21 November 2023

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Grandmother doesnt want to go out with grandpa to eat breakfast. So Instead my mom stays at home and I take grandpa out. At the same day, its a good weather to take him out for a pleaseant walk that he havent be able to do for a long time.

My grandpa want me to take him to his old friend's workshop and sit. Its quite a long walk but my grandpa say its worth it. He usually carries around with a gadget in his pocket that tells him the current time in Chinese. Since he cant read the clock. Afterwards, My dad got here to pick me up back home. I remembered that Grandpa asked me If I want to stay 2 more days. I replied that don't worry I will come back visit him one day. But this indicates my grandpa want me to stay though which makes me a bit sad.

On Friday. My family, including mom and younger brother. We are going to KL city for fun trip, as well as day after I get to conveniently return to my suite and continue studies. We plan to go to Zoo where my brother want to see Capybara and buy mouthpiece for my brother's instruments.

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