25 September 2023 - NMH animation & films industry

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Today's Lessons, The art of Miyazaki's Japanese animation. Powerful scene where nothing happens.


 Screenwriting rule where there's drop and rise, and there's climax in films. To create immersive exprieince for the audience. Elaborate's Screenwriting technique. Yeah White, remember to check teacher's notes through google drives link.

Shadow Play, shadow puppetry as such. Performs behind white screen. Ding Huan, chinese engineer. Peter Mark Roger.

 Magic Lantern,  project films using optical lights.  It's popular in Entertainment world, Hand painted images using as single frame. Using slide to make animation. But no longer compete when Cinema arrives. (source: The Magic of Magic Lantern YT)

Trauma-trope, Using 2 seperate image. and using spinning speed to create optical illusion 2 image looks fused together.

Phenakistoscope/Zootrope, these are the one that create illusions of movement. There's also flip book.

One notable is that, films also done using frame by frame drawn characters. This is such good example. 

https://www.facebook.com/cin ematogr/videos/how-cartoons-were-madecinemamagic/721590982330388/

 First Film of the Silent Era, where no sound effects, No talking, No subtitles. Just watching. Probably music. 

Chronophotograph, Jules studies the motion of human, bird flight all that.

Zoopraxiscope, or Muybridge's Zoopraxiscope. Image are placed curved on 16 inch disk glass. Painting on top of images that is being projected. Alot of similiar methods were used as instead of using glass, they use paper. Fittting with vivid color.


First moving Sequence, few example are animation just last few seconds. And using photography capture frame by frame to create animation... or a film.

Kinetoscope. Invented by Thomas A. Edison, Film making technology were difficulty. Short seconds of film were projected and watched through a cabinet. It was overwhelming back in the days when it came to production and released.

1903 Edison Phonograph Recording amazes everyone. I don't even know how is audio recorded through a wax cylinder and being played.


Cinematography, the first ever animated film. Also use of VFX. - First animated film. Utilizing stop motion. J Stuart Blackton, considered as the father of animation.

Rotoscope, using live action film as reference and use it in drawn animation characters. Woah, I guessed not many are interested in this lesson today and alot were sleep/drawing away attention and looking at their phone.

Montage of film / Phonofilm - First synchronized sound film.

Back then computer generated 3D films stuns everyone. the Toy Story movie sets of amazing example. Behind the scenes posted on YouTube, Toy Story is pretty steps ahead. in 90s

Whatever, for today's assignment we gotta do "Evolution of Japanese Animation"

Finally, something I am most familiar with to help with the team. But it's exeuction is concerns though, Ahh. Let's put this aside and think for another day.

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