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Chapter 112

You look over there. Isn't it human," Lily pointed in the direction of a lake. Then shouted.

"I saw it. You want to get busy with yours. I'll take a look." Yin Tiantian spoke, and then directly said, a lotus flower, put into the water, plus a four-leaf clover, directly towards the boat in the water.

When I arrived at the side of the boat, I found that the people inside were already leaning weakly against the boat. Although there was water, his face was sallow, as if he hadn't eaten for a long time.

。 You guys have nothing to do," Yin Tiantian asked.

And then I looked inside the boat and saw that there seemed to be people inside. "Do you have anything," Yin Tiantian shouted again.

At this time, a person struggled to open his eyes, "Eat." Give me something to eat. The other party spoke weakly.

I'm really hungry. But I just don't know if these people are good or bad. They had to tow their ship back, but fortunately the four-leaf clover was relatively powerful.

When they got to the shore, these people did not fight zombies, and directly ran over to watch. Yin Tiantian didn't care about them. Originally, I wanted to investigate to see who these people were, but seeing that they were so hungry that they were out of breath, they took out the rice porridge from the space ring. Then he took out some buns n.rang and could let Lily and others pour them down.

So after the rice porridge was eaten, more than a dozen people woke up at that time.

"Yes, the ship is out of oil," Ye Mengyao opened after checking it.

Yin Tian nodded, and then asked the people who woke up again, who they really were.

"Thank you for saving us. We were originally in....... People from a village. Where is it........ Ri also lives by fishing, this last days........ After coming............. We took refuge directly in our village in a safe place. , it was a grain processing plant. It is also because of this that we can live for a long time. But those three days............ The heavy rain flooded the house directly. If it weren't for our guys there, there would be a ship. I'm afraid of me. I'm afraid none of us will survive," the other party thanked Yin Tiantian vigorously after speaking.

Yin Tiantian also looked at it, there were not only men on the ship, but also old people, children, and women, and it seemed that they had not received any harm. So trust them for the time being. When others wake up, they say the same thing, and many of them survive. Everyone but one woman who cut off the flesh from her arm to eat for her mother survived.

It seems that there are also such people in the last days.

So Yin Tiantian decided to let them go back with him first, and maybe they could become family members in the future.

While Yin Tiantian and the others walked back. On the other side. Jiang Yu fell silent after receiving the report from his two subordinates.

"Isn't it, are those girls really as good as you say," one man began, startled.

"Look, Xiao Liu. They just don't believe it. Look at this, you must believe it," said a person who came back to report and took out his phone. The picture captured is recorded inside.

At this moment, everyone fell silent.

"By the way, do you say those people really stay there? Isn't it because they have a lot of food?" began the boy known as Xiao Liu, who is only 17 years old this year. Everyone treats it like a younger brother.

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