4 February 2024

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I thought long and hard about using fully tuned ticket in WMMT. If I want a good performance and close to meta car but not metas. I already have one, Or think about to create a meta car, thought its pointless. Or a minor car, but I already have enough... long and thought ended up no where. So I guess I should save it until new car release. Well, it's not like I lack in arsenal. I have 2000GT, Countach, GDBC, SVX... all these I am more than enough prepared for runner battle, hard blocker, unique 4 gear car, TA car as such. And more car only drains more of my money. Guess I will wait until 6RR+ release for newer car models to play then. At morning I used most of my times playing Rhythm Games. I guess I will head out and eat then play arcade at afternoon instead, Might see different active players today and If I want to, I could visit Patrick's dorm

At the arcade alot of stuff happened. Well, not really. I spent quite some using the bonus to play them. Managed snatch two Hakone crown from and break someone I knew's full crown list in WMMT. Talked a while with the female chinese player with passion. She's also a regular WMMT player like me but still have skill gap in game between us but we are on good terms. I found out that she's 16 and sort of going on with SPM exam and habits of spending in this game. But for today I offered to help her to proceed VSORG Japan event since its difficult so she thinks its great help of me. Of course I asked her whether if she's fine with it since I am playing using her credit and all. But she insisted. Also met with few stranger players asked me how does this card worth and VSORG. Some of them challenged me to play blocking and im not encouraged. Either way, Its quite interesting. Also it's unusual, SKY left without playing. Only daily scratch and went. Yeah. From I arrived by 4:30pm and then 9:30pm

Returning by bus back to hometown only for 14 days. And then come back to start another semester. I got to plan and make it worthwhile with my parents. Still want to hug them the moment I see them..  my lifestyle in KL city is something else. I live like a antisocial nerd that's favorite meal is fast noodle but not sure If I am actually caring or not. Still, I have to fight for top with other students. I thought about those on the way home.

Ehh... I think my laptop died due to overheating. Because I was recording and playing L4D2 at same time. Didn't pay attention to the temperature its running on. Searched the surf and says it's best to be patient and try again another time, and plug off power source.. Makes me kinda worried and irritated to pay a visit to PC store again. Well, thank god it's good timing, thank god this didn't happen during final exam... time to sleep. Tomorrow I have to wake up early and board the bus.

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