4 October 2023

7 0 0

Planned a Bus ticket home the other day.

That time there wasn't many staff member present, So I have to look for the financier manager of the college. She was sick but she is willing to help me regardless. She helped me locate the station I should be used through the website and destination where my hometown really is. All according to her knowledge and suggestion. Anyway, I got a bus ticket seat for RM 20 and will return on 6th 9pm. But I must get there to the station few hours early. Let's say 6pm to depart, I am not sure if theres anything I should bring but gifts should be the least I should do for my brother and parents.

Yeah, as Final assignments comes. More load has been put on and I starting to feel more gradually stressed. But I take it as normal and I won't take it out on some stupid stuff. It just I am ready to do. Only thing that troubles is I have to look for papers and materials to buy myself since I don't know the places where to buy at all.

Like for this recreation drawing for instances, I can't start working on without having A2 paper so there's not much I can do about it at college If I don't have it.

Due to the visits of less activity within the arcade, I should stay less time at it If I already know nobody would be coming. And use these time to look for materials around the mall instead. Yes, I'll do that today. Days ago, I only able to buy some A3. But no A2 they don't sell those, Also bought some pencils as well. I should have purchased the swimming googles on the way but I will do that better at 1Utama Mall.

Proper Events Recorded for Today

I come to realize that It's not only that I spend alot on video games and arcades. There's Provisions & Food Supplies. Generally snacks, bread, fast noodles etc etc. No matter how Eco you'll go. Food will always be your expenses. Good to know as I am writing this and having snacks at same time. But I don't get my hands dirty while typing because I pour snacks on the lid and feed it to my mouth so my hand is fine.

Me and my teammate did well modeling the gamepad using metal wires framing on Dualsense controller. I wouldn't say it's well, But at least it's there, I packed it in my bag to bring it home instead of handling it over to my teammate. Hope it doesn't deform the subject.

I went and spend less with Wangan Midnight Maximium Tune yesterday, It was nice. I got my car collection lined up and nice.

Regarding to this auto-shop manager who is used to be crazy about WMMT showboating. His friend starts at WMMT1, and him at 2. The last time he play was WMMT4 before losing data without conversion and return as fresh data in WMMT6RR. He shared his fair of knowledge about art of copying cars using tuning cards and sold. Was at his peak during 3DX+ The days he used to fight and stand from 12pm until 8pm in the arcade with his friends. and the crew going arcades to arcades to challenges others. But ever since he got kids, a wife, a new job in new city. He gradually reduced plays at WMMT. Only one day, His worker which is the new players I met for weeks. Brought it to up for this man to search his old boxes for the card again to play and thought his data is still there.

Either way, even without his main data and cars. He still carries that reowned skills to battle with me and his worker today. He's tough like before. I can actually tell he is surely an veteran from the past. And also the fact everytime I say this his worker (the couple new players I mentioned) "Of course! i told you he is old player of WMMT". The man told me all these will taking me back to my condonium as he talk about his old glory days.

Bonus: This housemate YH, and his girlfriend come here more often and just enclosed within his room. I don't know what's going between these two but the president of anime game club leader showed concern as teammates in group assignment. Afraid that this girlfriend of his is using him not to mention she is older 4 years old than him. 

I think I shouldn't jump to conclusion yet, I will see if I can collect or overhear some information about him. If there's a sign, We'll talk with him about it.

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