1 November 2023

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Here we go NNN, Read an word of advice is to get dopamine elsewhere instead of self pleasure. But it's also the first day of the month for Monthly Wangan Navigator scratches. Ill have alot of stuff on my hand. WMMT, alot of games, alot of tasks like assignments and make videoes to do. So these should keep my head busy from those... the deadline is coming for assignments so is the exam week.

For this midnight I will sleep with one speed fan on. But sleeping before with this fan speed is kinda unpleasant but the next day I'm probably still gonna sneeze because of the cold. Ironic right? Its that dream again, I used to have multiple dream about being in alternate world where some events still collides but happens differently. Like for this dream I found an arcade within the mall with every cabinets layout like slow machine. Although this outlet doesn't exist. I still remember the design very well. At there there's this regular who recognizes every customer and he doesnt treat me nice as always and he then offered a service for everyone like always like "Do you like to glue/merge your Arcade balance card and your WMMT's banapassport together for convenience only RM20? But bro that price is absurd and no one want to do that so I refused him politely.

Next sequence of dream is that I'm in a cat cafe or somewhere place I am familiar. Seems like kid's fortified bouncy castle. And there's this fully gray fur cat named "Daniel" which is the closest Malay friend I have on discord and talked alot. And he understands human language and I can read his mind and we constantly play with each other

Seconds later. I woke up from the dream. My eye bags is heavy as hell, but at least today I woke up earlier than usual. And still feels like I'm so tired and only few hours of sleep. I guess later in afternoon I'll ask my housemate if they are going to use the washing machine because it seems to be my time to use it for laundry again (I am kinda low on available clothing)

Although there will be no lessons for our class but it be still open for students to look for lecturer to do assignments with. And can leave at any time being, Because we will be mostly doing the assignments at home. I got 2 days before I need to submit finish this drawing assignment and submit

Situations is like yesterday, Not many students will be at the college. Some will seek help in assignments, Some just likes to hang around

Arrived at college, Looks like at 9:30am, It's just me and a single classmate finalizing his drawing assignments. It's okay at least there's not many people gonna watch me do stuff so I can do assignments at good paces. A air conditioned library and quiet place is just what I needed to rest and work. Another friend has come to college. Apparently, we all are working at similiar assignments. Some of us are common is working on it days before deadline instead of finishing by the day when it comes out. The only thing I didn't take note is I should let my lectuerer preview the work you doing and let him/her suggest and make changes with words but it's certainly a way for quality improvement but also feels like it's a waste of effort for you.

Afterwards. Yeah there is progress on the drawing assignments. It's coming nicely, But after we considered a short break with playing video games on PC together. I mean we are still on our own PC. But playing same game and co-op with each other on Gache game. We talks alot and have fun because we understands each other and despite being chinese. We both communicate through English. But takes his leave shortly after because he got other assignment to do that only does better in his own suite. Quite the opposite for me though.

It's 3pm now, I should really get myself lunch or finish my basic drawing then leave. Yeah, It would be hassle free to finish the drawing assignment today instead.

Alright I'll leave my stuff at the same place organized then go have lunch along with buying vanilla card as drawing boarder which is necessary for the final artwork itself. God damn it. It's not vanilla card. It's something harder material. But I'll still make use of it like as the back cover where the black boarders supposed to be glued at the front. At least I have decent progress on it. It just lacks the extra details on the final sketch and the black boarders which requires me to buy a card of it somewhere and trim it. I will do that tomorrow. Yeah... that could do. Lets call it a day now at 6pm. 

Now after cutting the extra papers. I have fold up some leftover and store it inside my pencil case just in case of need. In which reminds me of the QR code WMMT I posted it at my arcade's terminal section for others to read and study. Seems like nobody know who posted it yet and it's still there I guessed I will do another one. Fun facts about cars? Advantage of car's performance? Monthly scratch sheets? Not sure but I think I'd go with car facts like In North America the NSX have Acura badge instead and Japan version have 110S called Cosmo.

At the arcade, There wasn't much card to services. But It is certainly fun too. In WMMT arcade, We had fun versus each other but for me it's a halt to the goal because I'm simply saving extra scratches for monthly car aware DiabloVT. While spending as low as I can hold myself. But end up helping the same friends. You know, The new player couple, the employee at autoshop. Yeah, he owns a car himself and shorter than me. I feel like we both are close friends just all because we meet up at arcade that I happened to be helping out new players. And I am happy they willing to communicate and open to me.

The couple. His girlfriend seeing his car data got 1st strength animal aura grade, get jealous and want to earn herself one too by throwing some money to get stars. Funny enough, they did it till closing time for the arcade and by the time they transport me back I just calculated they only need 1 win just to get aura. Thus, getting her girlfriend angst even more but we all have great laugh and talk and it's harmless. Tonight I'm pretty free, kind of. Since All I need is final touch of the drawing assignments. On the way home, I asked my housemate if they willing to spare me the day for me to do my laundry but CDY have to instead but she will have her clothing dry at her own room after using the washing machine pass midnight herself. I mean it's fine, I told her that's okay too.

Like usual, got home, start up my laptop. Join in discord friends voice chat. Then play, at the same time Fast noodle for dinner. Because of my intense dehydration. My tongue is skin hurt. I have to spray something to numb the pain otherwise any food come in contact with my tougue area will be kinda hurt when it "scratch" through. Because of my intense dehydration. My tongue is skin hurt. I have to spray something to numb the pain otherwise any food come in contact with my tougue area will be kinda hurt when it "scratch" through. I recalled today's Gacha game coop with my classmate neet friend. It's Genshin we both did daily commissions and use up all resins into artifacts. Funny he mention he will never touch this game ever again but still plays it sometime, by anything. Its humor.

I can already close my eyes itself while playing Bloxburg with my friends I just played with friend not a while ago. Maybe I should give in. Washes the dishes then head to sleep. I got alot of stuff to do, Maybe some shopping as well? Along with assignments? Yeah...

Recalling the events today. I'm not sure this couple of players who got into playing WMMT arcade could end up burning alot of money but it's literally entertainment and your money its your responsibility and all. But They have a job and I don't. Think I shouldn't worry too much about others.

Realizes the fan is too cold, I tuned it to speed 1 again like last night. While I was washing dishes earlier I overhear a loud arguement with aunty dialogue somewhere around this block saying that "You have no right to be here because you don't do chores as such. I suspect that eviction or" something on them. But it's none of my concern. It just that it's once in a while thing.

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