8 February 2024

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Today, The whole family goes out to probably shop and eat together. As well as grandmother, my dad usually talks about upcoming plans in the Chinese new year and mom occasionally shares the stuff happening around relatives. Of course, due to the late passed away relative we cannot celebrate much with it. My brother need dad's help with ATM card details to learn. I guess this family is becoming more active than usual now.

My hometown arcade friend mentioned he's gonna stay till evening so I decided to come take my mom serviced car and buy what she need for supplies. Its still quite nervous driving but I got there to the mall safely. As well as letting an ambulance pass. But sadly I have to wait until next week for my laptop to be done repairing for RM200. Oh crap, I almost forgot to lock my car door. Gotta head back up to the lot and park it.

The arcade session is quite nice. We battled each other, of course. He is still much more superior than me but I am not disappointed since we still discuss about the game in common favors. Like how to get crowns and talk about cars related to real life. I drive him home with our return before 7pm since there arent much opponents later near evening and best to not use too much money to play. Since my main purpose is also looking for local versus battle to compete against. Especially higher skilled opponents. If its story mode or ghost battle related to WMMT. I rather play it back in KL instead.

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