063. [Case III] Dislocation, ch.10 - Third Base

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  Zhan Showa and Bai Yutang came to the Special Patients Prison to meet with Zhou Chen, a juvenile offender 30 years ago.
  When they met on the first day of the new year, Zhou Chen ignored everyone, turned around and left until Zhan Zhao called him "Zhou Anming."
  Zhou Anming is the name of Zhou Chen's father, the biologist who was driven into the river by him and drowned according to Zhou Chen's confession.
  Zhou Chen stopped, turned his head, and looked at Zhan Zhao.
  Thirty years later, the former juvenile offender has become a slightly vicissitudes of middle-aged man. Zhou Chen's temperament was gloomy, and there was an unspeakable cunning in his eyes. At first glance, he was a very difficult character to deal with.
  "Zhou Chen." Shi Wen waved to Zhou Chen, "These two police officers want to ask you..."
  Before Shi Wen finished speaking, Zhan Zhao waved his hand gently and interrupted him.
  Pointing to the tables and chairs on the side, Zhan Zhao signaled Zhou Chen---come to sit down and have a chat.
  Zhou Chen didn't move, but his eyes followed Zhan Zhao, who walked to the table and sat down.
  Bai Yutang did not sit down with Zhan Zhao, but stood aside, all around the observer. The alarm sounded just now. According to Shi Wen, a prisoner escaped.
  In this world, no matter which prison, there is no more trouble than the prisoner escaped. The first time they came to visit the prison, they happened to escape from prison. This coincidence is very unnatural. Looking at the performance of the prison director Shi Wen at this time, he was obviously more nervous about the meeting between Zhan Showa and Zhou Chen, rather than the prisoner who escaped. The first glance here is tedious.
  Bai Yutang inferred that when Shi Wen came just now, he deliberately typed a code word with the secretary, for example, "A distinguished guest is here, making first-class tea" in order to interrupt them to question Zhou Chen.
  Unlike Shi Wen's anxiety, the prison guard named Wu Lei used the walkie-talkie to ask about the situation outside, wondering who the prisoner ran out.
  But the prison & police outside did not answer.
  Wu Lei tapped on the walkie-talkie, and it is not clear that the person on the other side of the walkie-talkie is not there? Or is the machine broken?
  Bai Yutang glanced at the phone, and there was no signal anymore.
  There are indications that this will not be a smooth meeting.
  Bai Yutang remained vigilant.
  Zhan Zhao's attention is entirely on Zhou Chen.
  Walking to the table and sitting down, Zhan Zhao picked up a cut rose.
  This is a modified rose with no thorns, multiple heads, a branch with a branch in the upper layer, with nearly 30 flowers & buds at the end, and a bunch of flowers in a paper bag. The petals are two-color, and the orange has two discolorations, one is deep and the other is light.
  Zhan Zhao picked up the flowers and looked in the direction of the sun. The colors of the flowers were like the afterglow of the setting sun, like a painting by Van Gogh, strong and frantic.
  Zhan Zhao looked at Zhou Chen, who was also looking at him not far away, through the gap between the flowers and branches, and said, "The same principle." When
  Zhou Chen heard this, his eyes changed a little.
  "The dislocation..."
  As Zhan Zhao uttered these three words, Zhou Chen's face showed a surprised look. At the same time, the Dean Shi Wen stepped back two steps, as if he wanted to sneak out.
  But before he acted, Bai Yutang had blocked his way.
  "The dislocation is the opposite of the inheritance. The inheritance has defects, and the dislocation has hyperplasia. The inheritance is a relative balance, and the dislocation is the barbaric growth. Just like this bunch of flowers, it is obviously just a flower, but It grows into a tree. From plants, to insects, to mammals... This is how the experiment was carried out.
