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Chapter 149

"ZX," came your voice looking for my father. Yin Tiantian directly turned her head and saw the two faces that were thinking about twilight. The fist that the finger originally held unconsciously loosened. Tears suddenly filled my eyes.

They lost weight. But it's still the same as it was many years ago.

But they probably don't recognize themselves. After all, I have changed so much.

ZX looked at Yin Tiantian's appearance and couldn't help but wonder wasn't it. "

By the way, this little girl lives in the same place as you." The name is also Yin Tiantian. I don't know if there is a duplicate name in your hometown," ZX began.

Yin Tiantian's parents were stunned. "There is only Tian Tian there with this name, but our family Tian Tian is very fat," Tian Tian's mother Qi Yue began.

I lost weight. The weight loss was successful, not only became thinner, but also became beautiful," Yin Tiantian spoke, a familiar voice, a familiar tone.

"The door of my house is green. There are two golden carp on it. The house is painted pink. The furniture is brownish red. The floor is golden yellow. The cats used to be black. In front of the home is a river. Connected to the reservoir. ..... It seems that my physique grows meat when drinking cold water. The first dish I learned to cook was to make fish..."Yin Tiantian recounted things one by one.

"Tiantian" Qi Yue ran directly over and hugged Yin Tiantian tightly, and

"Mother" Yin Tiantian couldn't help crying directly.


Of course, some people are happy and some people are worried, it should be said that the reunion of people's families, as a single ZX, is embarrassed to bother, so he helplessly walked out and closed the door.

"What's going on inside ZX?" one man asked.

"Actually, they're all family," ZX said directly.

"You're talking about Tiantian, his parents are still alive," Qi Cheng hurriedly asked.

"Hmm. In the past, it was actually because of the country that separated them for so long. "ZX opening

. " That's how it is. By the way, ZX's current R country s.b asked to speak to you," the ZX secretary spoke directly.

"yes, what is that guy going to do," ZX began, then thought about it, give me the inside line of the street, and turned to leave.

On the other hand, ZX connected to the video call

of S.b in country R, "I don't know what you're looking for me for,"

"Oh, we have something to do too. I heard that you are still rich in products there. So we hope you can donate some supplies. "The other party directly opened the door.

"I'm so sorry. I see that your face is rosy, and it doesn't look like you're hungry. We are not as rich as you. We are already out of grain here. "ZX just cried poor.

"Well, then, why did I hear that there is another place in your country that is not a worry about food and clothing," R country S.B said directly.

"Yes. I knew it was just a small place. And only a couple of thousands. It's true to say that you don't have to worry about wearing it. But don't worry about eating this kind of word, you should use less in the future. By the way, I still have something to talk about later," and hung up the phone directly.

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