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Chapter 63

Live Lily's hand. "Great. Sister, it's okay," Lily smiled weakly.

"You're not hungry. Kiki's cooking is still quite delicious. I asked.

"Kiki? Who?" asked Lily strangely.

"It's me. Sister Lily," Zou Qiqi brought her face together. And he said,

"It's you. You haven't run yet. You must be scared that I'm injured," Lily began, her tone unusually mature.

"Lily, you're right. Those people all ran. He was the only one left," I said, then helped Lily up and fed her the white porridge in her hand.

Lily was silent for a while, but did not say anything, but silently drank all the white porridge. Then wiped his mouth: "It tastes good, you can be a cook in the future"

I sighed helplessly. I thought the lilies were ripe. I didn't expect to still walk around the children's side.

After we finished breakfast, Zou Qiqi drove directly down the highway. I changed the gauze for Lily in the car. I checked the wound and there was no infection.

But luck doesn't seem to be good. I met the group of people from before. Zou Qiqi stopped the car and went to the back and asked me what I was going to do.

"Don't worry about them, teach them a lesson, if I take care of me every time there is trouble, won't I be exhausted." I stared at the people in front of me who were surrounded by zombies at the gas station, and then spoke to Zou Qiqi.

"But they. ....," Zou Qiqi stopped talking.

"My stuff is almost used, and those strange plants are all exchanged for crystal nuclei. If only it helped them. Naturally, they will pester us. I thought about it and said.

Zou Qiqi was silent for a while, but I could see a tangled expression on his face.

"Kiki, you understand that Lily was injured at that time, the indifference of those people, and what my temperament was like at that time, do you understand? I saved them all. But because Lily was injured and could turn into zombies, they abandoned us all.


Qiqi was silent for a moment, then walked to the front and continued to drive.

When passing by them. I threw out two hot peppers,


this was the last time I helped them.

"I knew you were kind," Zou Qiqi began.

"Hmph, get out of your car," I snorted coldly. Then awkwardly turned his head.

Zou Qiqi smiled and said nothing. As soon as you step on the accelerator, the car rushes straight out.

However, it seems that Zou Qiqi does not seem to recognize the way, plus does not know the map. We got lost. The further you go inside, the narrower the road becomes. Finally, we found that the road ahead had been blocked. There was no way, we got out of the car and prepared to make a U-turn. Also bad luck, it's a spinning way up. Suddenly, two unknown objects fell in front of us, smashing out two blood flowers. We subconsciously looked up and saw that there were actually people on the road above. is being besieged by zombies. It should be said that above is a platform for turning. And the place that leads to other roads.

。 That person's luck must not be good. Besieged by so many zombies, I stood on the roof of the car and looked up. You can vaguely see that there is only one person on the other side, and it looks like a powerful superpower.

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