5 February 2024

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It's the day I return to hometown. Woke up at 11am, Although felt a bit drowsy but I will knock it off and nap it on the bus instead for the next few hours in it. Oh well, I thought heading back is supposed be very happy thing but my mom webcam called me and tell me about my younger brother's situation. That I need to help him go check registration with tuition. His english and history are neglecting, and as a elder brother I should encourage him to study. My mom pursue me to do it since my parents are busy most of the time and my return is a great help. It was unpleasant listening her talk about it but think about that I am a elder brother I should actually do these for him.

Hours on the bus has passed, earlier I was taking photos with my digital camera that my nephew gave it to me. For some reason, I have slight interest in Photography now but at least I can take some good photos with it. Most of the time in bus I am just playing Hatsune Miku Colorful Stage Rhythm game with my headphone. Certainly help passing time. Boarded the bus by 2pm and probably arriving at 5pm and more. The bus drops me off at the shopping mall that is in my town. I guess I'll be seeing people from back then and say hi to them. And have my parents pick me up. Although I felt upset because my laptop have burnt motherboard or components. Too bad I cannot navigator check in, but the good news is most of my stuff is being backup. But I still cannot do work or play games... oh well, I mean I can spend the time with family, PS5 my phones and this hometown of mine while I sent this laptop for repair.

My dad picked me up, Although I only did daily scratch today and have alternate  card got Pajero. My dad picked me up, I love to share more the stuff that happened in college and life there and he knows well he is expecting proud works from me. Anyway, my dad left for night venue. So the night is just me and my brother

By the time my dad returned it's very late already and decided to sleep and talk tomorrow instead.

But for the time being playing and spending time with my brother at home. We tried Lego city Undercover today, jokes about the new character on Genshin (Gaming) and my brother shares his new love for Spiderman related video games. Tried GTAV on PS5 myself but got bored very quickly since I played it enough on my laptop and have 2000 hours on it. Although I feel like I am ruining him (my younger brother) because I should do something to help his education in which he is in much worse condition than me. I should really pay attention.

Tomorrow theres many way to spend time with family and do stuff I need to do. Like doing driver license check and having my laptop check due to overheat damage. But arcade can hold, I mean. It's bad and I shouldn't do too much time with that.

Anyway, This night I realized I returned with a gift for my dad. It's a book, he seems interested and very like it but I cant help but think "is this what he likes and wanted?" I mean, he said he liked it even though I said "its nothing this and that..."

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