15 December 2023

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Yesterday my body felt too heavy and I drop dead on the bed without closing the light and adjusting the fan. Now I felt a bit cold and eyes hurt. Woke up at 10:30 am though. I should take a bath and have breakfast. Afterwards I can do whatever I want.

For the entire morning, I spent my time playing Call Of Duty Mobile, and writing notes. And totally forgot to take a bath and breakfast... Which I should now, Afterwards Imma eat and do Miles Check inOne thing for certain that is there's too much moisture in my bedroom, There's reasons why my stored clothing feels cold and probably wet. And It could make any clothing inside dry slower or grow shrooms.... So I opened the window and let actual fresh air in. Hope that helps.

My brother installed one of the Final Fantasy Game on the PlayStation 5. I noticed when I connected it through remote play. 

The "Login Bonus" for Budgetting myself could work well for me even it just few days since. Game Note & Activity: Gran Turismo 7 got Holiday Login rewards, Gotta note that. In Call of Duty Mobile, I obtained new items. The Ballistic Knife and the Nailgun and will try that other day. Genshin Impact Daily Commisions and Stellar Reunion rewards.

Everytime I take a shower, My minds become clear. The stuff I forgot I thought up what I should be doing and thinking it througly like what idea is there to less effort but high profit in YouTube channel or stuff I need to do for the day. It's like I have some stupid symbolic with water. sounds stupid but I have to drink water every hour or I get sick unlike others who can last long without drinking water frequently.

For this lunch at 2pm, I will have double pack of fast noodle with slices of canned meats. Been stored quite some time, inside the cabinet, I found Mushroom Soup package and Japanese Curry Sauce package, It was my mother gifts and entry beginning step for me to learn cooking on myself. Yeah, I will leave it for now until when I have the chance to. Because I need Rice.

I felt a bit of headache. I assume is my body is kind of tired and need a nap. The last few hours before 5pm were me doing Miles Check In, Playing Genshin Impact, and such. But such a shame I am not doing anything productive, Dont mention Entry Point. When I think about making a video of it, it makes me felt passionately dying. Or maybe I should really go out and have a walk, now I mentioned I will be guaranteed to go out tonight. So before that, lets head nearby for supermarket food supplies.Since I afraid its out of my budget, I picked out RM30 from my money rations and use it to buy something with it. But I assure myself I will leave enough money for the money rations packets If emergency.

Seeing my casual sneakers outside still wet, I decide that I will take it in and let it dry my celling fan. Regardless how moist the interior of my suite is, It is never be as much as outside air. With that I bought food supplies consist of RM 32.65. I knew even though the necessary without extra purchases here are expensive.

Annddd I just realized I didnt buy fast noodle. Only one box of cereal, milk, some bread and even more bread. Cold Coffee drink & cheap soda for nearby Friend. Wonder how long can I keep budgeting until next YouTube Channel payday. Before I head to mall, my buddy Harry video called called me while I was playing WMMT emulator. I even showed him my camera, my room and then walk all the way to the mall with it.

At the mall, as usual. Fellow familiar regular and friends there just playing and conversations together. I wasnt fully satisfied with arcade sessions today but it was fun and I kept it under my budget! At least I got new fun song to practice on Taiko No Tatsujin rather than playing WMMT again. Oh yeah for tomidnight I planned to play with my friend Harry on Lethal Company.

About the black shirt squad of people that sometime comes to the same arcade as me. And they are surpassingly skilled and resilient in WMMT battles. Its a team of 3. But one stands out, their strongest player. He doesnt play much but usually help and watch others plays since he is too powerful that can dominate most races so he got bored and went on playing Taiko No Tatsujin instead.

I politely challenged him a few times in WMMT. Despite my best efforts, He is very strong and cant be overtaken. Knowing that I still play with him sometimes and lose, the only time we are able on par playing is 2 Player Mode Taiko No Tatsujin. Of course, I asked him If I want drum with him and he agreed but he avoid conversation excessively. If I try join friendly conversation with their friends. They just entirely ignore my existence, not sure why. It either they dislike me, see only me as enemy or just refuse to talk to other people.

On other case, my friend mentioned the lost of his original Bandai ID again. And have to use a new Bandapass for it. But good news is, he is getting a job but only start it next month. Although Id like to help my friend Patrick if theres possible solution.

Right, I spent RM 100 for Prom Night tomorrow. Better not miss it, but I should be excited about, seeing my classmates performance and enjoy high quality food. This RM 100 BETTER BE WORTH IT.

I decided to play GTA Online for a while because of this new update. Earlier me and Harry played Counter Strike 2, at the same time, leave GT7 Auto Grinding Method.... God, I am too exhausted. Lets go sleep and continue GTA Online next day, Since Prom Night happens on Night. Which mean I will be prepared near evening, and just do WMMT Terminal scratch at the afternoon or something. But hey at the very least I have some snacks and bread in supplies to eat anytime.

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