28 January 2024

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My dad's birthday.... Or is it 29? I messaged HBD in the family group chat and everyone celebrating with him back in hometown. I mean, yesterday it was okay progress on the movie art book assignment but best finish it since deadline is already near. I woke up with major headache, I remembered I went to toilet at 8am, and went back to sleep. Ended up waking at 1am... I guess. I will go down and eat before continue my assignment, this headache doesn't help it. I am too tired to think.

Knowing that there's class tomorrow afternoon wonder If I can just skip class and proceed to do the photoshoot right away tomorrow. Order Roti Canai and prepare equipments as such.

I sometime wonder If I have time to do my assignments, this terrifies me. Meanwhile, My dad birthday is celebrated with other relatives. Which makes me wanna cry and return to hometown after this semester is over. But at same time, I want to go out at 8pm like usual too. But probably skip dinner.

As I run through the streets to the mall which take some time to get there. I want to be there and less time possible so I often walks fast and even run through the roads and streets. Yes, its why I said I looked at myself compared the before me who was a slob, nerd who sometime doesn't go outside and doing stuff that is not helping myself. Now look at me. I occasionally run and train my stamina at night. Like theres lights shine on road ahead knowing I can run clear on it.

Beside that, I now do something productive in Assignment because of college and making friends... I want to go back and tell the pathetic self a lesson I ruined my own life which at this point I am still ruining it. Went over the budget just to top up the arcade balance card. That I expected I will play a bit more right after finishing my exam and this semester.

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