15 February 2024

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Seriously? The PC tech said it can be fixed for RM 200, and now cannot be because they found out it cannot be and have to be done because processor is damaged and now need up to thousand to repair it.

The market price of my Intel processor could price around to 310 USD. Is there's any alternative for this thing? I am troubled, send to check around the city for repair? Start with buying a new laptop? Look for alternatives? Or actually buy a replacement which is most people said it's not worth it.

I gonna think about it long and hard to deal with it. And this time I have to bank out my savings for my laptop and don't want to use my dad's money for it any longer. If it's replacement for the processor I need more care to the laptop or save the trouble for new laptop instead... but even then..... I need to calm down, lets have lunch with my mom and think about it later

I decided with my dad that I will have processor replacement done. Afterwards, I will need constant care to my laptop like clearing dusts and turbo off that won't make my cpu degrade by high temperature. It wouldn't worth much but I need it. For now, I will play a bit of Red Dead 2 on my PS5 and then go out with dad for his plan to watch movie together and eat at venue at night. Of course, As an adult I must behave properly and swiftly. Don't want too much pressure on my dad, but... to have to repair it in hometown then send it to me or personally find a store in KL while Im up there for repair.

I returned the laptop from the PC tech shop out on the street. Thanked for checking it, I tried to start. There's light, there's power and theres screen but it cannot start properly. And forced to start in BiOS. I decided to have it repaired in KL City, instead of fixing it in hometown then sending it up. But have to be specific and careful when handing to them. Price, warranty, quote and clear what details for the replacement. Don't be fooled for replacement with older one to me..

Anyway. We watched a movie with family, itself is touching and funny. Well, it's a Lunar new year movie. But my dad is a bit in rush so we quickly left the cinema, that he told us about the night venue. Of course my dad and my younger brother still occasionally talks about cars. For the situation with my laptop, I doubt processor is actually broken. I mean, shouldn't be unable to launch if its really broken? Need second opinion tech check.

At the night venue with my and other one family at the same table. The pristine dishes and chinese shows. One notable to us is the lucky draw where each table have 10 numbers for each person. 20 Electronic Applications for number mentioned they will be lucky draw them. Like fan, air fryer, oven as such. For me, I won the electronic toasters. The kids,adults and even the narrator drew one too. Then the head prizes are TVs.

My discord friends told me that its Operating files system screwed, that can be easily fixed by reinstalling the OS.

Theres this baby cat outside my house doorstep keep meowing. For odd reasons, this cat is no fear to me and my younger brother. Instead this cat keep following around me and fond walking around me and willingly to have me play with this cat. The question is why. I don't want to take in and adopt a cat but it can't leave me alone. It returned by doorstep at midnight and keep meowing, causing some ruckus. The welcome was it poop on mat but it is easily cleaned soon and later I dont know so me and my brother entered the house before the cat tries to.

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