11st August 2023 - thought burst

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Going out alot on a single day, or something...

Somewhere in 1pm, when we have no plan where to go. Seeing one of our boy housemate plans to go outside somewhere. So I asked, He is heading to OneUtama Mall located somewhere within Kuala Lumpur City through MRT. Sounds like good idea, I passed this to one of my female housemate. She agree to come anyway, Staying home and do assignments is never fun.

When we are ready. After take a bath. The boy housemate already went out before us. He didn't wait so only two of us heading out next. She appears to be wearing a demin sailor suit? I didn't want to say it out but it looks good. Before heading to the mall to leisure off we decide to eat in nearby Chicken Rice Shop since it's somewhat Lunch saver. Don't want to mention it, This looks like a date or something. What the heck? Forget it. I'm 20 years old now, This should be fairly regular stuff between the adults.

Just as "nosy" as I am wandering my eyes with unnecessary attention to my surrounding details. Being Nosy could sound like bad things. But I feel like I'm doing it because I care and want to help people's stuff but that's overdoing it. Anyway, I noticed her hands trembles sometimes or some kind of mental issues? Reminds me one of old friend I used to know. Oh, my neighbor they both have identical traits. I'm worried and not sure if I want to ask. When we are returning later at night she is willing to share a concern about hand trembles issues as such (Anxiety/Anxious?). I don't wanna bring it out too much because it feel like I am prying into her buissness or involved. She's isn't legal 18 years old yet (17 and birthday somewhere next month) so I need to be careful with my actions. 

On the other day, I bought Data plan for MEGA file streaming website. Though I could have more backup locations. Beside all that, I need that transfer limit topped up. Because I been looking into more Pirates Games lately. Notably, erotic games...... But I do my best hide them away lol. (secret.txt). More information about Pirated or Modded game website. They usually link it to site such as Google Drive, Torrent or MEGA like I mentioned earlier. and all of them have quota limit for files and transfer. Only extends much more if they willing to buy a monthly subscription off. But it's reasonably priced so I did. I just need to becareful and count all my spendings into my phone's notes...

My dad and my mom contacts me about problems and what I need where I live. I guess they're just worried lol I keep telling them not to worry too much and not fear of me not able to take care of myself. Well, back then I always anxious and fear what shit happen and waste too much time back in hometown. To be honest ever since I start living in the city, I feel refreshen and joyful whenever I go outside and see different world. Like going out with friends and study new things and then come home playing my favourite games like how I wanted my life to be. But not to forget your old friends and your past. You still need each other to care about. What is this bs meaningful stuff i write for no reason lol i should stop these. Anyway, Provisions to bring next time I come back to my hometown is..... Vitamin C? Actual better Blanket? I don't think there's much because I can buy them off  anywhere in the city lol. But there's still alot of products and stuff I don't know about so sometime I ask my parents where do I buy product or what products to choose. My mother also ready a Air Fryer for me to use in my apartments with housemates. Should I keep call them housemate lol because we live in apartment upper floor and we live under the same celling not the same room imo.

Back to going out with my female housemate, we got pretty lost in One Utama Centre mall. But we also get to play Arcade games. Sadly I can't find that drum rythem game anywhere there. We could play that on our apartment's nearby mall lol. She told me she played most of the arcade games so there's isnt she is interested so she stood next to me while I play one of my favourite game franchies racing game. I feel like worried that she didn't play any of those arcade game and gave me the extra tokens to play my own. I should repay her sometimes.......

Later in the mall we got to a Popular bookstore, sort of. Noticed bunch of stationary. And... Anime DVDs??????? You don't get to see them much back in your hometown's mall. This is amazing. I can watch all the shows I missed or missing on the streaming sites I visited. And you get to watch them all you like. Some popular series even includes OVA and Movie release as well. of course the price gets more expensive. Usually most of them are Season 1 (13 episodes) or up to 2 seasons. But man, There's alot of show I watched before or even I haven't watch it before but wanting to watch. I saw the last stock of a RomCom new series DVD release in 2023, snatched it and held it in my hand in case anyone snap it away before I finalized the decision of purchasing this. Because it's months streaming site doesn't publish this, the show I wanting to watch and it's reasonable priced as well. Me and my housemate also have a great talk with novels, animes and shows because she somehow have some similiar interests with it. My laptop doesn't a physical DVD ROM but I will figure it out with buying a USB connect ROM player or watch it back in my hometown. for now. The DVD itself stay untouched inside the case until I actually watch it.

In the mall, I can look to shop video games and visit what my eye catches. like electronic appliances. It even got clinic too lol. Sigh, Too much to write. I got to stop here.

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