5 October 2023

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I wake up at 12:30 again. I should stop sleeping overnight pass 3 am.

Dream's Event

This dream brought me back to familiar places again, I looked at my own clothing. I am a 17 years old me wearing old school uniform. And around me is seems to be a street district in a city. It's all fictional so it's all made up in my dream. 15 floor high platforms, 10 floor high motel building surrounded with a large swimming pool with tall outlets in centre. The corners seems to be a condominium or big house with private security in it. Out in the ally seems to be Japanese styled path that lead straight to nearby big shopping mall. In which I been there before in my dream and I know the layout. 

Before I was being placed in this spot. I told my parents I'll be going to the arcade. And theres a minute of me being inside a classroom with friends messing around the equipments on the shelves. I wouldn't do those as kids anymore but I am basically a playful teen in the dream.

I climbed up and sneak into what seems to be a foreign wine or coffee shop. The boss and employees there are evil and badly influenced. After I walk pass the entrance where customers dine at I saw something frightened me and back off slowly outside. Also checks on customers's leftover food. An employee approached me, said something that scares me that I should escape now. I proceed head to balcony and jump off by ledge grabs after drops. "The female employee said You can't escape here boy". I said: "Ha! It's only 1 floor!" After going down 1 floor I realized I am not at ground floor yet. It's like 10 floor high up here. This is where I describe the places looks like from the scenery. I ran around the floor and found an access point what seems to be connected to a heavy security condominium backyard. I could go in and escape through there but theres two men in black in sight within the yard seems to be security guards. I tried to sneak around with bushes but ended up no space to go. I could jump down and land into the deep swimming pool down there but come on its death sentence jumping into pool from 8 floor high.

I went around and found scaffolding instead, I ledge grab drop myself there and ran like hell into the ally. And straight into the mall and getaway. I am not sure if I am being chased but all I know I must get out of there. After got into safety at the mall I slowly walked to the arcade like usual. Then I woke up from the dream.

What is this dream trying to tell me? Will I encounter troubles and danger on my way doing something or? I woke up my entire body feels very heavy and want to drop dead back to sleep again. And remembered what happened yesterday. Meh, I'll just forget it for now.

Today I will go shopping and go to an arcade through mid valley to discover different arcades out there, either way I shall stop slacking and get prepared.

Got bath, went nearby shopped for supplies and now it's 5pm at Train station. And it takes estimates 50 minute or somewhere to get there. But is it worth the time and effort to go there though? You are basically going to the same set of machines but at different places and outlets. Well, It might not sound bad at all since It's the first time I arrive there by myself and with this method I found. At the very least I get to discover different places and peoples yeah?

Went to Mid Valley Megamall today. And proceed to stay at one of the known outlet for Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune machines. And it is certainly refreshing to play at different arcade instead. I met one familiar player and alot of different and strong players. And doing card services there areee very good. Since it's also under the same company of the outlet I can use the balance credit card just fine.Going to there by train stations usually takes around 45 minutes or more which is much better than other outlets Options with those arcades marked on the map.

But there's one thing that kinda bother me every time I wanna go to toilet, Why is female janitor allowed in male's restroom? I don't get it.

When I got home it's already over 10pm, And I haven't have lunch yet. Only bread for holding on. Still curious whether I am going to eat cereal or have fast noodles with pot tonight. Also, my parents called me and have a conversation with Grandmother as well that she have serious diseases. When I return I will buy gifts for my father and pay more visits to my grandparents.

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