26 December 2023 - Watch Suzume

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Crap, I am runining my sleep schedule again, Stay up late than 4:22am.

I remember one of the senior student from College shared a tip to tight down budget & money saving even low as RM 100 for a month. Others even do work, and I don't, Damn. Even as 20 years old... but my parents tell me to fully focus on the studies.

Today is college study day, But I have no class in Tuesday and students I know is at college today. Even then, I should head there with my laptop and work on assignments and do stuff instead staying at suite.

Been quite a while since I havent deposit or withdraw from the bank, since most of the time I rely on E-wallet and such. I decided to go check if my revenue from YouTube actually goes there. If not, I will be in big concern.

After I walked all the way to college as usual. As expected, not many students or people I know present at College (2pm). Mmm... yeah not much but there is room and space for me to do assignments and daily tasks. I might as well as rest from all the dry walk and heavy carry with sweats.

Everytime I start to think or execute to work on an assignment it is instant frown on my face, Knowing that this is the only way to move forward in studies and also way to freedom. In this case, Keeping strong and positive mind Is what I need to make progress. Recieved funds from my mother through the bank, I think. This will be my life fundings for next month. I mean, Next year. Thanks mom.... I also wish YouTube transfer me the revenue I earned right now. I checked that they did I and know where to check transaction records of them sending me one.

Got too burnt out, went to vending machine to buy myself a cheap Milk tea canned drink and then talk to the others and basically contact with staff and students felt a little more energizing and refreshing but as soon as I return to my laptop to work on my assignment I literally revert to older moon but hey at least the milk tea helps a little... Think I should work on my Daily objectives first before assignments, Help ease off minds a little.

Since I paused a few minutes on laptop just to play mobile video games. The IT of the college requested me to lend him to use my laptop just to help a student's laptop which went blue screen which requires another laptop to manage files with it. It was kinda stupid of me to accept offer to help my fellow senior by lending them my laptop to backup files with it. I mean there were no risk, and the IT gave me a meal or something as compensation for using my laptop just to fix and reinstatement of another laptop, what drawback is that I cant play video games or do assignments during the time being for around over an hour.

No use waiting around for the process to finish so I decided to stay at student area by myself while senior attends class. Using school's property TV box to2-5,) anime film. Another movie made by Makoto Shinkai.

It was utterly satisfying and enjoyable watching a film after a long time. Even though Suzume released in 2022, a film by Makoto Shinkai. I never get the chance to watch it in 2023. Now I finally did, Thanks the IT at college to let me watch on his TV box and he also thanked me for lending him my laptop for it.

Makoto Shinkai love making films with his identical artstyle. A bit of romance and supernatural involving Tokyo and urban townie on islands. I think they call this Shonen targeted or something. Basically the perfect preference of films for me and I always love to watch and read Makoto Shinkai films. 

Later at nearby Restaurant from college. I met two of the classmates again from yesterday. Looks like they be heading to arcade again now, wonder if its my fault from dragging them in. Because its bad show. YAY, MY EARNINGS IS FINALLY HERE AT MY BANK. That felt so relieving as well, at very least I am not financially broke.

Today's session at arcade regarding to WMMT is not bad at all. Me and another female malay player who know each other decided to work on Bingo challenge for today together. Strategy the easier and cheaper way to get 3 lines of Bingo challenge done. Although there wasn't much activity, it was pleasant. By the time the arcade comes to closing time. Two of my classmates arrived and they played with each other engagingly. Of course, I was requested to lend them my card so they use my cars. I didn't join in but there's still plays on my card which is free play point on the card. On the way back I called with my mom. Apparently she is taking care of my grandfather after grandmother passed away, She's bored so I stay longer on call to conversate with her. Sometime she's been tasked to take care of the young nephew that is affected by the new diseases that after he is released from hospital he got lot more skinnier.

Either way, I would say today is a pretty good day but not really good for my assignments though. One reassuring to say that tomorrow Photograpghy class have been cancelled due to the lecturerer said that he is quarantined himself. There's like, Plenty of no class days already even after Christmas' eve. Man, I keep thinking back the film "Suzume" even at time I am about to sleep. I'd like to rewatch it someday or consider buy a Blu-Ray copy and watch it myself as gratitue how good is Makoto Shinkai's films to me is.

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