17 August 2023

15 1 1

Went to the biggest mall, bought the smallest amount of items.

This afternooon, we are ready to arrive to IKEA today. Through MRT stations. 3 girls and 1 man.(me), shopping out with housemates like usual. And there's this one skinny girl. Why does she always dress cute as a outfit whenever she goes out.. she even got a matching handbag. What.. that's so cute... of course I didn't show sign of it and say it.

Heading to IKEA. . As usual, I always study and aware of my surroundings. The city is not always good and kind people out there, but I'll do my best to greet and smile at everyone I meet.

This is insane. We went to IKEA just to find a standing fan and came back with nothing although we bought something outside of IKEA but it just small items as much as cable box or keychains. I also wanted to try their IKEA chocolate bar but cannot purchase it because they start to use EWallet Card where I haven't got myself one yet at  situation where I don't even have notes to buy with and have to rely on my smartphone to pay for stuff. That's how we bought literally nothing after scouring whole IKEA. But at very least we found stuff that could plan to buy in the future.

Heading back to MRT station. Sitting in the train long time can feel drowsy but standing around can feel queasy but I will get use to it someday. In this group I am usually the far behind or the most behind person. So I am rarely shows at the leader or front ahead person. I only does that when my housemates needs direction or guide for English words they don't understand

When we arrived at Chinatown through MRT station. Where we have to take long escalator way up. I mgjt have developed thigh fetish. This is weird but I have to admit my heart out by writing this,  When I'm behind my housemate girl when we are going up the escalator. I can see.... Her bare thighs. (She is wearing skirt after all) my heart sorta throbs. What is wrong with me with these no good thoughts.... She is too pure and innocent but will improve my morale to help them out more.

The chinatown is called Petaling street, i think. I may say street shopping. The foreigners are much more common here but it's reasonable that this place is truly a sight and spot to walk with but most products here are cheap products especially with this poor quality clothing where foods and snacks are actually decent.

I also interacted with 2 very tall german people. Apparently they are brothers in KL on a trip for 3 days. I still have minor anxiety and mumbling while having a conversation with them  but it's always handle well with "Have a good day" at the end. I never felt so glad taking advantage of my 5 years of speaking good language skill by talking people through internet and make contents off it. Makes me fond of interacting with foreigners more now.

We head back taking alot of photos, we laughed at each other face because most of my photos are literally taken without them noticing it. But they are good ones.

Back in our home, we do stuff as usual, return to our rooms and do our personal activities like playing games as such.

It's 3:40am. I haven't sleep yet, heard noises out my room. I investigated and noticed its the girl housemate I talked about this afternoon. Just like me, We are both stay up late. She made herself fast noodles. I decided to make a bowl of it as well, we have a small conversation before we goes to sleep.

Since I boiled the noodle literally on the bowl. It is very hot, so hot I wouldn't have my finger on it. So I basically used a fork to soften it. She came up and wanted to use the water dispenser which is literally placed in front of the fast noodle I boiled. She asked me to move it nicely, but no way I can't it's too hot to do so. It sounds unnecessarily because it wouldn't affect much, but she did lifted the bowl with her bare fingers and placed it on top of empty plate for me. I can literally tell she is shaking by the heat she getting. That made instantly worried that she hurts her finger that I have to ask her to have me check her fingers. Why did she do it, it's unnecessary and she would hurt her, Or is it because she want to help me? She keep saying its fine but it doesn't look like at all.

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