  Having said that, Zhan Zhao looked back at Shi Wen, "I finally understand why he wanted to kill all this. Everyone in this prison...because he discovered what the real place is, realizing that he is the raw material of the experiment, and also realizing what you want to do... isn't it? "
  At this time, Dean Shi Wen's face was ashen, but the door was blocked by Bai Yutang, and he couldn't
  escape . Prison & police Wu Lei heard Zhan Zhao's words and asked, "He? The doctor? "
  Zhan Zhao looked at Wu Lei, "You also think it's weird, don't you? "
  Wu Lei nodded.
  Bai Yutang looked at Zhan Zhao, and gave him an "unintelligible" expression.
  Zhan Zhao was not in a hurry, and explained to Bai Yutang, "I came here a few years ago to deal with a case, do you know that?"
  Bai Yutang nodded, the case was quite famous, and Zhan Zhao was completed at that time. After the mission, Mahan was recommended to him.
  "In this special hospital, there was an anesthesia & drunk doctor who was previously detained. This doctor was known as the dead doctor. He used his position to kill more than a dozen patients who he thought was damned. He was finally arrested and identified as a mentally ill patient. Enter here." Zhan Zhao recalled the incident at that time patiently, because in his excellent memory, the details of the case were also quite accurate. "After the doctor was imprisoned, one day suddenly, he took advantage of his physical discomfort to go to the infirmary for an examination, killed a prisoner, and then used the medicine in the infirmary to make up three bottles of medicine. The first bottle, he injected and entered. In the body of the prison guard & policeman Wu Lei who was still a rookie at the time. This numbing & drunk medicine made Wu Lei lose his ability to control himself and became a puppet following his command. The other two bottles of medicine were divided into bottle A and bottle B. The bottle was divided into two fragile glass jars. The doctor exchanged clothes with Wu Lei and hid the two glass jars in the left and right pockets. Then Wu Lei wore a prison uniform and hijacked a warning uniform. The doctor came to the roof of the small building opposite."
  Everyone followed the direction of Zhan Zhao's fingers and looked at a building not far away.
  "At that time, most of the prisoners were doing carpentry and receiving re-education and education in that building." Zhan Zhao continued, "The prison authorities called the police, and the Bureau sent me to the scene, and the snipers were in place. "
  Wu Lei stood by and listened, nodded and said, "At that time, although I was not under my control, but I could think. I was thinking then, it's over! I must be headshot... and the sniper shot. , Blasted the doctor's head. At that time, many people ran to me, but Dr. Zhan told everyone to stay away, and then told me to stay still, keeping the posture and carefully touching the doctor's pocket, and then I took it out. Those two bottles of potion."
  "As long as the two bottles of potion AB are mixed, a chemical reaction will occur, and a large amount of toxic gas will be produced. This toxicity is extraordinary and the scope of harm is very large. Anyway, the people in this whole building will not survive." Zhan Zhao finished. , Lightly shook his finger, "Then the problem is here, why did the doctor do that?"
  Bai Yutang frowned, indeed it was unnecessary. If the doctor wants to escape from prison, he can pretend to be the prison that was killed by him. He is in the prison controlled by him. & Police Wu Lei escaped with the assistance of. If he wants to kill the people in the building, he doesn't need to pretend to be held captive, and unknowingly mix the two bottles of potion and release the gas. It's all right... Why do you want to cause riots and run to the top of the building? Come?
  "Why did the doctor do that?" Zhan Zhao gave his own answer, "Because he not only wants to kill the prisoners and staff here... He also has someone he specifically wants to kill."
  After finishing talking, Zhan Zhao Turned his head and glanced at Zhou Chen.
  Zhan Zhao stretched out his hand and pointed to a spot on the building, "There are many spots upstairs to stand, why is he standing in that corner?"
  Zhou Chen also glanced at the direction of the roof.
  "Because you can see here..." Wu Lei suddenly seemed to understand something, and suddenly realized.
  "He wants to make sure that the people he wants to kill are within the'effective range'!" Bai Yutang glanced at Zhou Chen.
  Wu Lei suddenly turned his head and went to see Shi Wen.
