20 September 2023 - :joy:

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A lot have happened today, Let's sort these confusing & joyful memories.

Teacher gave us another live still drawing lesson again, But It was not much hassle as I already did It before. Let's leave it to that.

Already did the requests and partial of our final assignments, Now I'm just awaiting further plans and work from my teammate. Also Lent my steam library to teammate's on his computer by the way, I do feel a bit wanting to return to Forza Horizon and have a bit of fun again.

Before me and the boys go home, we stay at the Music lab. The one filled with soundproofing foam (not really) and loose ourselves and voices karaoke with it. 4 of us with the boys with the Vice president of Games/Anime Club. About Vice president, He want the club to engage watching anime and not always games because he couldn't fit in. And there aren't good planners in the club and if nothing we just lay around the lab and does nothing

4 of us boys left the college, and have a meal at evening. The vice president want to have another game with Wangan Midnight Maximium Tune because he know I go easy on him. So I set a equal playing ground so he have advantage as a newbie and me big challenge as a intermediate player. After only 2 game, we waved goodbye.

So here I am staying around Arcade again, Recalling the words my dad he told me. So I gave a call to him. Of course, He reminded me again that I must control myself with the spendings and dont literally spend most of your time everyday at the arcade. In honestly, I didn't take it really to heart. and return to arcade and play

My dad also mentioned that It would be my grandfather's birthday in October 7th. It's probably the perfect day to return to hometown for my family with it. But my dad want me to figure a way to return on my own, It's part of learning process in life I guess. None of the siblings is planning to go back so I have to figure return using Taxi or station to station with bus ticket. In which is much more economical but also have to find a route on myself. Thinking about it makes my head stressed.

I am back in the arcade, If nothing else. I sit somewhere there while reading my favorite Novel that I always carry. It is always a joy to read "Your Name, Another World: Earthbound"
Since it's Thursday, I am able to meet people I usually met. But most of them are not advanced players like me yet and still learning the ropes. Let's see..

First, I helped a 100% new player who just start with a stock car & single car, By offering a free discarded card for him and then got each other contacts. Maybe I am just too nice to help out new players in this game or I just feel lonely that need someone to interact with. Either way, I like it and I have no regret.

Second is meeting with a close beginners who sometimes loses story mode and already friend on Wangan Navigator. It's his birthday and He want to finish the Bingo Challenge's rewards so I helped a bit with it and combined for rewards.

Third, It's the classmate I met sitting behind me in the college. The other day he saw me playing WMMT emulator on my laptop so he requested me to help him setup so I did. And now he actually returned to WMMT game after a long time. Did I did a bad influence on him? This time he got here with his girl so I didn't interrupt or interact much with them.

Fourth, Is the beginners couples who plays together as beginners and they got part time job. I would say we been friend quite weeks now. And now they both got new body color on their main car and discarded card in which is 100 plays. Good for them.

Fifth is I met these 2 veterans from waaaayyy back WMMT game series, We battled each other and glad with talk of how old game engine behaves to the current version now, He even says hope we both meet each other someday.

Almost forgot my discord nitro membership will expire in 23 September, I think I will cancel it If I wanna save money. I returned home pretty late to home at 10pm, Maybe shopping: garbage bag and daily supplies goes for tomorrow instead I guess I will push minor events away. Such things as I am doing laundry today, 

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