In the SCI office, Jiang Ping told Bai Yutang and Zhan Zhao about the control of Yue Hai, while operating the drone and wandering over the factory.
  "The car for news reports has also come in." Jiang Ping saw the car broadcasted by the TV station, "It came very fast."
  Ma Xin turned on the TV and everyone watched the news.
  In addition to the news that the factory caught fire, there was also news that Yue Hai was taken into a police car.
  "Is the information so well informed?" Gongsun felt a little abnormal.
  "It's a bit abnormal. It feels like I knew in advance that Yue Hai was going to have an accident." Xia Xia turned up the news on the Internet to show Gongsun, "You see how evil it is written."
  Gongsun took the ipad to read the news and saw it. Yue Hai suffered from severe traumatic sequelae due to his physical disability. In order to treat himself, he built a laboratory in the factory to conduct human experiments. In the end, the experiment failed, he killed the experimental subject and set fire to destroy the evidence.
  "Oh" Ma Xin couldn't help but admire, "It turned from a successful businessman to a perverted killer...this flip!"
  "This is clearly written in advance!" Jiang Ping said, "This press release is almost It was posted not long after the fire broke out, and now the attention is very high."
  "I thought Yue Hai would definitely have nothing to do with this case." Xia Xia was curious, "But why is this rhythm like someone trying to blame him? "
  ...In the
  machinery factory, Zhan Showa Bai Yutang followed the firefighters to a warehouse that was burnt black. There were some machinery stocked in the warehouse, and they were all burnt black. An iron door on the ground was open.
  Bai Yutang took a flashlight and walked down first, and Zhao Hu also jumped down.
  Zhan Zhao stood on the top and looked down. He only felt that the cold below was pressing. It is probably a cold storage... Why did someone build a cold storage here?
  After a while, I saw Zhao Hu coming up first, and he muttered as he came up, "I'm going! Too abnormal!"
  Behind him, Bai Yutang also came up, and asked Ma Han to call Gongsun to bring the forensic & medical team to learn. People who know the group came over,
  "What's the situation below?" Zhan Zhao was curious.
  Bai Yutang showed him his cell phone, and he helped Zhan Zhao take a picture below.
  Ma Han also leaned over and saw that in the screen of the mobile phone, there was a freezer underneath. Layers of iron frames were covered with plastic sheets. There were more than a dozen corpses in a rough count. The screen looked like a horror movie. of.
  "I'm definitely going to have a nightmare!" Zhao Hu looked dissatisfied, "What kind of people are so perverted that there are so many corpses stored here."
  Zhan Zhao frowned, looked around, and asked. The startled firefighters said, "When you came in, was the door of this basement closed?" The
  firefighters nodded.
  "That ...... If the fire day and night, will burn the bodies of the library it?"
  Several firemen shook their heads, "accelerant did not fall into this iron gate still so thick, definitely not burn the bodies."
  Exhibition Zhao looked at Bai Yutang.
  Bai Yutang also felt very unreasonable, so what was the purpose of this fire? If you want to destroy the evidence, you should burn the dead bodies first.
  "Yue Hai has been arrested." Ma Han showed Zhan Zhao some news sent by Jiang Ping with his mobile phone.
  "A little deliberate." Zhao Hu also felt unable to understand.
  "Hehe." After reading the news, Zhan Zhao laughed, "Everything is developing according to logic, and it's pretty smooth."
  Everyone looked at each other, and when they were puzzled, Bai Yutang's phone rang.
  When Bai Yutang picked it up, Luo Tian and the others looked for Zhan Zhao, and handed over the phone.
  Zhan Zhao picked it up, and asked, "Did you catch him?"
  " Did you catch Dr. Zhan..." After a moment of silence, Luo Tian added, "It's a bit weird, wouldn't it be wrong to catch
  him ?" "Take him. Back to the police station, I will be responsible for any problems." Zhan Zhao hung up the phone and waved to Bai Yutang, "We are going back."
  Bai Yutang originally wanted to wait here for the forensic & medical team to come and move the corpse, but he didn't expect it. Zhan Zhao is going back so soon.
