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Chapter 94

The bun directly gave Yin Tiantian a blank look.

Yikes. Am I being laughed at? Yin Tiantian couldn't help but think.

Then a four-leaf clover card was found inside the space. He really forgot. It looks like it will be very trouble-free now.

Everyone ate and drank and sat on the ground for a while. There should be a half-hour break.

。 Yin Tiantian and Ye Mengyao came to the water's edge. Then hold up a tree that has dried up. Look into the distance. "It seems like it's a long way from here." Yin Tiantian spoke. Now when the flood comes up, I don't know where the mountains are and where the buildings are. Yin Tiantian and others went down the river. Of course, this road is the recent.

"It's really close. So we have to leave like this. Otherwise, the water below is so big. It takes a long time to get to your destination. Ye Mengyao spoke. Then turned his head to stare at Yin Tiantian: "How long can that plant of yours last." I noticed that it seemed to show durability values. Numbers that change frequently. Isn't it a durability value?"

"Of course. You really are. I found out. Yes, that's the durability value. Each plant has a durability value. Unless it's a disposable item. Yin Tiantian said.

"So are these cards really some kind of Sunny Sky Great God," Ye Mengyao asked.

"Of course. Because I am the Great God of Sunny Day," Yin Tian said with a smile and a low voice.

"Sure enough. Ye Mengyao's face became embarrassed. Then looked at Yin Tiantian with a helpless expression.

"I think we should connect every lotus flower. Then when any of the lotus durability values are about to go to zero, replace them with new ones. I think like this, we will soon get to where we want to go," Ye Mengyao suddenly remembered something and hurriedly spoke.

"It's a good idea. I think we should connect each lotus flower with a rope. Lily suddenly spoke. Then he drilled Hu from behind Yin Tiantian.

Yin Tiantian jumped



"Lily, when did you appear. It scares me to death," Yin Tiantian patted her small chest. A helpless look spoke.

"Really. I said very early. Who told you to speak so carefully. If it weren't for me, everything you said would have been heard. Lily looked helpless.

"Good, good, good. Lily is the best. Yin Tiantian reached out and touched Lily's hair. And then a tone like a child.

For this though. Lilies are very useful. A lazy expression.

After the crowd rested. Then get ready to get out of here. At the speed of this water opening, it seems to be really a bit troublesome. Staying here is absolutely dangerous.

The crowd tied each lotus flower with ropes. Then a giant lotus flower was formed. Everyone hurriedly jumped up. Of course, it is everyone who finds his or her place.

But at this time, Yu Luo came to Yin Tiantian's side. Then I want to sit next to Yin Tiantian like a kitten who has always been docile.

Yin Tiantian looked very strange. At this time, Yu Luo spoke, "Sister said that you will treat me better." You want me to listen to you. And he said he couldn't take care of me. Let me follow you," Yu Luo thought for a moment and then said.

Yin Tiantian glanced in Yu Yan's direction. I saw that Yu Yanxiang Yin Tiantian made a gesture to cheer.

In fact, Yu Yan is an S. Yin Tian thought viciously. Then he took out a pack of marshmallows and handed it to Yu Luo. Looking at Lily's little face that was a little jealous. Then took out a pack of lollipops. I really met a lot of children.

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