22 February 2024

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Woke up at 8am, My arm is still sore and stiff... thanks to the archery and VR beat saber. But it is fun, but I have to wake up, brush, bath then proceed with laundry. oh right, and eat. I haven't meet any housemate face to face yet, might as well saying hello to them. Man, i feel terrible. Either how I will head to college and proceed with registration of next semester. evident later that I will head to college for registeration probably afternoon. Since I got fond of Project Sekai, most of the vocaloid songs I become interested and eventually look for them to play it in Taiko No Tatsujin.

For now, I am waiting for washing machine to finish so I dry them before I head out to college. then Have fun at arcade for long return.But really I shouldn't wait, I need to muster the time I have to do what I need to at suite.

Headed out by 1:25pm, Still a bit worried about the fee for this semester since my father is paying all of it. Anyway, I contacted my Patrick finally after 2 weeks about the order. He replied that it arrived. Mentioned that we will meet tonight: "At the same place" "yep." Knowing the only place we met most of the time is the arcade

Ah, the cafe that is below the block of where I live increased the price of most dishes. Of course, It was announced beforehand last 2 week the day I depart return to hometown

Oh man, Oh crap, I am sweating hard. From top to bottom just to arrived to college finding it closed. Man, I thought I was there so I can rest as well as do the registration. Ran so far here just to buy a drink at vending machine, I can't believe I done this alot before. Well, I guess I will take it as sports and exercise like my dad says.Haven't run across the road and streets under sun carrying heavy bag for long time..

I guess I will walk straight to the arcade and play early today, since I also happen to have lunch before walking out either way

On the mid way heading the opposite direction to the mall. I sat down under somewhere cool and shaded to play mobile game a bit. I came across my classmate friend Ken walking towards college and says hello. Told me that he is heading there for registration. Then replied that it is currently closed and not sure why. I guess I wasn't the only one who haven't do registration yet. He be heading the same way to the tropicana mall which I will head there next, figured I might bump into him again.

The population and activity today around the place where I am is quite low, of course, many outlets still work and functions the amount of customers or people walking around is quite. Maybe the peak timing ended? Why do I say it like I am a work manager lol

At arcade. I decided to stay around from 2am to 9pm. The sense of time for me loses very quickly. Even though I didn't spend much credit to play for today's session. It is still satisfying as for today. Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 6RR, I returned. Although a lot of time has been spent on purely customizing and taking photos of my vehicles data between one card to anotherMet plenty players to versus today and satisfied that I can fight well and got 1st place multiple times. Such as meeting old fellow RIval of mine. Changed his hairstyle and almost unrecognize him when he intrude me without meeting each other face to face. Who was it? Goes by the username "Lisa"? he changed the name of his car data to something else so I didn't know until I recognize his playstyle in the game and glare over to the person of the player but he won't be at this arcade tonight because of his new job and another known pal seems to be busy at exam until next month. and there's this very active 2000GT main with cool aero and first custom color applied.Made a friend with someone who is underskilled compared to me but still want to battle me despite I win him most of the time. Because of this I decided to have conversation with him that can help him be better at the game. Of course after words from my dad, I tends to keep a not so high but still figuring and learning helper talking style to engage in conversation. Long story short, I met multiple new buddies and known accquantiance in this game and got very friendly and happily conversation with each other. joking about the game could get us into finanicial situation and elaborating more about game mechanics balh blah blah. But I managed to help with some questions regarding the game. LIke how many chapters until fully tune state (79 episodes) And directed newcomers how to get their hands on Bandapassport.Until then I met a returning player Veteran who is very skilled at the game. But managed to win streak him 3 times.

Because of the new car I registered. ARISTO V300 Taxi edition and I was surprised how easy to use car model is. Enough to think I can take down alot of battles and crowns with this. They are clearly not wrong this 4-speed car is certainly strong in competetive play. Either how, by the time before I leave I approached to the veteran player myself then decideds to offer him a free play a credit but he refuses says it's fine. But brought up the questions that he is 1 rank away before A1 to S9 class. He doesn't know how so I decided to elaborate and help him. Both 3, versus stars, ghost trophies and stories clear is close to rank up. Also asked me how long I play, what cars I play and my playstyle. We both comes to agree that it is better to give away these discarded vehicle cards to newcomers and he is interested the fact I don't mind rank up much and play the game and enjoy it my own way.

Oh right, Patrick arrived at arcade and greeted each other. Both of us were delighted to see each other. As promised, Patrick trade me the Taiko no tatsujin custom drumstick for RM 11. And decided to play a game together. Although he forgot to bring his own one but will do next time we play Taiko No Tatsujin at arcade. Too bad he have to go soon for dinner so we said goodbye to each other. I messaged him later that I am enjoying the game better now with these new pair of drumstick and thanks to him

I know I know all I mention is about game and fun time I am having, but for tomorrow I will have to do registeration for next semester at college tomorrow. Certainly need to prepare contact with dad regarding to payment and fee for educations. As well as Chinese New Year event held by college themselves at afternoon. The snacks my mom gave me is delicious. But I know well myself after finishing them I will be off finding snacks and choosing food myself for the next few months as well as back to min wages and eco saving. But I am kind of used to it now and I will fully adopt and back to KL student lifestyle in no time. Anyhow, back at suite I will talk with discord friends and play a bit of video game on laptop before going to sleep.

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