  "Go back now?" Everyone followed Zhan Zhao out.
  "Yeah." There was a faint excitement in Zhan Zhao's eyes, "The show has begun."
  "Dr. Zhan."
  At this time, Jiang Ping also contacted Zhan Zhao, "The drone captured a group of suspicious people and cars, as if someone was watching."
  Zhan Zhao nodded, "Have you taken Yue Hai back?"
  "Just send it over ." That's it." Jiang Ping waved to Gongsun who was ready to go to the scene after packing up, working, and preparing to go to the scene, but heard Zhan Zhao say, "Leave the Legal & Medical Team, there are fun things for them to do."
  Jiang Ping Hurried out to stop the forensic & medical team who was about to enter the elevator.
  Bai Yutang drove back to the police station, Zhao Hu and Ma Han were confused, and asked Zhan Zhao, "What is this progress?"
  "The progress of conjure." Zhan Zhao rubbed his hands and texted Zhao Jue. He quickly returned to the SCI office.
  Zhao Jue seemed to be busy, and he returned a text message and asked him, "What are you going to see?"
  "Perfect Inheritor." Zhan Zhao returned to the past.
  After a while, Zhao Jue made a "vomiting" expression and came over, "Perfect fart, just a monster, play it by yourself, I am busy with serious business here!"
  Zhan Zhao put the phone away and narrowed his eyes, "What are you up to? What... God is mysterious." When
  Bai Yutang and the others rushed back to the SCI office, they saw that Bao Zheng was already there.
  In the SCI office, in addition to the Legal & Medical Team, there is also Yue Hai sitting in a wheelchair and leaning on handcuffs.
  Yue Hai looked sluggish now, with a shaggy beard and a little desolate.
  Zhan Zhao asked Gongsun, "Have you taken the biological information?"
  Gongsun was puzzled, "Is it still a fake?"
  "It's not a fake. The fingerprints and DNA prove to be Yue Hai himself." Bao Zheng sent a document. Pass it to Zhan Zhao.
  Zhan Zhao flipped through it with interest, and looked at Yue Hai in the wheelchair from time to time, as if looking at something cherishing an animal.
  Bai Yutang and others all watched Zhan Zhao's actions in a puzzled manner.
  At this time, the elevator door opened, and Luo Tian and the others were back, with a man.
  Bai Yutang and the others looked at the person brought back by Luo Tian. The person was similar in age and figure to Yue Hai, and his face was somewhat similar, but he was not in a wheelchair.
  Liu & Jin came after everyone & came in.
  The "witness" who first appeared in the case was now staring at the man with the suitcase in front of him warily.
  Walking into the office, Luo Tian took a passport to Zhan Zhao.
  The passport belongs to the person who was brought back to the office by them, and his name is Lin Hai.
  Zhao Hu touched his chin, looked left and right, looked at Lin Hai and then at Yue Hai. He always felt that the two
  looked a little like... Lin Hai looked very angry, "You have no right to arrest me! I missed the plane, I want to sue you! "
  Lin behind, Liu & gold frowning, staring at him.
  Zhan Zhao smiled slightly, waved to him, "Don't get excited, you know why we brought it back."
  Lin Hai still wanted to speak, but Zhan Zhao turned around and asked Liu & Jin, "Who is this person?"
  "Yue Hai!" Liu & Jin looked serious, "He is the one who killed!"
  Lin Hai looked back at Liu & Jin, "What are you talking about? When did I kill someone?"
  "Take his biological information and compare it with Yue Hai look. "Chan Chao said, pinching and pointed Yuehai wheelchair and asked Liu & Kim," so he does? "
  Liu &
  Jin Chao Yuehai looked over, his face seemed a little confused, and then looked back at Lin Hai, "Twins?" Everyone looked at each other.
  Zhao Hu touched his chin-it was a bit like it, but it wouldn't be clear that he was twins, right? The difference is quite obvious.
