5 December 2023

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I heard that even the nephews from America return to attend the funeral as well. About the person who passed away, my dad's elder brother. Was a great man with talent. It just diseases draws him down, He have history of great stage speech and become humorous and successful speaker in multiple venues and theres plenty I attend his speech with my family too. My first grandfather, one of other cousin's dad, and now this nephew. We are certainly losing family members in this few years. Hopefully my second grandmother isnt too soon and her status is worse than my nephew's disease before.

Crap I left my ticket on the train from KLIA Transit and now I have to inform and tell the customer service I lost the card on the train. Now I am charged another RM6.5 for losing it. Which is the same price for the train ticket. But not my Bus ticket though, that would be terrible. But its digitalized anyway. At 1:30pm, I settle my lunch with Noodle cup and a fruit drink. And bus will arrive on 2pm, And would be nice if I can hit the toilet before it. Holding pee or dump on a bus trip without toilet break would be insanely bad and I know well I would be on the bus for the next 3 hour.

Got down to bus entrance by 1:50. The bus arrived on time, Sadly. The bus cant wait more than 5 minutes so Its big possibility that you get left behind by it. Which I will have to hold the pee until next toilet break. And worse if theres no toilet break at all. Best to not think about it as long as I can.

I went nut on the bus for the whole 3 hour holding my pee in. And it hurts so much my mind is just telling myself I can do this and bus driver to go faster but It was all comfort when I finally got to toilet when I arrived. Like what kind of bus transport does this length without toilet break. Like the driver don't need to pee at all? For real. Either way, I didnt notify my parents my arrival I guess I can head to the old arcade to do terminal check (WMMT) and then call my parents to pick me up.

I only played one game at the arcade but my mom is already around So I contacted her and get to her in person. For my dad he have to stay at the place of funeral. Right now Imma drive my mom there. Yeah, I should behave myself to not mess with the tone. Since its funeral after all, I have to be mindful of my words and requests to the others. By far this is funeral of my family's chief.

For a long time, Seeing my father cried upon meeting his funeral. I only follow his words and hug and shoulder with him to comfort. I cannot imagine he hard he cried the first time upon seeing his death. And its being harsh and work for my dad that he have to help and organize the funeral.

Seeing his kid undergo with funeral procedure that involves traditional Chinese rituals and such. Now thinking about it makes me want to cries more now. My father lost his dad, and now his big brother. Now leaving the second elder brother and younger sister. I am planning to spend more time with dad and fold the "golds" with my brother as well.

The house is crowded with alot of people, friends of friends, the nephew's acquaintances as such. My dad's uncles and my uncles comes here to attend the funeral. I am like an NPC in a specific places with bunch of intractable points. I can choose talk to my cousins, my dad if I want. But mostly I spend time with my younger brother instead. He took out the Electric bike owned by the nephew's son. To take out stroll with me. Me as the passenger. Somewhere not too far just around the town. It is quite pleasant. As usual to the Chinese Mouring Period, think I finally put correct words finally. Its best we dont wear anything bright especially red. Black is more better. But White is fine. Gahh idk.

I overheard their advices and conversations. That their dad passed away. Makes the sons and daughters need to be more caring to the mother. Because theres only one mother in the world. Its great their sons and daughters studied and got a job. Which encouraged me Which I should do it same for my dad and mom too. One day, they give in and it will be my brother and I duty to take good care of them. And take care self better.

My dad's second elder brother has arrived. Most of the members entered the house and visited the coffin. Hearing them cry loudly again, even my grandmother as hell. It hurts even worse if you put your feelings into their shoes. Thinking about it, If I lose my younger brother. My heart will be shattered.

Either way, afterwards. Most of the people returned home and will visit again tomorrow. Since most of us are tired. My cousins are mostly returned to their bedroom and I checked on them playing video games together. My dad and mom will deliver some stuff and return home later meanwhile me and my brother drive ourselves home first to take a bath and then play PS5.

Quite a surprise my dad's second elder brother come to stay at my home instead,  I stay until 10 December then I return by bus again. 

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