25th December 2020

336 2 0

Tonight's Events
Was doing my usual and everyday things, Just gaming. Probably streaming, Playing GTA:V.

• About today
I was streaming a boring Grand Theft Auto: V live stream. And my younger brother. Plays ROBLOX everyday on my dad's Macbook. I was the one who always unlock that Macbook since because of how important my Dad's macbook to him. It been alot of years still in good condition. I also use it for Editing video because iMovie is the only editor I'm good at and most of my video are made using iMovie. He doesn't really wanna try to learn everything i wanna teach him or my parents. For those mistake he makes. Say his exam result, game late night, and lazy ness are influenced by me back then. Kinda regret how and telling him to stop be like me. Although I was far more better than him. Since I'm older, and I do help home chores sometimes. More spending time with my family and other. But my brother behaviors doesnt seems to change much. And yeah, It's still my responsibility. Not to mention my dad's macbook is used for work and definitely not for gaming and stuff. Not to mention that Macbook are can't maintain good frames rate on higher graphic settings. Well in performance is better than my laptop but quality wins for my laptop. But that's not the point. Since I noticed it. I feel like I should be more careful using this laptop because I don't want my dad's laptop performance degraded just because of simple things that can be prevented let's say high temperature for long periods of time and storage for my dad's work and updates. Which I mind more than the laptop I'm using.

• Jump to the point
Was live streaming. Around 11:00PM. Then i hear a cup spill over, And the water starting to flow inside my dad's laptop. My brother does not wanna listen to me and my parents advices about how many times not to put cup and water besides laptop and electric equipment because you know. It will breaks them, and Electric equipment does not come cheap and pretty expensive. Especially the laptop, That's also the reason why i use my water bottle and place it below my desk. So i can drink water conveniently. I told him use my method so many times, he even leaves snacks packages at the desk he is gaming at with my dad's laptop. I tell him so many times and he just doesn't care whatsoever till it happened.

I reacted quickly lifted off my dad's laptop with my hand, plugged off the cables such as Mouse, Charger and Headphone and is connected to it. I wasn't able to save much as few ml of water flows into the laptop. The monitor instantly shuts off and slowly the fan inside stops working, My loud noises and talks to my brother alerted my dad. This reminds me of what happened back then. I made the same mistake a few years ago, like when I was small. But using my dad's old DELL Laptop. That was the laptop i only plays Need For Speed: Underground Demo if I memorize correctly. We tried to dry the laptop quickly and didn't use it as my dad will use the new Macbook he purchased. I don't wanna explain the part of what happened about getting scolded what comes after. A few years passed, Me and my dad tried to startup the old laptop in a safe location (just in it explodes or something). Well, it still working nicely but my dad doesn't use that laptop anymore so my dad decided to use it a bit before storing it or sell it.

Back to now, I scolded my brother of how many times not to put cup with water next to it because of same mistake i made. I even told him that the reason why i use water bottle. Yet he ignored it, I brought towers to wipe up and absorb the water before it spills further out the desk. I moved away other equipment first before wiping it. That saves them, but the only problem is the Macbook. Will it still work? I assumed it quickly it's dead. Because if you let water have interaction with the equipment inside the laptop. Like battery, motherboard, RAM, CPU, GPU, cables and everything. Because if its interacts water, it's 99% it will dies because it's like a circuit route that connects to everything. Let's say if one breaks, everything breaks together but that's for water. This thing is not something to make fun or lie at. Dude, it's expensive as hell. If its breaks, how you gonna return or fix it? Macbook is for professional work use. It's motherboard is complicated to fix and stuff. My brother breaks more equipments than me.

• He broke the TV Monitor with the medal he got from school, he unintentionally smacked with it. It's an accident that can be easily prevented
• Not sure what else he breaks because my memory is bad but it's still claimed true by my parents.

My family and I was too kind for him. Not strict and stuff. I could say it's my fault for this happened because of my influence and not aware enough. Dude, I also saved the macbook a few times and my dad doesn't know because of the same stuff that happened. My brother was eventually scolded and also caused me to stop streaming, stop playing. If you curious what it sounds like before streams ends. I will link it in discord and Wattpad doesn't like links here or just simply ask me in my discord DM. My brother's punishment is to help me in home chores. Study harder and not able to play for very long time

The thoughts come to my mind is that: "If it breaks, I need to think of something for it because this thing is not a joke and my brother won't do anything back for it. I could try harder in my youtube career and use that money to buy my dad's a new one....."

My mother eventually noticed too, We used the hairdryer to dry and blow off the water inside the Macbook after screwed the bolt off the macbook's bottom cover. You can try google "Macbook Air" because of how small and flat the laptop is. Later on, It still working because my dad started up. The lock screen with that profile picture is still the same but my dad takes more safety measurements. Which lets is dry more under a fan and try start it again and try use it after like few day or amount of time. The same thing he did with the old DELL laptop he used. I am not sure will it works fully. But because of this happened. I cannot use my dad's macbook for video editing and stop playing for a time because my dad tells me to stop playing it too and probably helps out the situation. Well i still stop playing by myself if my dad didn't tell me to anyway.

My dad talked to my brother about this. But I don't wanna list or note what they discussed. But i hope everything will goes alright. But I think i should work on YouTube harder, it just up to me if i wanna take action...

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