  Ma Xin took a cotton swab to get Lin Hai's DNA, and Lin Hai was obviously not afraid at all, and quite cooperative.
  Seeing his behavior, Zhan Zhao smiled slightly.
  Lin Hai walked to the sofa and sat down, raising his legs and looking serious, "I will definitely sue you! You have no right to arrest me! I am a legal citizen!"
  Bao Zheng looked at Zhan Zhao puzzled.
  Zhan Zhao walked to the other side of Lin Hai and sat down, observing his every move, without speaking, just staring at him.
  Bai Yutang was also very puzzled, but when he saw Jiang Ping beckoning to him, he walked over.
  Jiang Ping showed him a group of pictures taken by the drone just now.
  Bai Yutang frowned. A suspiciously unlicensed black car was parked in an alley next to the machinery factory. A man wearing a pullover and a mask got out of the car and climbed onto the roof, across from the machinery factory. Looking inside the wall.
  Bai Yutang looked back...It was a coincidence that the sofa where Lin Hai was sitting could just see the computer screen.
  At this moment, Lin Hai was looking at the video with frowning, and between his brows, he seemed to be a little anxious.
  Zhan Zhao sat across from him, smiling while observing the changes in his expression.
  Lin Hai recovered and coughed quickly.
  At this time, Ma Xin came back in a trot. She entered the office and hesitantly gave the inspection report to Gongsun first.
  After a glance, Gongsun handed it to Zhan Zhao, and said, "Lin Hai and Yue Hai have different fingerprints and DNA, and they are not related."
  Zhan Zhao did not have an unexpected expression on his face, but smiled and looked up at Lin Hai.
  Gongsun and Bao Zheng looked at each other. Bao Zheng knew that the situation was not so good. This was tantamount to dragging a legitimate citizen off the plane and taking him back to the police station. If the other party really wanted to prosecute, it would be enough to drink a pot. of.
  However, to everyone's expectations, Lin Hai did not be proud or arrogant, but seemed to be anxious, stood up, picked up the suitcase, "I can go now!"
  Everyone could see that he was walking a little anxiously. , Like running away.
  Zhan Zhao said to him who was walking out the door, "Are you sure you want to leave? Walk out of this door, and no one can protect you. You are now a veritable commander of a polished rod."
  Lin Hai stopped, seemed to have realized it, and looked back at Zhan. Zhao glanced at him, "So you deliberately caught me back?"
  Zhan Zhao smiled and waved at him, "You can be considered dead, you can think carefully."
  Lin Hai gritted his teeth and pulled the box into the elevator.
  Zhan Zhao said to Bai Yutang, "Yutang, stare at him, someone wants to kill him."
  Bai Yutang took Ma Han and Zhao Hu down the stairs in another elevator.
  Bao Zheng came over and asked Zhan Zhao, "What's the matter?"
  "It's just an experiment." After that, Zhan Zhao shouted to the direction of the lounge, "You can come out."
  Everyone turned around and saw Amo Cong. Walked out of the lounge.
  Zhan Zhao asked him, "Can you see people?"
  Amo shook his head, "No."
  "You can't see Lin Hai?" Gongsun asked.
  Amo nodded.
  Zhan Zhao smiled slightly.
  Bao Zheng scowled, "What's going on? It means that you don't want to sell it!"
  "Simply and bluntly, it's..." Zhan Zhao pointed to Yue Hai in the wheelchair, "Stand-in."
  Gongsun opened his mouth wide .
  Zhan Zhao gestured outside again, "That Lin Hai just now is the real Yue Hai." The
  rest of the people in the office opened their mouths wide.
  "What's the situation?" Xiao Baichi couldn't figure it out, "Stealing beams and changing posts?"
  "But...but biological information can't be forged!" Gongsun shook his head vigorously.
  "Yeah! Yue Hai used to be a soldier. His fingerprints and some biological information were left more than ten years ago." Ma Xin also shook his head, "Why... and Lin Hai did find this person, completely different. The two people just look alike..."
  "So what?" Zhan Zhao smiled faintly, "That's perfect, inherited."

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