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Chapter 103

of 4 second-order crystal nuclei. The harvest is good, let's go rob others in the future. Yin Tiantian spoke.


-_-|||" ........."

( ⊙ o ⊙ ) Ah!

(⊙o⊙) oh


"Well, we shouldn't have to do this. Let's leave someone else a way back" "

Huh. I'm joking. Am I that bad? By the way, how are you harvesting," Yin Tiantian asked.

"About the same as you. By the way, should we go back," Zhuge Xiaoming spoke.

Yin Tiantian got up directly into the car, "Let's go back, there is a big meal tonight" After speaking,

he greeted everyone and got into the car. The crowd drove away. Only a bunch of guys who want to cry without tears remain.

Everyone ate a roast suckling pig in the evening. Then everyone contributed the month's expenses. Yin Tiantian cleaned the crystal nucleus and loaded it directly into the space. Yin Tiantian, who seemed to be in a good mood, directly took out a bunch of wine. Celebration anyway. It should be said that in this apocalypse there is no drinking on that day at all. Fear when there will be danger.

But today is different. Today is Yin Tiantian's birthday. I think I remembered it in the afternoon.

Sighing that he is a year older. Yin Tiantian directly poured the wine. Happy. It's rare to get drunk.

But obviously, the body that has been modified now does not seem to really get drunk, O (╯□╰)o

Look at the drunk people. Yin Tiantian simply didn't care about them anymore. It seems that the house is very warm now, and there should be nothing wrong.

Looking at the only girls who were not drunk, Yin Tiantian directly asked everyone to go back to sleep.

Early the next morning. There were only a few people who had not been drunk the night before,

and it seemed that they had forgotten something," Yin Tiantian said helplessly.

"That seems to be a competition today, a competition with that guy," Lily thought for a moment and then spoke.

"Oh, what time is it?" asked Yin Tiantian. ....

"9 o'clock. On the western square," Ye Mengyao said. "By the way, we went, so what should they do".................

"Just let the others watch, just the five of us." Save those people to come and pick up training. Yan Liqiu spoke, and then handed over this task to the others.

"We look like we're going to be late," Lily said, pointing to the eight-thirty figure displayed on the clock. .........

124 extinguished them

124 "that. I don't think we're going to be late," Lily said, pointing to the clock hanging on the wall. The upper pointer is exactly at eight-thirty.

(⊙o⊙)...。 It seems like you're really going to be late. Yin Tian thought helplessly.

The crowd packed up their things. Went straight downstairs and took a taxi and left. These losses must be recovered.

When I arrived at the West Square, it was already crowded. It seems that there is more than a group of people competing today. It seems that there are enough six mercenary groups in dispute. So it's lively.

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