6 December 2024

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Took a bed sleep and woke at near 2pm. Still sleepy..... Either way, I am just fully concinous by 3pm. I realized I haven't have lunch and bath yet. Phone needs to be recharged and need to tidy my room a bit because Lyhan is coming to the suite looking for YH and need me to lend him my controller. He wants to play GTA with it, and require 3rd party software to emulate Xbox controls. Think it's fine, It's only that it restricts myself from playing with PS5 Remote Play ,WMMT as well as PlayStation Portable Game.

Looking into the records of my bank account. I know, Even I separate the consume and balances between my YouTube revenue and parent's life savings. It is probably not enough to make it through January. Should I notify my dad? I don't want them to worry. Instead I should be looking for part time job, or somehow make money. Or actually focus on my assignments. Some advices me to take advantage of loans to assist in studies. Reduce debt life is possible but never easy.... Here I am, sitting near the pool down at the block where I live with my casual and shorts...

I should have never spend that much money in video games. Because of my online friend's influence, I should. Mind myself and take priority in myself than others. By this mean should I sell WMMT discarded card at cheap price? Or continue giving away them like before? I mean, its not a way to make money but still pocket money to be earned back.

It seems my friend Lyhan is in similiar situation as me. That he just have breakfast and haven't have lunch yet at 5pm. He said to me that probably go out together and have meal or don't eat at all. Hope it's sarcasm.

As I plan to play WMMT on emulator and already realized I lend my friend the controller. It's already 7pm. And I have to go out. To eat, heading to mall not because my bad habit of going to arcade. The cafe that is downstairs here is closed for Saturday. Lyhan and YH stays at suite and order food delivery instead. Hmm, instead of mall. I should look out the streets instead. Probably much more better choices out there I didnt know. Plus, Since I got my digital camera with me. Taking snaps of Cars and places is what I always liked to.

Reduce your daydreaming, White! DO real stuff.... Nevermine. .Although there is good pics to be taken out here with my camera. Later , I actually eat out at a different restaurant and for such long time I haven't use chopstick to eat.At arcade nothing much was done but constantly intense battles for Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune. and proved thst Non-Meta cars somehow matters. The black clothes group is deliquent returned here again. And of course we battled. Tough but managable skill celling between us. Me and KEN played a game of Taiko No Tatsujin together. It seems that he been playing of alot of songs in "Normal Difficulty" and full combo a few times. But what satisfying is, we get to play our favourite songs. And it was satisfying because I been practicing the drum and rythem patterns on Taiko Pop Tap.

But still... No progress is done on my assignments and I should really work on it. Not to mention Final assignment for this semester is here too. Well before I get too dozy at home I should check out the laundry drying and probably make something to eat.

It seems Lyhan and YH are still in the suite, I checked on them. Playing earlier but now working on their individual assignments whilist having fun. On the way home, I happened to be walking side by side with my housemates. That I didn't know until I glance over and take a closer look. It's "CDY" and "Pen". And they're in a formal uniform? They told me it's their first day at their job. Although they won't tell me what job is it.... But this makes me aware people around me that actually starts taking jobs now. Lyhan works part time at the Mall. YH probably works online comissions using programs, MZ already as salesman job in mall before them all. and these 2 housemate.... Should I, find a part time job?

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