  Shi Wen hurriedly waved his hand, "Oh! Dr. Zhan's imagination is too rich..."
  Zhan Zhao interrupted him, and asked Wu Lei, "As the prison guard & policeman, do you think there are any secrets hidden here?"
  Wu Lei nodded, "The prison guards in this prison are divided into day shifts and night shifts, and they never shift. The prison guards in day shifts are forbidden to come here at night. I have worked for the past few years, and I have never had any interaction with colleagues on night shifts. In addition..."
  Wu Lei nodded to Zhan Zhao, "Doctor, what you said about the doctor's situation is reasonable. Zhou Chen has always been detained in solitary confinement. In addition to visiting prisoners and a few special staff members, other prisoners cannot access him. The prison's explanation has always been that the roses he cultivated are the main source of income for the prison, and he is a very special prisoner, so he needs special detention. I remember that when the doctor was held hostage, he did turn his head to look in this direction. It's just that I couldn't think of this at all."
  "So what secrets are hidden in your prison?" Bai Yutang asked Shi Wen.
  Shi Wen suddenly grabbed the walkie-talkie in Wu Lei's hand. He ran to Zhou Chen's side quickly, and shouted into the walkie-talkie, "Orange warning...orange..." It
  was just that he just yelled a few words, the walkie-talkie. Zhao Hu's voice came from his head, "Orange, what orange, report the weather!"
  "Captain, are you all right?" Ma Han's voice also came, "Support has arrived."
  Zhan Zhao smiled, almost at the same time. , The sound of a helicopter came overhead.
  Zhan Showa and Bai Yutang raised his head, and saw a police station helicopter parked above his head, the cabin door was open, and the charter station leaned out half of his body and looked down.
  Zhan Zhao beckoned to the top and asked Bai Yutang, "Are Ma Han and Zhao Hu calling for support?"
  Bai Yutang didn't understand, "Maybe they found something outside?"
  Zhan Zhao touched his chin and squinted. He shook his head and said, "Someone should have reminded them." After a
  while, the iron door behind Bai Yutang opened slowly.
  Ma Han brought members of the special police team in, and he was relieved to see that Zhan Zhaohe Bai Yutang was okay.
  Special police captain Xiao Fei just received a call from the Baosteel, thinking that the special prison was making a collective escape or something, so scared the special police with a car and live ammunition rushed over. But the prison was operating normally, except for a guard who was beaten out at the door.
  Zhan Zhao told Xiao Fei to investigate the prison staff. All the prison guards and doctors in the day shift were registered, and all arrests were made in the middle of the night, including the director Shi Wen.
  Xiao Fei seems a little embarrassed-what crime?
  At this time, Xiao Fei's walkie-talkie rang.
  Just now they got off the car and divided them into two teams. One pair followed Ma Han and they came to Zhan Zhao Bai Yutang. The other team's deputy captain followed Zhao Hu and followed the map drawn by Ma Han to check the basement.
  Xiao Fei received a report from the deputy captain that the basement was simply a terrorist laboratory, and someone was conducting illegal biological experiments here. There is also a small command room underground. It was the monitoring room that cut off the mobile phone signal just now. It also hid weapons and many dangerous drugs.
  Xiao Fei asked Zhan Zhao suspiciously, "Where is this place?"
  Bai Yutang and Ma Han also found it difficult to explain this to Xiao Fei.
  Zhan Zhao thought for a while, and asked the suspicious SWAT team members, "Have you seen Resident Evil?"
  Xiao Fei and the team members nodded.
  Zhan Zhaoyan pointed to the ground under his feet concisely, "This is similar to the beehive of an umbrella company."
  Xiao Fei gasped, "Are there zombies?"
  Zhan Zhao waved his hand, "The low-profile version, the low-profile version! Only changes. "There are no zombies."
  Ma Han took two steps and whispered to Zhan Zhaohe Bai Yutang, "Just now, Zhao Jue contacted us and said this is Base 3."
  Zhan Zhao nodded, "Sure enough."
  Bai Yutang understood. Why did Ma Han and the others call for support in time, and at the same time, Captain Bai also looked at Zhan Zhao-how did Zhao Jue understand our actions? Is it possible to have monitoring?
  Zhan Zhao also tapped his chin with his mobile phone... I guess there is.
  At this time, the Baosteel Bureau came with other people from SCI.
  Gongsun, Ma Xin, and the Xiatian Forensic & Medical Team brought camera equipment to visit the experimental base they discovered accidentally.
  Bai Yutang asked Luo Tian and the others to bring Zhou Chen back to the SCI.
  After receiving the manually printed topographic map of Ma Han handed over by Zhao Hu, Zhan Zhao took a good look and then checked Ma Han's situation.
  Zhan Zhao said to Ma Han, "I guess Zhao Jue used you as a storage device, so I should have stored a lot of things in it."
  Ma Han was also a little helpless, "Isn't there anything bad to go in?"
  Zhao Hu took a flashlight. Mahan's ears.
  Everyone walked out of the prison and watched Zhou Chen being escorted in a car and taken away. They all felt that there were too many questions that needed to be cleared up.
  Bai Yutang asked Zhan Zhao, "So is he Zhou Chen or Zhou Anming?"
  "Both." Zhan Zhao said, motioning to visit the underground laboratory according to the drawings, and said as he walked.
  ... When
  Zhao Hu first saw this prison before, he thought it was very suitable for making horror movies. When everyone walks through the intricate corridors and finds the entrance to the basement, when they walk into the basement, it is as if they are in a real horror movie.
  The basement is mainly a long and narrow corridor with dim lighting and a mixture of disinfectant, musty and rusty smells.
  Polished and reflective concrete floors and yellowed walls. Each room has hospital beds, dissection tables, and laboratories with various instruments. The style is like a retro-style horror game. A mutated monster came out from which corner.
  "It's much lower than Umbrella's honeycomb technology." Zhao Hu expressed disappointment. "There are no clones and no red queens."
  "Because there is no danger of leaking viruses here." Zhan Zhao walked into an office and found some documents. Pass the information to Gongsun.
  Gongsun looked through it and asked Ma Xin and Xia Tian to bring all the files and computers back to the SCI for research.
  After everyone had finished visiting the underground laboratory, everyone from the Forensic Division of the police station also arrived.
  Everyone at SCI stopped work and returned to the police station, but the car was driving on the way home. Except for Zhan Zhao, everyone else was dumbfounded and didn't know what happened.
  Bai Yutang reminded Zhan Zhao, "Zhou Anming and Zhou Chen."
  "Then start with the case thirty years ago." Zhan Zhao said, "This is a very murderous, but quite simple murder, right?"
  Everyone nodded.
  Zhan Zhao first summarized the case, "Zhou Chen went swimming with his twin brother Zhou Guang and a few friends, but Zhou Guang drowned. After Zhou Chen returned home, he called himself Zhou Guang and possessed Zhou Guang's behavioral abilities. Mathematics that can only test fifty is the same as Zhou Guang can test 100. Zhou Chen's arm has scars from his childhood burns, so he is indeed Zhou Chen, and the one who died is Zhou Guang. After that, Zhou Chen killed one of them. The classmate who went to swim and his mother were arrested and imprisoned, and they explained that his father had been pushed into the river by him and drowned. And his father Zhou Anming is a biologist, no one knows what he is researching, and he has a project with him. All of his colleagues died in various accidents before he was killed. After the case was closed, Zhou Chen was put in a special prison and has served his sentence so far."
  Everyone nodded—it was just such a process.
  "First of all, is this person Zhou Chen?" Zhan Zhao asked.
  "According to the scar on the arm, it is indeed." Bai Yutang also observed Zhou Chen just now, and there was indeed a large burn scar on his arm.
  "It takes time for a burn scar to form. It cannot be forged at will." Gongsun also felt that Zhou Chen was physically correct.
  "Then is he Zhou Guang?" Zhan Zhao then asked.
  "Uh..." Everyone didn't react, why did Zhan Zhao ask? It has been determined that it is Zhou Chen, why is it still Zhou Guang?
  "How can a person who can only test fifty points in mathematics suddenly get one hundred? How can a person who is lactose intolerant drink a bottle of milk every night?"
  Zhan Zhao asked two questions, and everyone fell into trouble. Contemplation, how can it be done?
  "Another way of asking, can a person who can test 100 points in mathematics test only 50 points? A person who has no problem with lactose digestion, can he not drink milk?" After
  Zhan Zhao's question was asked, Bai Yutang Frown, "Do you mean that Zhou Chen's 50th math test was deliberate, and he pretended not to drink milk?"
  "Come again." Zhan Zhao did not answer, and continued to ask questions, "A person who has not graduated from high school has entered. After being in prison, how did you have a wealth of biological knowledge and the ability of a biologist to improve plant genes and cultivate new roses?"
  "Self-taught?" Zhao Hu asked.
  Zhan Zhao felt amused, "How do you want to learn? He is in prison."
  Zhan Zhao pointed to himself, "I had finished my university studies when I was sixteen."
  Everyone was taken aback.
  "So Zhou Chen had the knowledge and ability in this area very early?" Bai Yutang was surprised, "Didn't it mean that Zhou Chen's mischievous performance was poor? Is it a genius in disguise?"
  "A genius in disguise or a ghost, which is more reasonable? How about some?" Zhan Zhao asked.
  Everyone frowned... Indeed...
  "Why did he do that?" Zhao Hu was curious, "And why did he kill so many people in a row after going to the reservoir?"
  "This is a good question. How many people did Zhou Chen kill?" Zhan Zhao then asked questions.
  "Zhou Guang, his four classmates, his parents." Zhao Hu replied, "seven people."
  "What's the difference between the seven dead?"
  "Only his father has no corpse." Ma Han said, "The others are all Only his father
  who was murdered bloodily seems to be different." "If he only killed Zhou Anming and didn't kill others, and he didn't confess his crime, can the police catch him?"
  "There is no murder without a corpse." Bai Yutang shook his head, "It's difficult."
  "So what about those colleagues of Zhou Anming who died unexpectedly?" Zhan Zhao asked, "One of the accidental deaths is understandable, two are barely acceptable, three are suspicious and four must have problems. . Zhou Anming's colleagues are all dead!"
  "Like another serial murder case." Bai Yutang seems to have understood the direction of Zhan Zhao's induction, "Zhou Chen killed people other than his father with cruel and efficient methods. , An undisguised technique. The killing of Zhou Anming was thoughtful without leaving any flaws... If the deaths of Zhou Anming's colleagues are also related to him..."
  "Then he has the ability to commit crimes precisely!" Ma Han and Zhao Hu also understood the meaning. "This is very strange. He can clearly plan meticulous crimes to evade legal sanctions. Why is it so simple and rude? Go and kill people to get yourself caught?"
  "Because he has both abilities." Zhan Zhao smiled, "He can be a rude butcher, or a criminal with high intelligence."
  "So..." Bai Yutang also kept up with Zhan Zhao's rhythm at this time. "He could be Zhou Chen, or Zhou Guang and Zhou Anming?"
  Everyone suddenly understood what Zhan Zhao said before: plants, insects, and mammals. ...
  Zhou Chen's condition seems to be the same as the multi-headed rose he cultivated, and the mysterious bug sent to SCI by someone unknown.
  "We have never known what the research project of Zhou Anming, a biologist is." The car drove into the police station parking lot, and Zhan Zhao gave his own conclusion before getting off the car, "Maybe Zhou Chen is his research project."

S.C.I Mystery Series [Book 5]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin